sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: ME73 - A Programmer's Playground sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20: sawine@20:
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Here is a list of books I find useful or simply enjoyed reading them.


Engineering & Science

  • The Pragmatic Programmer

    Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
    sawine@20: A collection of advises for effective software development. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • Effective C++ / More Effective C++

    Scott Meyers
    sawine@20: Effective and safe C++ programming advises for practical use. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • Thinking in C++

    Bruce Eckel
    sawine@20: A freely available introduction to C++ and its Standard Library. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

    Stuart J. Russel and Peter Norvig
    sawine@20: A comprehensive compendium of most techniques for the development of artificial intelligence. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants

    Przemyslwa Prusinkieicz and Aristid Lindenmayer
    sawine@20: A wonderful introduction to L-systems and a motivational read. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • Compilers: Principles, Techniques & Tools

    Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam and Ravi Sethi
    sawine@20: The standard introduction to compiler development. Also known as the Dragon Book. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • Computer Networks

    Andrew S. Tanenbaum
    sawine@20: A good and in-depth textbook for network technology. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • A Brief History of Time

    Stephen W. Hawking
    sawine@20: Popular science. Follow Stephen on his quest for the Theory of Everything. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:


  • Alice in Wonderland

    Lewis Carroll
    sawine@20: Follow the rabbit. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • Through the Looking-Glass

    Lewis Carroll
    sawine@20: Sequel to Alice in Wonderland. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
  • 1984

    George Orwell
    sawine@20: Classic novel about a totalitarian regime and its influence on the society. sawine@20:
  • sawine@20:
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