author Eugen Sawin <>
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:05:38 +0200
changeset 17 a264da3d80be
parent 16 a04897b5801e
child 20 adbea491e9b9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed some issues.
     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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     5 <title>ME73 - A Programmer's Playground</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
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    16 	<div id="header">			
    17     	<h1 id="logo-text"><a href="index.html" title="">ME73</a></h1>		
    18 	    <p id="intro">A Programmer's Playground.</p>
    19         <div id="nav">
    20 			<ul>
    21 				<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    22 				<li><a href="chrome.html">Chrome</a></li>
    23 				<li><a href="resume.html">Resume</a></li>
    24 				<li><a href="howiwork.html">How I Work</a></li>
    25 				<li><a href="personalwork.html">Personal Work</a></li>
    26             	<li><a href="books.html">Books</a></li>
    27 	         	<li><a href="links.html">Links</a></li>			
    28 				<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>		
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    32 	<div id="content-wrap">				
    33 		<div id="main">
    34 					<h2><a name="tools">Tools</a></h2>
    35             <ul>
    36                 <li>
    37                     <h3><a name="netchannel">NetChannel</a></h3>
    38                     <h4>Description</h4>
    39                     <p>NetChannel is a simple Python object for message-based network communication
    40                     on the TCP/IP stack. NetChannel is based on stateful sessions for improved performance.</p>
    41                     <h4>Version 0.7</h4>
    42                     <p>A stable prototype.</p>
    43                     <p class="download"><a href="">
    44                     Download NetChannel (Python required)</a></p>                    
    45                 </li>
    46                 <li>
    47                     <h3><a name="eden">Eden Plotter</a></h3>
    48                     <img src="images/edenplotters1.png" alt="eden plotter" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
    49                     <h4>Description</h4>
    50                     <p>Eden Plotter or Eden One is a quick prototype for my genetic programming routines.
    51                     What it does is approximating a given function by the methods of GP.</p>
    52                     <h4>Version 0.9</h4>
    53                     <p>An unendurable slow prototype.</p>
    54                     <p class="download"><a href="">
    55                     Download Eden Plotter (Python required)</a></p>
    56                 </li>
    57                 <li>
    58                     <h3><a name="anq">ANQ</a></h3>
    59                     <h4>Description</h4>
    60                     <img src="images/anqs3.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />                    
    61                     <p>ANQ
    62 is a testing environment for distributed algorithms. It provides a
    63 centralised and convenient way of organising runtime dynamic
    64 topologies, gives full control over the initialisation and flow of the
    65 algorithm and helps in tracking the current node states by visualising
    66 the node reports on the OpenGL graph.</p>                    	
    67                     <p>
    68 ANQ builds on the ANQ Protocol which can be optionally extended on
    69 special needs for the algorithm to be tested. The ANQ Master is written
    70 in C# using Windows Forms and OpenGL. Observer, Hotbed and the example
    71 Node were developed in Python. </p>
    72                     <img src="images/anqs2.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />
    73                     <h4>Version Antquarium Prototype</h4>
    74                     <p>Antquarium is the predecessor of ANQ. It was an extended course assignment and serves as a prototype for ANQ.</p>
    75                     <p class="download"><a href="">
    76                     Download Antquarium for Windows (Python and .Net 2.0 required)</a></p>
    77                     <h4>Version 0.4.1</h4>
    78                     <p>Stable version missing features like flow and runtime topology control.</p>
    79                     <p class="download"><a href="">
    80                     Request Access to Subversion Repository</a></p>
    81                 </li>
    82             </ul>
    84 			<p class="postmeta">				
    85 			<a href="" class="comments">Comment</a> 
    86 			<span class="date">July 28, 2008</span></p>
    87 			<h2><a name="games">Games</a></h2>
    89             <ul><li>
    90                     <h3><a name="theme_blocks">Theme Blocks</a></h3>                    
    91                     <h4>Gameplay</h4>
    92                     <p>A traditional gameplay most people will be familiar with.
    93                     You have blocks falling down, you have a highscore.</p>
    94                     <h4>Features</h4>
    95                     <img src="images/themeblockss1.png" alt="theme blocks" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
    96                     <ul><li>Online highscore list</li><li>Hardware accelerated graphics</li><li>Fullscreen and windowed mode</li><li>Two colour themes: black and white</li><li>Anti-aliasing support</li></ul>    		        
    97                     <h4>Requirements</h4>		        
    98                     <ul><li>Microsoft Windows XP or Vista</li><li>Graphics card supporting OpenGL 1.3 or higher</li><li>One keyboard with at least the arrow keys working</li></ul>	                		        
    99                     <p class="download"><a href="">Download Theme Blocks (1.4MB)</a></p>     	        
   100                 </li><li> 		        
   101                     <h3><a name="pyng_pong">Pyng Pong</a></h3>
   102                     <img src="images/pyngpongs1.png" alt="pyng pong screenshot" class="float-right" height="149" width="200" />
   103                     <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   104                     <p>Two bats, one ball...</p>		            
   105                     <h4>Features</h4>
   106                     <ul><li>Three AI difficulty levels</li><li>Endless gameplay, play till you're bored!</li></ul>
   107                     <p class="download"><a href="">
   108                     Download Pyng Pong for Windows (2.4MB)</a></p>
   109                     <p class="download"><a href="">
   110                     Download Pyng Pong Source (Python + PyGame needed) (0.4MB)</a></p>	
   111                     </li><li>
   113                     <h3><a name="klangbild">Klangbild</a></h3>
   114                     <img src="images/klangbilds1.png" alt="klangbild" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   115                     <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   116                     <p>There is no gameplay yet, it's a prototype for an audio-visual puzzle game.</p>
   117                     <h4>Features</h4>
   118                     <ul><li>Drag, create and remove sound sources</li><li>Height of placement sets the sound pitch</li></ul>
   119                     <p class="download"><a href="">
   120                     Download Klangbild (Python and PyGlet required)</a></p>		            
   121                 </li></ul>            
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   125 		<div id="sidebar">
   126 	        <p>
   127 				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
   128 			ME73 is my digital playground.
   129             I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   130             This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
   131 	        </p>
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   139 		Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a 			<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.</a> Site Design is based on a template by <a href="">Styleshout.</a>
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