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Who am I?


sawine@85: During the day I am a master student of computer science at the University of Freiburg in Germany. At night, I am a programmer creating useless machines for my own enjoyment. sawine@85:


sawine@85: In my scientific pursuits I delve into artificial intelligence and all its challenges. Along the long hard road to general artificial intelligence I make detours for solving algorithmic problems like fast routing in public transportation networks. sawine@85:


sawine@85: Before going back to academia, I used to develop safety-critical software systems for the Air Traffic Control industry at Comsoft. You can enjoy my work in the industry by reading this little book I've written, while waiting for your flight to take off anywhere in the United Arab Emirates. sawine@85:


sawine@85: I enjoy good code, good programming languages, good music, good books, good movies and tea. sawine@85:

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