author Eugen Sawin <sawine@me73.com>
Wed, 09 May 2012 15:13:41 +0200
changeset 7 77de69aef70e
parent 3 ae5b1e3baf07
permissions -rw-r--r--
Final ex2 solution.
     1 \documentclass[a4paper, 10pt, pagesize, smallheadings]{article}
     2 \usepackage{graphicx}
     3 %\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
     4 \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
     5 \usepackage{typearea}
     6 \usepackage{algorithm}
     7 \usepackage{algorithmic}
     8 \usepackage{fullpage}
     9 \usepackage{mathtools}
    10 \usepackage[all]{xy}
    11 \addtolength{\voffset}{-40pt}
    12 \title{CSP Exercise 01 Solution}
    13 \author{Eugen Sawin}
    14 \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
    15 \newcommand{\E}{\mathcal{E}}
    16 \newcommand{\R}{\mathcal{R}}
    18 %\include{pythonlisting}
    20 \pagestyle{empty}
    21 \begin{document}
    22 \maketitle
    24 \section*{Exercise 1.1}
    25 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c||c|c|c||c|c|c|}
    26   \hline
    27   5&3&6 &4&7&2 &8&1&9 \\ \hline
    28   4&2&1 &6&9&8 &5&7&3 \\ \hline
    29   7&8&9 &1&5&3 &4&6&2 \\ \hline\hline
    31   8&6&3 &9&2&4 &1&5&7 \\ \hline
    32   1&7&5 &8&3&6 &9&2&4 \\ \hline
    33   2&9&4 &5&1&7 &6&3&8 \\ \hline\hline
    35   3&1&8 &2&4&5 &7&9&6 \\ \hline
    36   9&4&7 &3&6&1 &2&8&5 \\ \hline
    37   6&5&2 &7&8&9 &3&4&1 \\ \hline
    38 \end{tabular} \\\\
    39 I have applied following strategies to solve the puzzle:
    40 \begin{itemize}
    41   \item look for most contrained blocks, rows and columns
    42   \item look for values with most resolved positions
    43   \item annotate cells with consistent values
    44   \item look for inconsistent connections between cell annotations
    45 \end{itemize}
    47 \section*{Exercise 1.2}
    48 (a) $R_{x,y} \bowtie S_{y,z} = \{(a,b,a),(a,b,c)\}$\\\\
    49 (b) $\sigma_{z=c}(R_{x,y} \bowtie S_{y,z}) = \{(a,b,c)\}$\\\\
    50 (c) $\pi_x(R_{x,y}) = \{(a)\}$\\\\
    51 (d) $R_{x,y} \circ S_{y,z} = \{(a,a),(a,c)\}$
    53 \section*{Exercise 1.3}
    54 (a) By definition holds
    55 \begin{align}
    56   R \circ (S \cup T) &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y,z) \in (S \cup T)\}\\
    57   R \circ S &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y,z) \in S\}\\
    58   R \circ T &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y,z) \in T\}
    59 \end{align}\setcounter{equation}{0}\\
    60 The union of (2) and (3) gives us the set of all $(x,y) \in R$ with either $(y,z) \in S$ or $(y,z) \in T$, from which follows that $(y,z) \in (S \cup T)$, making it equal to (1). \qed\\\\
    61 (b) By definition holds
    62 \begin{align}
    63   -R &= \{(x,y) \in X^2 \mid (x,y) \notin R\}\\
    64   (-R)^{-1} &= \{(y,x) \in X^2 \mid (x,y) \in -R\}\\
    65   -(R^{-1}) &= \{(x,y) \in X^2 \mid (x,y) \notin R^{-1}\}\\
    66   -(R^{-1}) &= \{(x,y) \in X^2 \mid (y,x) \notin R\}
    67 \end{align}\setcounter{equation}{0}\\
    68 We've obtained (4) by applying the converse definition on (3). From the definition of $-R$ (1) follows that $(x,y) \in -R$ iff $(x,y) \notin R$, and therefore we see that (2) and (4) define equal sets. \qed\\\\
    69 (c) By definition holds
    70 \begin{align}
    71   (R \circ S)^{-1} &= \{(z,x) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y,z) \in S\}\\
    72   S^{-1} \circ R^{-1} &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in S^{-1} \text{ and } (y,z) \in R^{-1}\}\\
    73   S^{-1} \circ R^{-1} &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (y,x) \in S \text{ and } (z,y) \in R\}
    74 \end{align}\setcounter{equation}{0}\\
    75 We've obtained (3) by applying the converse definition on (2). After some variable juggling we see that (1) and (3) define equal sets. \qed\\\\
    76 (d) By definition holds
    77 \begin{align}
    78   R \circ S &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y,z) \in S\}\\
    79   (R \circ S) \cap T^{-1} &= (R \circ S) \cap \{(y,x) \in X^2 \mid (x,y) \in T\}\\
    80   (R \circ S) \cap T^{-1} &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in R \text{ and } (y,z) \in S \text{ and } (z,x) \in T\}\\
    81   (S \circ T) \cap R^{-1} &= \{(x,z) \in X^2 \mid \exists{y \in X}: (x,y) \in S \text{ and } (y,z) \in T \text{ and } (z,x) \in R\}
    82 \end{align}\\
    83 We've obtained (3) by directly applying intersection within the set comprehension of (2). It follows that\\
    84 \begin{align}
    85   (R \circ S) \cap T^{-1} = \emptyset &\iff \forall{x,y,z \in X}: (x,y) \notin R \text{ or } (y,z) \notin S \text{ or } (z,x) \notin T\\
    86   \text{ and } (S \circ T) \cap R^{-1} = \emptyset &\iff \forall{x,y,z \in X}: (x,y) \notin S \text{ or } (y,z) \notin T \text{ or } (z,x) \notin R
    87 \end{align}\\
    88 As we can see, the intersections form a ring-like relationship between the sets' tuples $(...,R, S, T, R,...)$. After some variable reordering, we see that both intersections are empty iff there is no ring-like relationship between any tuples of the three sets. \qed
    89 \end{document}