changeset 58 e4720232cf41
parent 57 b27fbffacec9
child 59 191e1954c5b6
     1.1 --- a/downloads/	Mon Jul 18 01:54:27 2011 +0200
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -"""
     1.5 -Name: sml - Simple Modal Logic Lib.
     1.6 -Description: sml provides classes for simple modal logic formulae construction and reduction. It also features a disfunctional parser for the SML syntax.
     1.7 -Author: Eugen Sawin <>
     1.8 -"""
     1.9 -
    1.10 -TMP_DIMACS = "dimacs~"
    1.11 -TMP_SOLUTION = "solution~"
    1.12 -
    1.13 -def main():
    1.14 -    # edit your formulae here
    1.15 -    p = Variable("p")
    1.16 -    q = Variable("q")
    1.17 -    r = Variable("r") 
    1.18 -    s = Variable("s")
    1.19 -    formula1 = Imp(Eq(p, q), r)
    1.20 -    formula2 = Not(Or(p, q))
    1.21 -    formula3 = Not(Not(p))
    1.22 -    formula4 = Imp(Box(Imp(Diamond(p), p)), Box(Imp(p, Box(p))))
    1.23 -    formula5 = Imp(And(Or(p, q), r), Not(s))
    1.24 -    formula6 = And(Or(p, Or(q, Not(s))), And(Or(r, Not(s)), Or(Not(p), s)))
    1.25 -    formula = formula6 # choose your formula here
    1.26 -
    1.27 -    args = parse_arguments()   
    1.28 -    if (args.formula):
    1.29 -        scanner = Scanner(TOKENS)
    1.30 -        parser = Parser(SYNTAX, scanner)
    1.31 -        (accepted, out, tree_nodes) = parser.parse(args.formula)
    1.32 -        if not accepted:
    1.33 -            print EXCUSE 
    1.34 -            return
    1.35 -        tree = SyntaxTree(out, tree_nodes) 
    1.36 -        formula = tree.root
    1.37 -   
    1.38 -    original = formula
    1.39 -    print "formula: \t\t\t%s [%i]" % (formula, formula.depth())
    1.40 -    formula = expand_imp_eq(formula)
    1.41 -    print "expanded -> and <->: \t\t%s [%i]" % (formula, formula.depth()) 
    1.42 -    formula = de_morgan(formula)
    1.43 -    print "reduced ~: \t\t\t%s [%i]" % (formula, formula.depth()) 
    1.44 -    formula = reduce_iter(formula)
    1.45 -    print "reduced iterated modalities: \t%s [%i]" % (formula, formula.depth()) 
    1.46 -    formula = reduce_iter(dist_mod((formula)))
    1.47 -    print "distributed modalities+: \t%s [%i]" % (formula, formula.depth()) 
    1.48 -    formula = mcnf(formula)
    1.49 -    print "alpha mcnf: \t\t\t%s [%i]" % (formula, formula.depth())
    1.50 -    #cnf_formula = cnf(original)
    1.51 -    #print "alpha cnf: \t\t\t%s [%i]" % (cnf_formula, cnf_formula.depth())
    1.52 -    
    1.53 -    if not args.dimacs:
    1.54 -        dimacs_file = TMP_DIMACS
    1.55 -    else:
    1.56 -        dimacs_file = args.dimacs
    1.57 -    solution = sat_test(original, dimacs_file)
    1.58 -    if solution:
    1.59 -        print "satisfiable: \t\t\t%s " % (", ".join([str(s) for s in solution]))
    1.60 -    else:
    1.61 -        print "not satisfiable"
    1.62 -    
    1.63 -from subprocess import call, PIPE
    1.64 -
    1.65 -def sat_test(formula, dimacs_file):
    1.66 -    out, variables = dimacs(formula)
    1.67 -    with open(dimacs_file, "w") as f:
    1.68 -        f.write(out) 
    1.69 -    call(["minisat2", "-verb=0", dimacs_file, TMP_SOLUTION], stdout=PIPE)
    1.70 -    with open(TMP_SOLUTION) as f:
    1.71 -        solved, assignment = f.readlines()  
    1.72 -    solved = solved[0] == "S"      
    1.73 -    if solved:
    1.74 -        positive = set() 
    1.75 -        for a in assignment.split():           
    1.76 -            neg = a[0] == "-"
    1.77 -            if not neg:
    1.78 -                positive.add(int(a))       
    1.79 -        solution = []
    1.80 -        for v, n in variables.iteritems():           
    1.81 -            if n in positive:              
    1.82 -                solution.append(Variable(v))
    1.83 -            else:
    1.84 -                solution.append(Not(Variable(v)))
    1.85 -        return solution
    1.86 -
    1.87 -def dimacs(formula):
    1.88 -    def clausify(f):        
    1.89 -        if == AND:    
    1.90 -            c1 = clausify(f.values[0])   
    1.91 -            c2 = clausify(f.values[1])   
    1.92 -            if c1:
    1.93 -                clauses.append(clausify(f.values[0]))  
    1.94 -            if c2:
    1.95 -                clauses.append(clausify(f.values[1]))              
    1.96 -        if == OR:
    1.97 -            clause = []         
    1.98 -            clause.extend(clausify(f.values[0]))
    1.99 -            clause.extend(clausify(f.values[1]))            
   1.100 -            return clause
   1.101 -        if == NOT:
   1.102 -            return ["-" + clausify(f.values[0])]
   1.103 -        if == VARIABLE:
   1.104 -            if f.values[0] in variables:
   1.105 -                n = variables[f.values[0]]
   1.106 -            else:
   1.107 -                n = len(variables) + 1
   1.108 -                variables[f.values[0]] = n
   1.109 -            return str(n)
   1.110 -      
   1.111 -    variables = {}
   1.112 -    clauses = []
   1.113 -    clausify(formula)
   1.114 -    out = "c DIMACS CNF input file generated by sml\n"
   1.115 -    out += "c Author: Eugen Sawin <>\n"
   1.116 -    out += "p cnf %i %i\n" % (len(variables), len(clauses))    
   1.117 -    out += " 0\n".join([" ".join(c) for c in clauses]) + " 0\n"
   1.118 -    return out, variables
   1.119 -
   1.120 -def values(fun, f):  
   1.121 -    return [fun(v) for v in f.values] 
   1.122 -
   1.123 -def expand_imp_eq(formula):  
   1.124 -    expmap = {IMP: lambda (a, b): Or(Not(a), b),
   1.125 -              EQ: lambda (a, b): And(Or(Not(a), b), Or(a, Not(b)))}   
   1.126 -    if not isinstance(formula, Operator):   
   1.127 -        return formula
   1.128 -    if in expmap:
   1.129 -        return expmap[](values(expand_imp_eq, formula))   
   1.130 -    return formula.__class__(*values(expand_imp_eq, formula))
   1.131 -
   1.132 -def de_morgan(formula):    
   1.133 -    negmap = {AND: lambda (a, b): Or(negate(a), negate(b)),
   1.134 -              OR: lambda (a, b): And(negate(a), negate(b)),
   1.135 -              BOX: lambda (a,): Diamond(negate(a)),
   1.136 -              DIAMOND: lambda (a,): Box(negate(a)),
   1.137 -              VARIABLE: lambda (a,): Not(Variable(a)),
   1.138 -              NOT: lambda (a,): a}    
   1.139 -    def negate(f):
   1.140 -        return negmap[](f.values)
   1.141 -    if not isinstance(formula, Operator):
   1.142 -        return formula  
   1.143 -    if == NOT:
   1.144 -        return negate(formula.values[0])
   1.145 -    return formula.__class__(*values(de_morgan, formula))
   1.146 -
   1.147 -def reduce_iter(formula):  
   1.148 -    redset = set(((BOX, BOX), (DIAMOND, DIAMOND), (DIAMOND, BOX), (BOX, DIAMOND)))
   1.149 -    if not isinstance(formula, Operator) or not isinstance(formula.values[0], Operator):
   1.150 -        return formula
   1.151 -    ids = (, formula.values[0].id)
   1.152 -    if ids in redset:
   1.153 -        return reduce_iter(formula.values[0])
   1.154 -    return formula.__class__(*values(reduce_iter, formula))
   1.155 -
   1.156 -def dist_mod(formula):    
   1.157 -    distmap = {(BOX, AND): lambda (a, b): And(Box(a), Box(b)),
   1.158 -               (DIAMOND, OR): lambda (a, b): Or(Diamond(a), Diamond(b)),
   1.159 -               (BOX, OR): lambda (a, b): (isinstance(a, Box) or isinstance(b, Box))               
   1.160 -               and Or(Box(a), Box(b)) or Box(Or(a, b)),
   1.161 -               (DIAMOND, AND): lambda (a, b): (isinstance(a, Diamond) or isinstance(b, Diamond))
   1.162 -               and And(Diamond(a), Diamond(b)) or Diamond(And(a, b))}   
   1.163 -    if not isinstance(formula, Operator) or not isinstance(formula.values[0], Operator):
   1.164 -        return formula
   1.165 -    ids = (, formula.values[0].id)
   1.166 -    if ids in distmap:
   1.167 -        return distmap[ids](values(dist_mod, formula.values[0]))
   1.168 -    return formula.__class__(*values(dist_mod, formula))    
   1.169 -
   1.170 -def mcnf(formula):
   1.171 -    if == OR:
   1.172 -        conj_id = int(formula.values[1].id == AND) 
   1.173 -        return And(Or(formula.values[conj_id].values[0], formula.values[1 - conj_id]), 
   1.174 -                    Or(formula.values[conj_id].values[1], formula.values[1 - conj_id]));
   1.175 -    return formula
   1.176 -
   1.177 -def cnf(formula):      
   1.178 -    def part(f):
   1.179 -        for v in f.values:
   1.180 -            if != VARIABLE:
   1.181 -                sub_formulae.append(v)
   1.182 -                part(v) 
   1.183 -
   1.184 -    def conjunct(f):
   1.185 -        if len(bicon):
   1.186 -            return And(f, conjunct(bicon.pop()))
   1.187 -        return f
   1.188 -
   1.189 -    sub_formulae = [formula]
   1.190 -    part(formula)
   1.191 -    sub_formulae.reverse() 
   1.192 -    known = {}
   1.193 -    bicon = []
   1.194 -    for s in sub_formulae:       
   1.195 -        for i, v in enumerate(s.values):
   1.196 -            if v in known:
   1.197 -                s.values[i] = known[v]
   1.198 -        bicon.append(Eq(Variable("x" + str(len(bicon))), s))
   1.199 -        known[s] = bicon[-1].values[0]     
   1.200 -    return mcnf(dist_mod(reduce_iter(de_morgan(expand_imp_eq(conjunct(known[formula]))))))
   1.201 -
   1.202 -""" The Parser - Do NOT look below this line! """ 
   1.203 -import re
   1.204 -
   1.205 -NOT = "~"
   1.206 -AND = "&"
   1.207 -OR = "|"
   1.208 -IMP = "->"
   1.209 -EQ = "<->"
   1.210 -BOX = "[]"
   1.211 -DIAMOND = "<>"
   1.212 -VARIABLE = "VAR"
   1.213 -LB = "("
   1.214 -RB = ")"
   1.215 -
   1.216 -class Operator(object):
   1.217 -    def __init__(self, id, arity, *values):
   1.218 - = id         
   1.219 -        self.arity = arity
   1.220 -        self.values = list(values)
   1.221 -    def depth(self):       
   1.222 -        if self.arity == 0:
   1.223 -            return 0
   1.224 -        if in (BOX, DIAMOND):
   1.225 -            return 1 + self.values[0].depth()
   1.226 -        if == NOT:           
   1.227 -            return self.values[0].depth()       
   1.228 -        return max(self.values[0].depth(), self.values[1].depth())
   1.229 -    def __eq__(self, other):
   1.230 -        return == and self.values == other.values # commutative types not considered yet
   1.231 -    def __str__(self):
   1.232 -        out =
   1.233 -        if self.arity == 0:
   1.234 -            out = str(self.values[0])           
   1.235 -        if self.arity == 1:
   1.236 -            out = + str(self.values[0])
   1.237 -        elif self.arity  == 2:          
   1.238 -            out = "(" + str(self.values[0]) + " " + + " " + str(self.values[1]) + ")"
   1.239 -        return out
   1.240 -
   1.241 -class Not(Operator):
   1.242 -    arity = 1
   1.243 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.244 -        Operator.__init__(self, NOT, Not.arity, *values)       
   1.245 -    def __call__(self):
   1.246 -        pass
   1.247 -
   1.248 -class And(Operator):
   1.249 -    arity = 2
   1.250 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.251 -        Operator.__init__(self, AND, And.arity, *values)
   1.252 -       
   1.253 -class Or(Operator):
   1.254 -    arity = 2
   1.255 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.256 -        Operator.__init__(self, OR, Or.arity, *values)       
   1.257 -
   1.258 -class Imp(Operator):
   1.259 -    arity = 2
   1.260 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.261 -        Operator.__init__(self, IMP, Imp.arity, *values)
   1.262 -    
   1.263 -class Eq(Operator):
   1.264 -    arity = 2
   1.265 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.266 -        Operator.__init__(self, EQ, Eq.arity, *values)
   1.267 -    
   1.268 -class Box(Operator):
   1.269 -    arity = 1
   1.270 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.271 -        Operator.__init__(self, BOX, Box.arity, *values)
   1.272 -
   1.273 -class Diamond(Operator):
   1.274 -    arity = 1
   1.275 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.276 -        Operator.__init__(self, DIAMOND, Diamond.arity, *values)
   1.277 -    
   1.278 -class Variable(Operator):
   1.279 -    arity = 0
   1.280 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.281 -        Operator.__init__(self, VARIABLE, Variable.arity, *values)   
   1.282 -
   1.283 -class Lb(Operator):
   1.284 -    arity = -1
   1.285 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.286 -        Operator.__init__(self, LB, Lb.arity, *values)
   1.287 -
   1.288 -class Rb(Operator):
   1.289 -    arity = -1
   1.290 -    def __init__(self, *values):
   1.291 -        Operator.__init__(self, RB, Rb.arity, *values)
   1.292 -
   1.293 -class Formula(object):
   1.294 -    def __init__(self):
   1.295 -        pass 
   1.296 -
   1.297 -TOKENS = {re.compile("\("): Lb,
   1.298 -          re.compile("\)"): Rb,
   1.299 -          re.compile("~"): Not,
   1.300 -          re.compile("&"): And,
   1.301 -          re.compile("\|"): Or,
   1.302 -          re.compile("->"): Imp,
   1.303 -          re.compile("<->"): Eq,
   1.304 -          re.compile("\[\]"): Box,
   1.305 -          re.compile("<>"): Diamond,
   1.306 -          re.compile("[a-z]+"): Variable}
   1.307 -         
   1.308 -class Scanner(object):
   1.309 -    def __init__(self, tokens, source=None):
   1.310 -        self.tokens = tokens
   1.311 -        self.reset(source)
   1.312 -    def next(self):         
   1.313 -        while self.i < len(self.source):
   1.314 -            re.purge()
   1.315 -            for p, token in self.tokens.iteritems():
   1.316 -                m = p.match(self.source[self.i:])               
   1.317 -                if m:                  
   1.318 -                    self.i += m.end(0)
   1.319 -                    value =  
   1.320 -                    return (token, value)
   1.321 -            self.i += 1
   1.322 -        return (None, None)
   1.323 -    def reset(self, source):
   1.324 -        self.i = 0
   1.325 -        self.source = source
   1.326 -
   1.327 -S = Formula
   1.328 -A = "A"
   1.329 -#0 S: (Variable,),
   1.330 -#1 S: (Not, S),
   1.331 -#2 S: (Lb, A, Rb),
   1.332 -#3 S: (Box, S),
   1.333 -#4 S: (Diamond, S),
   1.334 -#5 A: (S, And, S),
   1.335 -#6 A: (S, Or, S),
   1.336 -#7 A: (S, Imp, S),
   1.337 -#8 A: (S, Eq, S)
   1.338 -SYNTAX = ((Variable,),
   1.339 -          (Not, S),
   1.340 -          (Lb, A, Rb),
   1.341 -          (Box, S),
   1.342 -          (Diamond, S),
   1.343 -          (S, And, S),
   1.344 -          (S, Or, S),
   1.345 -          (S, Imp, S),
   1.346 -          (S, Eq, S))
   1.347 -
   1.348 -class Parser(object):
   1.349 -    def __init__(self, syntax, scanner):
   1.350 -        self.syntax = syntax
   1.351 -        self.scanner = scanner
   1.352 -    def parse(self, source):
   1.353 -        table = {(S, Variable): 0,
   1.354 -                 (S, Not): 1,
   1.355 -                 (S, Lb): 2,
   1.356 -                 (S, Box): 3,
   1.357 -                 (S, Diamond): 4,
   1.358 -                 (A, S, And): 5,
   1.359 -                 (A, S, Or): 6,
   1.360 -                 (A, S, Imp): 7,
   1.361 -                 (A, S, Eq): 8,
   1.362 -                 (A, Variable, And): 5,
   1.363 -                 (A, Variable, Or): 6,
   1.364 -                 (A, Variable, Imp): 7,
   1.365 -                 (A, Variable, Eq): 8,
   1.366 -                 (A, Not, Variable, And): 5,
   1.367 -                 (A, Not, Variable, Or): 6,
   1.368 -                 (A, Not, Variable, Imp): 7,
   1.369 -                 (A, Not, Variable, Eq): 8}
   1.370 -        stack = [S]
   1.371 -        tree_nodes = []
   1.372 -        tree = None
   1.373 -        out = []
   1.374 -        self.scanner.reset(source)
   1.375 -        (token, value) =
   1.376 -        (lookahead, la_value) =
   1.377 -        (lookahead2, la2_value) =
   1.378 -        accepted = True 
   1.379 -        while token and len(stack): 
   1.380 -            top = stack[-1]               
   1.381 -            if top == token:
   1.382 -                tree_nodes.append((token, value))
   1.383 -                stack.pop()
   1.384 -                #tree_nodes.append((stack.pop(), value))
   1.385 -                (token, value) = (lookahead, la_value)
   1.386 -                (lookahead, la_value) = (lookahead2, la2_value)
   1.387 -                #(lookahead, _) =
   1.388 -                (lookahead2, la2_value) =
   1.389 -            else:
   1.390 -                action = None
   1.391 -                if (top, token) in table:
   1.392 -                    action = table[(top, token)]
   1.393 -                elif (top, token, lookahead) in table:
   1.394 -                    action = table[(top, token, lookahead)]  
   1.395 -                elif (top, token, lookahead, lookahead2) in table:
   1.396 -                    action = table[(top, token, lookahead, lookahead2)]    
   1.397 -                if action is None:
   1.398 -                    accepted = False
   1.399 -                    break
   1.400 -                
   1.401 -                out.append(action)
   1.402 -                stack.pop()
   1.403 -                stack.extend(reversed(self.syntax[action]))
   1.404 -        accepted = accepted and not len(stack)
   1.405 -        return (accepted, out, tree_nodes) 
   1.406 -
   1.407 -class SyntaxTree(object):
   1.408 -    def __init__(self, seq, tree_nodes):
   1.409 -        seq.reverse()
   1.410 -        tree_nodes.reverse()      
   1.411 -        self.root = self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)[0]       
   1.412 -    def compile(self, seq, tree_nodes):
   1.413 -        stack = []     
   1.414 -        while len(seq):           
   1.415 -            s = seq.pop()
   1.416 -            if s == 0:
   1.417 -                c, v = tree_nodes.pop()
   1.418 -                while c != Variable:
   1.419 -                    c, v = tree_nodes.pop()
   1.420 -                stack.append(Variable(v))
   1.421 -            elif s == 1:
   1.422 -                stack.append(Not(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)))
   1.423 -            elif s == 2:
   1.424 -                stack.extend(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes))
   1.425 -            elif s == 3:
   1.426 -                stack.append(Box(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)))
   1.427 -            elif s == 4:
   1.428 -                stack.append(Diamond(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)))
   1.429 -            elif s == 5:
   1.430 -                stack.append(And(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)))
   1.431 -            elif s == 6:
   1.432 -                stack.append(Or(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)))
   1.433 -            elif s == 7:
   1.434 -                stack.append(Imp(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)))
   1.435 -            elif s == 8:
   1.436 -                stack.append(Eq(self.compile(seq, tree_nodes)))       
   1.437 -        return stack   
   1.438 -
   1.439 -from argparse import ArgumentParser
   1.440 -
   1.441 -def parse_arguments():
   1.442 -    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Tries to parse simple modal logic syntax and reduces the formula. Edit your formula directly in the code file for best results.")
   1.443 -    parser.add_argument("-f", "--formula", help="provide your own formula here, or better don't") 
   1.444 -    parser.add_argument("-d", "--dimacs", help="output file for the CNF DIMACS output")
   1.445 -    return parser.parse_args()
   1.446 - 
   1.447 -EXCUSE = """The formula was not accepted by me, because I do not like you. It is not personal. I seem to have some issues with formulae with inner nesting and I generally suffer from my hasty implementation. I would like to thank you for your coorporation by providing the formula within the code file itself. Thank you. ~The Parser"""
   1.448 -
   1.449 -if __name__ == "__main__":
   1.450 -    main()