changeset 27 efa4d32a4179
parent 26 5efc8bd3ebd0
parent 24 b5b083b0e730
child 28 364f9c662f03
     1.1 --- a/personalwork.html	Wed Jul 07 00:03:03 2010 +0200
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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     1.8 -<title>ME73 - A Programmer's Playground</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
     1.9 -<meta name="author" content="Eugen Sawin -" />
    1.10 -<meta name="description" content="A Digital Playground" />
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    1.19 -	<div id="header">			
    1.20 -    	<h1 id="logo-text"><a href="index.html" title="">ME73</a></h1>		
    1.21 -	    <p id="intro">A Programmer's Playground.</p>
    1.22 -        <div id="nav">
    1.23 -			<ul>
    1.24 -				<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    1.25 -				<li><a href="chrome.html">Chrome</a></li>
    1.26 -				<li><a href="resume.html">Resume</a></li>
    1.27 -				<li><a href="howiwork.html">How I Work</a></li>
    1.28 -				<li><a href="personalwork.html">Personal Work</a></li>
    1.29 -            	<li><a href="books.html">Books</a></li>
    1.30 -	         	<li><a href="links.html">Links</a></li>			
    1.31 -				<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>		
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    1.35 -	<div id="content-wrap">				
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    1.37 -					<h2><a name="tools">Tools</a></h2>
    1.38 -            <ul>
    1.39 -                <li>
    1.40 -                    <h3><a name="netchannel">NetChannel</a></h3>
    1.41 -                    <h4>Description</h4>
    1.42 -                    <p>NetChannel is a simple Python object for message-based network communication
    1.43 -                    on the TCP/IP stack. NetChannel is based on stateful sessions for improved performance.</p>
    1.44 -                    <h4>Version 0.7</h4>
    1.45 -                    <p>A stable prototype.</p>
    1.46 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    1.47 -                    Download NetChannel (Python required)</a></p>                    
    1.48 -                </li>
    1.49 -                <li>
    1.50 -                    <h3><a name="eden">Eden Plotter</a></h3>
    1.51 -                    <img src="images/edenplotters1.png" alt="eden plotter" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
    1.52 -                    <h4>Description</h4>
    1.53 -                    <p>Eden Plotter or Eden One is a quick prototype for my genetic programming routines.
    1.54 -                    What it does is approximating a given function by the methods of GP.</p>
    1.55 -                    <h4>Version 0.9</h4>
    1.56 -                    <p>An unendurable slow prototype.</p>
    1.57 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    1.58 -                    Download Eden Plotter (Python required)</a></p>
    1.59 -                </li>
    1.60 -                <li>
    1.61 -                    <h3><a name="anq">ANQ</a></h3>
    1.62 -                    <h4>Description</h4>
    1.63 -                    <img src="images/anqs3.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />                    
    1.64 -                    <p>ANQ
    1.65 -is a testing environment for distributed algorithms. It provides a
    1.66 -centralised and convenient way of organising runtime dynamic
    1.67 -topologies, gives full control over the initialisation and flow of the
    1.68 -algorithm and helps in tracking the current node states by visualising
    1.69 -the node reports on the OpenGL graph.</p>                    	
    1.70 -                    <p>
    1.71 -ANQ builds on the ANQ Protocol which can be optionally extended on
    1.72 -special needs for the algorithm to be tested. The ANQ Master is written
    1.73 -in C# using Windows Forms and OpenGL. Observer, Hotbed and the example
    1.74 -Node were developed in Python. </p>
    1.75 -                    <img src="images/anqs2.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />
    1.76 -                    <h4>Version Antquarium Prototype</h4>
    1.77 -                    <p>Antquarium is the predecessor of ANQ. It was an extended course assignment and serves as a prototype for ANQ.</p>
    1.78 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    1.79 -                    Download Antquarium for Windows (Python and .Net 2.0 required)</a></p>
    1.80 -                    <h4>Version 0.4.1</h4>
    1.81 -                    <p>Stable version missing features like flow and runtime topology control.</p>
    1.82 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    1.83 -                    Request Access to Subversion Repository</a></p>
    1.84 -                </li>
    1.85 -            </ul>
    1.86 -            
    1.87 -			<p class="postmeta">				
    1.88 -			<a href="" class="comments">Comment</a> 
    1.89 -			<span class="date">July 28, 2008</span></p>
    1.90 -			<h2><a name="games">Games</a></h2>
    1.91 -				
    1.92 -            <ul><li>
    1.93 -                    <h3><a name="theme_blocks">Theme Blocks</a></h3>                    
    1.94 -                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
    1.95 -                    <p>A traditional gameplay most people will be familiar with.
    1.96 -                    You have blocks falling down, you have a highscore.</p>
    1.97 -                    <h4>Features</h4>
    1.98 -                    <img src="images/themeblockss1.png" alt="theme blocks" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
    1.99 -                    <ul><li>Online highscore list</li><li>Hardware accelerated graphics</li><li>Fullscreen and windowed mode</li><li>Two colour themes: black and white</li><li>Anti-aliasing support</li></ul>    		        
   1.100 -                    <h4>Requirements</h4>		        
   1.101 -                    <ul><li>Microsoft Windows XP or Vista</li><li>Graphics card supporting OpenGL 1.3 or higher</li><li>One keyboard with at least the arrow keys working</li></ul>	                		        
   1.102 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">Download Theme Blocks (1.4MB)</a></p>     	        
   1.103 -                </li><li> 		        
   1.104 -                    <h3><a name="pyng_pong">Pyng Pong</a></h3>
   1.105 -                    <img src="images/pyngpongs1.png" alt="pyng pong screenshot" class="float-right" height="149" width="200" />
   1.106 -                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   1.107 -                    <p>Two bats, one ball...</p>		            
   1.108 -                    <h4>Features</h4>
   1.109 -                    <ul><li>Three AI difficulty levels</li><li>Endless gameplay, play till you're bored!</li></ul>
   1.110 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   1.111 -                    Download Pyng Pong for Windows (2.4MB)</a></p>
   1.112 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   1.113 -                    Download Pyng Pong Source (Python + PyGame needed) (0.4MB)</a></p>	
   1.114 -                    </li><li>
   1.115 -                    
   1.116 -                    <h3><a name="klangbild">Klangbild</a></h3>
   1.117 -                    <img src="images/klangbilds1.png" alt="klangbild" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   1.118 -                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   1.119 -                    <p>There is no gameplay yet, it's a prototype for an audio-visual puzzle game.</p>
   1.120 -                    <h4>Features</h4>
   1.121 -                    <ul><li>Drag, create and remove sound sources</li><li>Height of placement sets the sound pitch</li></ul>
   1.122 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   1.123 -                    Download Klangbild (Python and PyGlet required)</a></p>		            
   1.124 -                </li></ul>            
   1.125 -            		
   1.126 -      
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   1.129 -	        <p>
   1.130 -				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
   1.131 -			ME73 is my digital playground.
   1.132 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   1.133 -            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
   1.134 -	        </p>
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