author Eugen Sawin <sawine@me73.com>
Fri, 01 Oct 2010 18:59:45 +0200
changeset 6 6f89b07e12cc
parent 5 9d0e6ae739cf
child 7 878956edb936
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed some issues with (auto) beginning and ending.
     1 """
     2 Database lib for cronrec.
     3 Author: Eugen Sawin (sawine@me73.com)
     4 Dependencies: libsqlite3-dev
     5 """
     7 import sqlite3
     9 ACTIVITIES_TABLE = """activities(
    10 name text not null,
    11 description text)"""
    13 COMPANIES_TABLE = """companies(
    14 name text not null,
    15 street text,
    16 area text,
    17 town text,
    18 country text,
    19 postal text)"""
    21 PROJECTS_TABLE = """projects(
    22 name text not null,
    23 number int,
    24 customer int,
    25 constraint customer_fk foreign key(customer) references companies(rowid) on delete
    26 cascade)"""
    28 RATES_TABLE = """rates(
    29 rate smallmoney
    30 flatrate smallmoney,
    31 project int,
    32 activity int,
    33 constraint project_fk foreign key(project) references projects(rowid) on delete
    34 cascade,
    35 constraint activity_fk foreign key(activity) references activities(rowid) on delete
    36 cascade)"""
    38 TASKS_TABLE = """tasks(
    39 begin datetime,
    40 end datetime,
    41 project int,
    42 activity int,
    43 log text,
    44 constraint project_fk foreign key(project) references projects(rowid) on delete
    45 cascade,
    46 constraint activity_fk foreign key(activity) references activities(rowid) on delete
    47 cascade)"""
    52 DEF_PROJECT = "default"
    53 DEF_ACTIVITY = "default"
    55 def session(db_file):
    56 	con = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
    57 	return con, con.cursor()
    59 def test(db_file):
    60 	con, cur = session(db_file)
    61 	cur.execute("select * from projects")
    62 	print "\nprojects"
    63 	for c in cur:
    64 		print c
    65 	cur.execute("select * from activities")
    66 	print "\nactivities"
    67 	for c in cur:
    68 		print c
    69 	cur.execute("select * from tasks")
    70 	print "\ntasks"
    71 	for c in cur:
    72 		print c
    73 	con.commit()
    74 	cur.close()
    76 def init(db_file):
    77 	con, cur = session(db_file)
    78 	for table in TABLES:
    79 		sql = "create table " + table
    80 		cur.execute(sql)
    81 	con.commit()
    82 	cur.close()
    84 def find_last_project(db_file, time):
    85 	con, cur = session(db_file)
    86 	values = (time,)
    87 	sql = "select project from tasks where begin < ? and end is null order by \
    88 begin desc"
    89 	cur.execute(sql, values)
    90 	id = cur.fetchone()
    91 	if id:
    92 		values = (id[0],)
    93 		sql = "select name from projects where rowid=?"
    94 		cur.execute(sql, values)
    95 		project = cur.fetchone()[0]
    96 	else:
    97 		project = None#DEF_PROJECT
    98 	con.commit()
    99 	cur.close()
   100 	return project
   102 def find_last_activity(db_file, time):
   103 	con, cur = session(db_file)
   104 	values = (time,)
   105 	sql = "select activity from tasks where begin < ? and end is null order by \
   106 begin desc"
   107 	cur.execute(sql, values)
   108 	id = cur.fetchone()
   109 	if id:
   110 		values = (id[0],)
   111 		sql = "select name from activities where rowid=?"
   112 		cur.execute(sql, values)
   113 		activity = cur.fetchone()[0]
   114 	else:
   115 		activity = None#DEF_ACTIVITY
   116 	con.commit()
   117 	cur.close()
   118 	return activity
   120 def row_id(db_file, table, name):
   121 	con, cur = session(db_file)
   122 	values = (name,)
   123 	sql = "select rowid from %s where name=?" % table
   124 	cur.execute(sql, values)
   125 	id = cur.fetchone()
   126 	if not id:
   127 		sql = "insert into %s(name) values(?)" % table
   128 		cur.execute(sql, values)
   129 		con.commit()
   130 		cur.close()
   131 		return row_id(db_file, table, name)
   132 	con.commit()
   133 	cur.close()
   134 	return id[0]
   136 def project_id(db_file, name):
   137 	return row_id(db_file, "projects", name)
   139 def activity_id(db_file, name):
   140 	return row_id(db_file, "activities", name)
   142 def end(db_file, project, activity, time):
   143 	print "ending: %s:%s" % (project, activity)
   144 	if activity or project:		
   145 		if not activity:
   146 			activity = find_last_activity(db_file, time)
   147 		elif not project:
   148 			project = find_last_project(db_file, time) 	
   149 		con, cur = session(db_file)
   150 		values = (time, project_id(db_file, project), activity_id(db_file, activity))
   151 		sql = "update tasks set end=? where project=? and activity=?"
   152 		cur.execute(sql, values)
   153 		con.commit()
   154 		cur.close()
   155 	test(db_file)
   157 def begin(db_file, project, activity, time):
   158 	print "beginning: %s:%s" % (project, activity)
   159 	last_project = find_last_project(db_file, time) 
   160 	last_activity = find_last_activity(db_file, time)	
   161 	if not project:
   162 		project = last_project
   163 	elif not activity:
   164 			activity = DEF_ACTIVITY
   165 	if activity != last_activity or project != last_project:
   166 		end(db_file, last_project, last_activity, time)
   167 		con, cur = session(db_file)
   168 		values = (time, None, project_id(db_file, project), 
   169 					activity_id(db_file, activity), None)
   170 		sql = "insert into tasks values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
   171 		cur.execute(sql, values)
   172 		con.commit()
   173 		cur.close()
   174 	test(db_file)