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     1.1 --- a/books.html	Mon Jul 05 17:19:17 2010 +0200
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    1.21 -	    <p id="intro">A Programmer's Playground.</p>
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    1.37 -			<p>Here is a list of books I find useful or simply enjoyed reading them.</p>
    1.38 -<h2>Engineering &amp; Science</h2>
    1.39 -<ul>
    1.40 -<li><h4>The Pragmatic Programmer</h4><h5>Andrew Hunt and David Thomas</h5>
    1.41 -A collection of advises for effective software development.
    1.42 -</li>
    1.43 -<li><h4>Effective C++ / More Effective C++</h4><h5>Scott Meyers</h5>
    1.44 -Effective and safe C++ programming advises for practical use.
    1.45 -</li>
    1.46 -<li><h4>Thinking in C++</h4><h5>Bruce Eckel</h5>
    1.47 -A freely available introduction to C++ and its Standard Library.
    1.48 -</li>
    1.49 -<li><h4>Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach</h4><h5>Stuart J. Russel and Peter Norvig</h5>
    1.50 -A comprehensive compendium of most techniques for the development of artificial intelligence.
    1.51 -</li>
    1.52 -<li><h4>The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants</h4><h5>Przemyslwa Prusinkieicz and Aristid Lindenmayer</h5>
    1.53 -A wonderful introduction to L-systems and a motivational read.
    1.54 -</li>
    1.55 -<li><h4>Compilers: Principles, Techniques &amp; Tools</h4><h5>Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam and Ravi Sethi</h5>
    1.56 -The standard introduction to compiler development. Also known as the Dragon Book.
    1.57 -</li>
    1.58 -<li><h4>Computer Networks</h4><h5>Andrew S. Tanenbaum</h5>
    1.59 -A good and in-depth textbook for network technology.   
    1.60 -</li>
    1.61 -<li><h4>A Brief History of Time</h4><h5>Stephen W. Hawking</h5>
    1.62 -Popular science. Follow Stephen on his quest for the Theory of Everything.
    1.63 -</li>
    1.64 -</ul>
    1.65 -<h2>Fiction</h2>
    1.66 -<ul>
    1.67 -<li><h4>Alice in Wonderland</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
    1.68 -Follow the rabbit.
    1.69 -</li>
    1.70 -<li><h4>Through the Looking-Glass</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
    1.71 -Sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
    1.72 -</li>
    1.73 -<li><h4>1984</h4><h5>George Orwell</h5>
    1.74 -Classic novel about a totalitarian regime and its influence on the society.
    1.75 -</li>
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    1.84 -			ME73 is my digital playground.
    1.85 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
    1.86 -            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
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   1.154 +			<p>Here is a list of books I find useful or simply enjoyed reading them.</p>
   1.155 +<h2>Engineering &amp; Science</h2>
   1.156 +<ul>
   1.157 +<li><h4>The Pragmatic Programmer</h4><h5>Andrew Hunt and David Thomas</h5>
   1.158 +A collection of advises for effective software development.
   1.159 +</li>
   1.160 +<li><h4>Effective C++ / More Effective C++</h4><h5>Scott Meyers</h5>
   1.161 +Effective and safe C++ programming advises for practical use.
   1.162 +</li>
   1.163 +<li><h4>Thinking in C++</h4><h5>Bruce Eckel</h5>
   1.164 +A freely available introduction to C++ and its Standard Library.
   1.165 +</li>
   1.166 +<li><h4>Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach</h4><h5>Stuart J. Russel and Peter Norvig</h5>
   1.167 +A comprehensive compendium of most techniques for the development of artificial intelligence.
   1.168 +</li>
   1.169 +<li><h4>The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants</h4><h5>Przemyslwa Prusinkieicz and Aristid Lindenmayer</h5>
   1.170 +A wonderful introduction to L-systems and a motivational read.
   1.171 +</li>
   1.172 +<li><h4>Compilers: Principles, Techniques &amp; Tools</h4><h5>Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam and Ravi Sethi</h5>
   1.173 +The standard introduction to compiler development. Also known as the Dragon Book.
   1.174 +</li>
   1.175 +<li><h4>Computer Networks</h4><h5>Andrew S. Tanenbaum</h5>
   1.176 +A good and in-depth textbook for network technology.   
   1.177 +</li>
   1.178 +<li><h4>A Brief History of Time</h4><h5>Stephen W. Hawking</h5>
   1.179 +Popular science. Follow Stephen on his quest for the Theory of Everything.
   1.180 +</li>
   1.181 +</ul>
   1.182 +<h2>Fiction</h2>
   1.183 +<ul>
   1.184 +<li><h4>Alice in Wonderland</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
   1.185 +Follow the rabbit.
   1.186 +</li>
   1.187 +<li><h4>Through the Looking-Glass</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
   1.188 +Sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
   1.189 +</li>
   1.190 +<li><h4>1984</h4><h5>George Orwell</h5>
   1.191 +Classic novel about a totalitarian regime and its influence on the society.
   1.192 +</li>
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   1.201 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   1.202 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
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