author Eugen Sawin <>
Sat, 05 Mar 2011 15:27:15 +0100
changeset 10 3789f490c8f3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added (DP) Fibonacci example.
     1 KMP := proc (T::string, P::string)
     2 # Input: Text T und Muster P
     3 # Output: Liste L mit Verschiebungen i,
     4 #         an denen P in T vorkommt
     5     n := length (T); m := length(P);
     6     L := []; next := KMPnext(P);
     7     j := 0;
     8     for i from 1 to n do
     9         whilej>0and T[i]!=P[j+1]
    10             do j := next [j] od;
    11         if T[i] = P[j+1] then j := j+1 fi;
    12         if j = m then
    13             L := [L[] , i-m];
    14             j := next [j]
    15         fi;
    16     od;
    17     RETURN (L);
    18 end;
    20 KMPnext := proc (P : : string)
    21 #Input : Muster P
    22 #Output : next-Array für P
    23     m := length (P);
    24     next := array (1..m);
    25     next [1] := 0;
    26     j := 0;
    27     for i from 2 to m do
    28         while j > 0 and P[i] <> P[j+1]
    29             do j := next [j] od;
    30         if P[i] = P[j+1] then j := j+1 fi;
    31         next [i] := j
    32     od;
    33     RETURN (next);
    34 end;