author Eugen Sawin <>
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:07:46 +0200
changeset 18 9ed757b7339a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed old script.
     1 Diploma/Master's Thesis in Computer Science
     3 Supervisor: Dr. Stephan Schulz,
     4             Dr. Marina Müller,
     6 "An Explicit Rule Language to Express Safety Constraints for 
     7  Minimum Safe Altitude and Area Proximity Warnings" 
     9 Safety Net applications are computer programs that monitor the air
    10 situation based on data from sensors (radars, multilateration, ADS-B)
    11 or, more often, tracker systems that integrate data from sensors over
    12 time. These programs try to predict critical situations and alarm ATC
    13 controllers ahead of time. Examples include Short Term Conflict Alert
    14 (STCA) systems, Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) systems, and Area
    15 Proximity Warning (APW) systems. STCA systems predict the flight paths
    16 of different aircraft and issue a warning up to two minutes ahead of a
    17 potential separation violation. MSAW and APW systems predict single
    18 aircraft trajectories and issue a warning if there is a significant
    19 risk that the aircraft comes too close to a terrain feature,
    20 obstacle, or prohibited region.
    22 While the basic trajectory prediction is always based on the same
    23 principles, the generation of warning messages is highly dependent on
    24 local conditions. The quality of the sensor coverage dictates aircraft
    25 separation rules. Local geography may require trajectories that would
    26 normally be avoided. Availability of flight plan information can help
    27 to recognize potentially dangerous situations as already anticipated
    28 and under control. As an example, if a flight plan contains a cleared
    29 altitude of 300 flight levels, the aircraft is expected to level off
    30 its ascent there, and hence will not conflict with an aircraft at an
    31 altitude of 320 flight levels, even if a naive projection based on the
    32 current rate of ascent does indicate a potential conflict.
    34 Currently, Safety Net systems use standard requirement engineering to
    35 identify the necessary conditions for each particular
    36 deployment. These requirements are then translated manually into
    37 program code. However, this process is tedious and error-prone, and
    38 the resulting code can be rather complex and hard to maintain. Each
    39 modification requires extensive re-validation of the software.
    41 The aim of this thesis is the development and implementation of a
    42 language that can express the necessary conflict for an ATC Safety Net
    43 in symbolic, human-readable form. Depending on the outcome of an
    44 initial feasibility study, the language should be either interpreted
    45 by the Safety Net System, or automatically compiled into C++ code.
    47 For this purpose, first the necessary attributes and relations have to
    48 to be identified. Then a proper rule semantics (prioritised, weighted,
    49 non-monotonic/exception-based...) has to be determined, and finally an
    50 initial prototype language needs to be designed and implemented.
    52 ----
    53 Comsoft is a medium-sized, privately owned company located in
    54 Karlsruhe/Durlach. We continually offer interesting diploma topics,
    55 practicals, and internships in computer science, signal processing,
    56 electrical engineering, and related topics. For generic enquiries
    57 please contact human resources at