Added backed pages.
authorEugen Sawin <>
Sun, 18 Dec 2011 03:44:26 +0100
changeset 7344d14b5e7bab
parent 72 c78f182f7412
child 74 c0e6fb6cf6ef
Added backed pages.
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    1.39 +          <p>Here is a list of books, that I find useful or simply enjoyed reading.</p>
    1.40 +<h2>Engineering &amp; Science</h2>
    1.41 +<ul>
    1.42 +<li><h4>G&ouml;del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid</h4><h5>Douglas R. Hofstadter</h5>
    1.43 +A metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of Lewis Carroll.
    1.44 +</li>
    1.45 +<li><h4>The Pragmatic Programmer</h4><h5>Andrew Hunt and David Thomas</h5>
    1.46 +A collection of advises for effective software development.
    1.47 +</li>
    1.48 +<li><h4>Effective C++ / More Effective C++</h4><h5>Scott Meyers</h5>
    1.49 +Effective and safe C++ programming advises for practical use.
    1.50 +</li>
    1.51 +<li><h4>Thinking in C++</h4><h5>Bruce Eckel</h5>
    1.52 +A freely available introduction to C++ and its Standard Library.
    1.53 +</li>
    1.54 +<li><h4>Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach</h4><h5>Stuart J. Russel and Peter Norvig</h5>
    1.55 +A comprehensive compendium of most techniques for the development of artificial intelligence.
    1.56 +</li>
    1.57 +<li><h4>The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants</h4><h5>Przemyslwa Prusinkieicz and Aristid Lindenmayer</h5>
    1.58 +A wonderful introduction to L-systems and a motivational read.
    1.59 +</li>
    1.60 +<li><h4>Compilers: Principles, Techniques &amp; Tools</h4><h5>Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam and Ravi Sethi</h5>
    1.61 +The standard introduction to compiler development. Also known as the Dragon Book.
    1.62 +</li>
    1.63 +<li><h4>Computer Networks</h4><h5>Andrew S. Tanenbaum</h5>
    1.64 +A good and in-depth textbook for network technology.   
    1.65 +</li>
    1.66 +<li><h4>A Brief History of Time</h4><h5>Stephen W. Hawking</h5>
    1.67 +Popular science. Follow Stephen on his quest for the Theory of Everything.
    1.68 +</li>
    1.69 +</ul>
    1.70 +<h2>Fiction</h2>
    1.71 +<ul>
    1.72 +<li><h4>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?</h4><h5>Philip K. Dick</h5>
    1.73 +A dark vision of mankind's future and the ethics of artificial life.
    1.74 +</li>
    1.75 +<li><h4>Alice in Wonderland</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
    1.76 +Follow the rabbit.
    1.77 +</li>
    1.78 +<li><h4>Through the Looking-Glass</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
    1.79 +Sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
    1.80 +</li>
    1.81 +<li><h4>1984</h4><h5>George Orwell</h5>
    1.82 +Classic novel about a totalitarian regime and its influence on the society.
    1.83 +</li>
    1.84 +</ul>
    1.85 +<h2>My Books</h2>
    1.86 +<ul>
    1.87 +<li><h4>Luftraummodellierung und Abflugplanung</h4><h5>Eugen Sawin</h5>
    1.88 +Ein Projekt zur Optimierung der Abflugplanung in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten.
    1.89 +<div class="download"><a href="">Buy it on Amazon (German)</a></div>
    1.90 +</li>
    1.91 +</ul>
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    1.95 +          <p>
    1.96 +	    <img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />
    1.97 +            <br />I'm a programmer,<br />
    1.98 +            a student of computer science,<br />
    1.99 +            a music enthusiast.<br />
   1.100 +            This is my site.
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   1.109 +	      Eugen Sawin<br/>Software Enginnering &amp; Research</a>
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    2.58 +			ME73 is my digital playground.
    2.59 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
    2.60 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my private work.
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    3.39 +			<p><img src="images/contact.png" alt="water" class="float-left" height="100" width="100" />
    3.40 +			<br />Eugen Sawin<br />
    3.41 +         	<a href=""></a>.</p>
    3.42 +			<p>Interested in hiring me for your project? Please visit my business homepage <a href=""></a>.</p>		
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    3.48 +				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
    3.49 +			ME73 is my digital playground.
    3.50 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
    3.51 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my private work.
    3.52 +	        </p>
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    5.50 +<button onclick="draw(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);">Dec Resolution</button>
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    5.59 +            <br />I'm a programmer,<br />
    5.60 +            a student of computer science,<br />
    5.61 +            a music enthusiast.<br />
    5.62 +            This is my site.
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    5.68 +        <div id="footer-left">
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    5.70 +            <a href="">
    5.71 +	      Eugen Sawin<br/>Software Enginnering &amp; Research</a>
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    8.39 +          <h2>Programming Languages</h2>
    8.40 +<p><!--<img src="images/binary.png" alt="binary" class="float-right" height="100" width="100" />-->
    8.41 +Some programming languages I've used, where the number of * show my level of expertise in the given language:</p>
    8.42 +<ul>
    8.43 +<li>
    8.44 +<h4>QBasic  *</h4>
    8.45 +My first.</li>
    8.46 +<li>
    8.47 +<h4>C++  *****</h4>
    8.48 +The dragon of system programming. My workhorse for efficient solutions.</li>
    8.49 +<li>
    8.50 +<h4>Java  ***</h4>
    8.51 +It's ok. I prefer tea.</li>
    8.52 +<li>
    8.53 +<h4>Haskell  *</h4>
    8.54 +Functional love-hate relationship.</li>
    8.55 +<li>
    8.56 +<h4>Prolog  **</h4>
    8.57 +Blew my mind. Awakened my interest in logics, not so much in using the language.</li>
    8.58 +<li>
    8.59 +<h4>C  *****</h4>
    8.60 +Clean, flat, structured. Runs the world under the hood.</li>
    8.61 +<li>
    8.62 +<h4>Assembly  **</h4>
    8.63 +The isomorphism from human mnemonics to machine code. Feel the cold touch of the machine mind.</li>
    8.64 +<li>
    8.65 +<h4>C#  ***</h4>
    8.66 +It's better than ok. I prefer seeing clear.</li>
    8.67 +<li>
    8.68 +<h4>Python  *****</h4>
    8.69 +Pragmatic, well-tempered, aesthetic. Fits perfectly into my method of working.</li>
    8.70 +<li>
    8.71 +<h4>Javascript  ***</h4>
    8.72 +The saviour of web frontends. Makes web development endurable.</li>
    8.73 +<li>
    8.74 +<h4>Go  *</h4>
    8.75 +Good idea, weird syntax. Doesn't go well with me.</li>
    8.76 +<li>
    8.77 +<h4>Common Lisp  **</h4>
    8.78 +The purity of programming love. Haven't seen the light yet.</li>
    8.79 +</ul>
    8.80 +<h2>Operating Systems</h2>
    8.81 +<ul>
    8.82 +<li><h4>GNU/Linux</h4>
    8.83 +Ubuntu, openSUSE, Red Hat and CentOS.</li>
    8.84 +<li><h4>Microsoft Windows</h4>
    8.85 +Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7.</li>
    8.86 +<li><h4>AmigaOS</h4>
    8.87 +Been a while...</li>
    8.88 +</ul>
    8.89 +<h2>Environments</h2>
    8.90 +<ul>
    8.91 +<li>
    8.92 +<h4>Emacs</h4>
    8.93 +My prefered editor. And I prefer my prefered editor.</li>
    8.94 +<li>
    8.95 +<h4>Visual Studio</h4>
    8.96 +Good IDE on Windows. Great debugger integration.</li>
    8.97 +<li>
    8.98 +<h4>Eclipse</h4>
    8.99 +Extendable. It's ok.</li>
   8.100 +</ul>
   8.101 +<h2>Tools</h2>
   8.102 +<ul>
   8.103 +<li>
   8.104 +<h4>Internet</h4>
   8.105 +Chrome for browsing and IRSSI for IRC.</li>
   8.106 +<li>
   8.107 +<h4>Documentation</h4>
   8.108 +LaTeX.</li>
   8.109 +<li>
   8.110 +<h4>Version Control</h4>
   8.111 +Mercurial for private work. 
   8.112 +Subversion/CVS when forced.</li>
   8.113 +</ul>
   8.114 +
   8.115 +
   8.116 +        </div>
   8.117 +        <div id="sidebar">
   8.118 +          <p>
   8.119 +	    <img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />
   8.120 +            <br />I'm a programmer,<br />
   8.121 +            a student of computer science,<br />
   8.122 +            a music enthusiast.<br />
   8.123 +            This is my site.
   8.124 +          </p>
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   10.39 +          <h2>The Good</h2>
   10.40 +<ul>
   10.41 +<li><h4><a href="">Wikipedia</a></h4>
   10.42 +The fascination of community, the wealth of knowledge.
   10.43 +</li>
   10.44 +<li><h4><a href="">TED</a></h4>
   10.45 +Inspiring.
   10.46 +</li>
   10.47 +<li><h4><a href="">xkcd</a></h4>
   10.48 +Kernel dumping thrice a week.
   10.49 +</li>
   10.50 +</ul>
   10.51 +
   10.52 +<h2>The Bad</h2>
   10.53 +<ul>
   10.54 +<li><h4><a href="">@notchnik</a></h4>
   10.55 +The emptyness in 140 characters.
   10.56 +</li>
   10.57 +<li><h4><a href="">Google+ profile</a></h4>
   10.58 +Staying in touch with people by keeping them at a distance.
   10.59 +</li>
   10.60 +</ul>
   10.61 +
   10.62 +<h2>Professional</h2>
   10.63 +<ul>
   10.64 +<li><h4><a href="">Dr. Stephan Schulz</a></h4>
   10.65 +My advisor during my bachelor thesis and creator of the brainiac theorem prover called E.
   10.66 +</li>
   10.67 +</ul>
   10.68 +
   10.69 +<h2>Friends (with websites)</h2>
   10.70 +<ul>
   10.71 +<!--<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Witt</a></h4>
   10.72 +A good friend and designer for the visual arts.
   10.73 +</li>-->
   10.74 +<li><h4><a href="">Christian König</a></h4>
   10.75 +A fellow student and companion in the quest for world domination.
   10.76 +</li>
   10.77 +<li><h4><a href="">Michael Chlebek</a></h4>
   10.78 +A friend, programmer and amateuer photographer.
   10.79 +</li>
   10.80 +<!--<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Huber</a></h4>
   10.81 +A fellow student of artificial intelligence.
   10.82 +</li>-->
   10.83 +</ul>
   10.84 +
   10.85 +<h2>Recursive</h2>
   10.86 +<ul>
   10.87 +<li><h4><a href="links.html">ME73</a></h4>
   10.88 +A recursion.
   10.89 +</li>
   10.90 +<li><h4><a href="linksend.html">ME73</a></h4>
   10.91 +A well-founded recursion.
   10.92 +</li>
   10.93 +</ul>
   10.94 +
   10.95 +
   10.96 +
   10.97 +
   10.98 +        </div>
   10.99 +        <div id="sidebar">
  10.100 +          <p>
  10.101 +	    <img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />
  10.102 +            <br />I'm a programmer,<br />
  10.103 +            a student of computer science,<br />
  10.104 +            a music enthusiast.<br />
  10.105 +            This is my site.
  10.106 +          </p>
  10.107 +          <div id="random_quote"></div>
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  10.110 +      <div id="footer">
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   11.39 +          <h2>The Good</h2>
   11.40 +<ul>
   11.41 +<li><h4><a href="">Wikipedia</a></h4>
   11.42 +The fascination of community, the wealth of knowledge.
   11.43 +</li>
   11.44 +<li><h4><a href="">TED</a></h4>
   11.45 +Inspiring.
   11.46 +</li>
   11.47 +<li><h4><a href="">xkcd</a></h4>
   11.48 +Kernel dumping thrice a week.
   11.49 +</li>
   11.50 +</ul>
   11.51 +
   11.52 +<h2>The Bad</h2>
   11.53 +<ul>
   11.54 +<li><h4><a href="">Google+ profile</a></h4>
   11.55 +Staying in touch with people by keeping them at a distance.
   11.56 +</li>
   11.57 +</ul>
   11.58 +
   11.59 +<h2>Professional</h2>
   11.60 +<ul>
   11.61 +<li><h4><a href="">Dr. Stephan Schulz</a></h4>
   11.62 +My advisor during my bachelor thesis and creator of the brainiac theorem prover called E.
   11.63 +</li>
   11.64 +</ul>
   11.65 +
   11.66 +<h2>Friends (with websites)</h2>
   11.67 +<ul>
   11.68 +<!--<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Witt</a></h4>
   11.69 +A good friend and designer for the visual arts.
   11.70 +</li>-->
   11.71 +<li><h4><a href="">Christian König</a></h4>
   11.72 +A fellow student and companion in the quest for world domination.
   11.73 +</li>
   11.74 +<li><h4><a href="">Michael Chlebek</a></h4>
   11.75 +A friend, programmer and amateuer photographer.
   11.76 +</li>
   11.77 +<!--<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Huber</a></h4>
   11.78 +A fellow student of artificial intelligence.
   11.79 +</li>-->
   11.80 +</ul>
   11.81 +
   11.82 +<h2>Recursive</h2>
   11.83 +<ul>
   11.84 +<li>
   11.85 +The End.<br />
   11.86 +Recursive humour recycled from <a href="">Stephan Schulz</a>, to preserve the environment.
   11.87 +</li>
   11.88 +</ul>
   11.89 +
   11.90 +        </div>
   11.91 +        <div id="sidebar">
   11.92 +          <p>
   11.93 +	    <img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />
   11.94 +            <br />I'm a programmer,<br />
   11.95 +            a student of computer science,<br />
   11.96 +            a music enthusiast.<br />
   11.97 +            This is my site.
   11.98 +          </p>
   11.99 +          <div id="random_quote"></div>
  11.100 +        </div>
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  11.105 +            <a href="">
  11.106 +	      Eugen Sawin<br/>Software Enginnering &amp; Research</a>
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   12.11 +    gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
   12.12 +    draw(context);
   12.13 +}
   12.14 +
   12.15 +function Context(canvas)
   12.16 +{
   12.17 +    try 
   12.18 +    {
   12.19 + = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
   12.20 +	this.viewport = {'width': canvas.width,
   12.21 +			 'height': canvas.height};
   12.22 +    } 
   12.23 +    catch(e) 
   12.24 +    {
   12.25 +	alert(e);
   12.26 +    }
   12.27 +    if (! alert("Failed: WebGL init.");
   12.28 +    this.mvMatrix = mat4.create();
   12.29 +    this.pMatrix = mat4.create();
   12.30 +    this.shader = new Shader(this);    
   12.31 +}
   12.32 +Context.prototype.updateMatrixUniforms = function()
   12.33 +{
   12.34 +    var gl =;
   12.35 +    var program = this.shader.program;
   12.36 +    var pMatrix = this.pMatrix;
   12.37 +    var mvMatrix = this.mvMatrix;
   12.38 +    gl.uniformMatrix4fv(program.pMatrixUniform, false, pMatrix);
   12.39 +    gl.uniformMatrix4fv(program.mvMatrixUniform, false, mvMatrix);
   12.40 +}
   12.41 +
   12.42 +function Shader(context)
   12.43 +{
   12.44 +    var gl =;
   12.45 +    var fragment = loadShader(gl, "shader-fs");
   12.46 +    var vertex = loadShader(gl, "shader-vs");
   12.47 +    this.program = gl.createProgram();
   12.48 +    gl.attachShader(this.program, vertex);
   12.49 +    gl.attachShader(this.program, fragment);
   12.50 +    gl.linkProgram(this.program);
   12.51 +
   12.52 +    if (!gl.getProgramParameter(this.program, gl.LINK_STATUS))
   12.53 +    {
   12.54 +	alert("Failed: Shader init.");
   12.55 +    }
   12.56 +
   12.57 +    gl.useProgram(this.program);
   12.58 +    this.vertexPosition = gl.getAttribLocation(this.program, "aVertexPosition");
   12.59 +    gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this.vertexPosition);
   12.60 +    this.pMatrixUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(this.program, "uPMatrix");
   12.61 +    this.mvMatrixUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(this.program, "uMVMatrix");
   12.62 +
   12.63 +    function loadShader(gl, id)
   12.64 +    {
   12.65 +	var script = document.getElementById(id);
   12.66 +	if (!script) return null;
   12.67 +	
   12.68 +	var str = "";
   12.69 +	var child = script.firstChild;
   12.70 +	while (child)
   12.71 +	{
   12.72 +	    if (child.nodeType == 3) str += child.textContent;
   12.73 +	    child = child.nextSibling;
   12.74 +	}
   12.75 +	
   12.76 +	var shader;
   12.77 +	var common = "x-shader/x-";
   12.78 +	if (script.type == common + "fragment") shader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
   12.79 +	else if (script.type == common + "vertex") shader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
   12.80 +	else return null;
   12.81 +
   12.82 +	gl.shaderSource(shader, str);
   12.83 +	gl.compileShader(shader);
   12.84 +
   12.85 +	if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS))
   12.86 +        {
   12.87 +	    alert(gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader));
   12.88 +	    return null;
   12.89 +	}
   12.90 +
   12.91 +	return shader;
   12.92 +    }
   12.93 +}
   12.94 +
   12.95 +
   12.96 +function Box(size, context)
   12.97 +{
   12.98 +    var gl =;
   12.99 +    this.size = size || 1;
  12.100 +    this.buffer = gl.createBuffer();
  12.101 +    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffer);
  12.102 +    var vertices = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0,
  12.103 +		    -1.0, 1.0, 0.0,
  12.104 +		    1.0, -1.0, 0.0,
  12.105 +		    -1.0, -1.0, 0.0];
  12.106 +    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
  12.107 +    this.itemSize = 3;
  12.108 +    this.numItems = 4;
  12.109 +}
  12.110 +
  12.111 +function draw(context)
  12.112 +{
  12.113 +    var gl =;
  12.114 +    var viewport = context.viewport;
  12.115 +    var shader = context.shader;
  12.116 +    var mvMatrix = context.mvMatrix;
  12.117 +    var pMatrix = context.pMatrix;
  12.118 +    var object = context.object;
  12.119 +    gl.viewport(0, 0, viewport.width, viewport.height);
  12.120 +    gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
  12.121 +    mat4.perspective(45, viewport.width / viewport.height, 0.1, 100.0, pMatrix);
  12.122 +    mat4.identity(mvMatrix);
  12.123 +    mat4.translate(mvMatrix, [0.0, 0.0, -7.0]);
  12.124 +    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.buffer);
  12.125 +    gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.vertexPosition, object.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); 
  12.126 +    gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.pMatrixUniform, false, pMatrix);
  12.127 +    gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.mvMatrixUniform, false, mvMatrix);
  12.128 +    //context.updateMatrixUniforms();
  12.129 +    gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, object.numItems);
  12.130 +    return context;
  12.131 +} 
  12.132 +
  12.133 +function drawScene(context) {
  12.134 +        gl.viewport(0, 0, viewport.width, viewport.height);
  12.135 +        gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
  12.136 + 
  12.137 +        mat4.perspective(45, viewport.width / viewport.height, 0.1, 100.0, pMatrix);
  12.138 + 
  12.139 +        mat4.identity(mvMatrix); 
  12.140 +        mat4.translate(mvMatrix, [0.0, 0.0, -7.0]);
  12.141 +  
  12.142 +        gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.buffer);
  12.143 +        gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.vertexPosition, object.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
  12.144 +        gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.pMatrixUniform, false, pMatrix);
  12.145 +	gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.mvMatrixUniform, false, mvMatrix);
  12.146 +        gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, object.numItems);
  12.147 +    }
  12.148 + 
  12.149 \ No newline at end of file
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   13.39 +          <p>Here is an unfiltered, undocumented, user-unfriendly random stack of little hacks, that I've produced for recreational reasons. I put them online in spirit of the liberation of useless machines.</p>
   13.40 +
   13.41 +<h2><a name="tim">Tim</a></h2>
   13.42 +<ul>
   13.43 +<li>
   13.44 +<h4>Description</h4>
   13.45 +A console-based head-on time recording tool, because time is money.</li>
   13.46 +<li>
   13.47 +<h4>Version</h4>
   13.48 +A stable prototype, no output generation yet.
   13.49 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
   13.50 +                    Download Tim (Python and SQLite3 required)</a></div></li>
   13.51 +</ul>
   13.52 +
   13.53 +<h2><a name="cau">Cau</a></h2>
   13.54 +<img src="images/cau.png" alt="cau screenshot" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   13.55 +<ul>
   13.56 +<li>
   13.57 +<h4>Description</h4>
   13.58 +Is bad PI-approximation good enough? A cellular automaton-based PI-approximation machine with Tkinter-based visualisation.</li>
   13.59 +<li>
   13.60 +<h4>Version</h4>
   13.61 +Working, approximating, slowly visualising.
   13.62 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
   13.63 +                    Download Cau (Python and Tkinter required)</a></div></li>
   13.64 +</ul>
   13.65 +
   13.66 +<h2><a name="sml">SML</a></h2>
   13.67 +<ul>
   13.68 +<li>
   13.69 +<h4>Description</h4>
   13.70 +A simple Simple Modal Logic library doing all kinds of reductions including Modal Conjunctive Normal Form. It also features DIMACS output and a satisfiability test via MiniSat2.</li>
   13.71 +<li>
   13.72 +<h4>Version</h4>
   13.73 +Reliable version except for features noted as alpha. Parser has too much personality.
   13.74 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
   13.75 +                    Download SML (Python and MiniSat2 required)</a></div></li>
   13.76 +</ul>
   13.77 +
   13.78 +<h2><a name="netchannel">NetChannel</a></h2>
   13.79 +<ul>
   13.80 +<li>
   13.81 +<h4>Description</h4>
   13.82 +NetChannel is a simple Python object for message-based network communication
   13.83 +                    on the TCP/IP stack. NetChannel is based on stateful sessions for improved performance.</li>
   13.84 +<li>
   13.85 +<h4>Version</h4>
   13.86 +A stable prototype.
   13.87 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
   13.88 +                    Download NetChannel (Python required)</a></div></li>
   13.89 +</ul>
   13.90 +
   13.91 +<h2><a name="eden">Eden Plotter</a></h2>
   13.92 +<img src="images/edenplotters1.png" alt="eden plotter" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   13.93 +<ul>
   13.94 +<li>
   13.95 +<h4>Description</h4>
   13.96 +Eden Plotter or Eden One is a quick prototype for my genetic programming routines.
   13.97 +It approximates a given function by the methods of GP.</li>
   13.98 +<li>
   13.99 +<h4>Version</h4>
  13.100 +An unendurable slow prototype.
  13.101 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
  13.102 +                    Download Eden Plotter (Python required)</a></div></li>
  13.103 +</ul>
  13.104 +
  13.105 +<h2><a name="anq">ANQ</a></h2>
  13.106 +<ul>
  13.107 +<li>
  13.108 +<h4>Description</h4>                    
  13.109 +ANQ is a testing environment for distributed algorithms. It provides a
  13.110 +centralised and convenient way of organising runtime dynamic
  13.111 +topologies, gives full control over the initialisation and flow of the
  13.112 +algorithm and helps in tracking the current node states by visualising
  13.113 +the node reports on the OpenGL graph.</br>
  13.114 +ANQ builds on the ANQ Protocol which can be optionally extended on
  13.115 +special needs for the algorithm to be tested. The ANQ Master is written
  13.116 +in C# using Windows Forms and OpenGL. Observer, Hotbed and the example
  13.117 +Node were developed in Python.
  13.118 +</li>
  13.119 +</ul>
  13.120 +<img src="images/anqs3.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />
  13.121 +<img src="images/anqs2.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />
  13.122 +<ul>
  13.123 +<li>
  13.124 +<h4>Version Antquarium Prototype</h4>
  13.125 +Antquarium is the predecessor of ANQ. It was an extended course assignment and serves as a prototype for ANQ.
  13.126 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
  13.127 +                    Download Antquarium for Windows (Python and .Net 2.0 required)</a></div>
  13.128 +</li>
  13.129 +<li>
  13.130 +<h4>Version</h4>
  13.131 +Stable version missing features like flow and runtime topology control.
  13.132 +</li>
  13.133 +</ul>
  13.134 +
  13.135 +<h2><a name="theme_blocks">Theme Blocks</a></h2>
  13.136 +<img src="images/themeblockss1.png" alt="theme blocks" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
  13.137 +<ul>
  13.138 +<li>
  13.139 +<h4>Gameplay</h4>
  13.140 +A traditional gameplay most people will be familiar with.
  13.141 +You have blocks falling down, you have a highscore.
  13.142 +</li>
  13.143 +<li>
  13.144 +<h4>Features</h4>
  13.145 +<ul><li>Online highscore list</li><li>Hardware accelerated graphics</li><li>Fullscreen and windowed mode</li><li>Two colour themes: black and white</li><li>Anti-aliasing support</li></ul>
  13.146 +</li>
  13.147 +<li>
  13.148 +<h4>Requirements</h4>		        
  13.149 +<ul><li>Microsoft Windows XP or Vista</li><li>Graphics card supporting OpenGL 1.3 or higher</li><li>One keyboard with at least the arrow keys working</li></ul>	                		    
  13.150 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/ThemeBlocksSetup.exe">Download Theme Blocks (1.4MB)</a></div>           
  13.151 +</li>
  13.152 +</ul>
  13.153 +
  13.154 +<h2><a name="pyng_pong">Pyng Pong</a></h2>
  13.155 +<img src="images/pyngpongs1.png" alt="pyng pong screenshot" class="float-right" height="149" width="200" />
  13.156 +<ul>
  13.157 +<li>
  13.158 +<h4>Gameplay</h4>
  13.159 +Two bats, one ball...
  13.160 +</li>
  13.161 +<li>
  13.162 +<h4>Features</h4>
  13.163 +<ul><li>Three AI difficulty levels</li><li>Endless gameplay, play till you're bored!</li></ul>
  13.164 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/PyngPongSetup.exe">
  13.165 +                    Download Pyng Pong for Windows (2.4MB)</a></div>
  13.166 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
  13.167 +                    Download Pyng Pong Source (Python + PyGame needed) (0.4MB)</a></div>	
  13.168 +</li>
  13.169 +</ul>
  13.170 +
  13.171 +<h2><a name="klangbild">Klangbild</a></h2>
  13.172 +<img src="images/klangbilds1.png" alt="klangbild" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
  13.173 +<ul>
  13.174 +<li>
  13.175 +<h4>Gameplay</h4>
  13.176 +There is no gameplay yet, it's a prototype for an audio-visual puzzle game.
  13.177 +</li>
  13.178 +<li>
  13.179 +<h4>Features</h4>
  13.180 +<ul><li>Drag, create and remove sound sources</li><li>Height of placement sets the sound pitch</li></ul>
  13.181 +<div class="download"><a href="downloads/">
  13.182 +                    Download Klangbild (Python and PyGlet required)</a></div>		            
  13.183 +</li></ul>            
  13.184 +            		
  13.185 +
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  13.187 +        <div id="sidebar">
  13.188 +          <p>
  13.189 +	    <img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />
  13.190 +            <br />I'm a programmer,<br />
  13.191 +            a student of computer science,<br />
  13.192 +            a music enthusiast.<br />
  13.193 +            This is my site.
  13.194 +          </p>
  13.195 +          <div id="random_quote"></div>
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  13.198 +      <div id="footer">
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  13.201 +            <a href="">
  13.202 +	      Eugen Sawin<br/>Software Enginnering &amp; Research</a>
  13.203 +          </p>
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   14.39 +          <p>All locations below are located in Germany, unless otherwise noted.</p>
   14.40 +<h2>Employment</h2>
   14.41 +<ul>
   14.42 +<li>
   14.43 +<h4>Software Engineer, Comsoft GmbH, 03/2010-09/2010</h4>
   14.44 +<ul>
   14.45 +<li>
   14.46 +Development of safety-critical back end systems for the ATC domain.
   14.47 +</li>
   14.48 +<li>
   14.49 +On-site system integration and training.
   14.50 +</li>
   14.51 +</ul>
   14.52 +</li>
   14.53 +<li><h4>Working Student &amp; Internship, Comsoft GmbH, 10/2008-02/2010</h4>
   14.54 +Development for safety-critical embedded systems.
   14.55 +</li>
   14.56 +<li>
   14.57 +<h4>Student Assistant, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, 10/2008-03/2009</h4>
   14.58 +Assistance at a university course for object-oriented software development.
   14.59 +</li>
   14.60 +</ul>
   14.61 +<h2>Education</h2>
   14.62 +<ul>
   14.63 +<li>
   14.64 +<h4>University of Freiburg, since 10/2010</h4>
   14.65 +M.Sc. in Applied Computer Science.<br />
   14.66 +Emphasis in Artificial Intelligence and Algorithm Theory.
   14.67 +</li>
   14.68 +<li>
   14.69 +<h4>University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, 03/2007-02/2010</h4>
   14.70 +B.Sc. in Applied Computer Science.<br />
   14.71 +Emphasis in Distributed Systems.
   14.72 +</li>
   14.73 +</ul>
   14.74 +<h2>Accompanying the Studies</h2>
   14.75 +<ul>
   14.76 +<li><h4>Bachelor Thesis, Comsoft GmbH, 10/2009-04/2010</h4>
   14.77 +"Flexible Modeling of Dynamic Air Space Constraints and its Application in Departure Flow Optimisation"  
   14.78 +<div class="download"><a href="">
   14.79 +Campus Mag (P. 36 / German)</a></div>
   14.80 +<div class="download"><a href="">
   14.81 +Discover ME (P. 22 / German)</a></div>
   14.82 +</li>
   14.83 +<li><h4>University Project, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg &amp; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2008</h4>
   14.84 +Development of a client for 3D data streaming and visualisation. 
   14.85 +</li>
   14.86 +</ul>
   14.87 +
   14.88 +
   14.89 +
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   14.92 +          <p>
   14.93 +	    <img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />
   14.94 +            <br />I'm a programmer,<br />
   14.95 +            a student of computer science,<br />
   14.96 +            a music enthusiast.<br />
   14.97 +            This is my site.
   14.98 +          </p>
   14.99 +          <div id="random_quote"></div>
  14.100 +        </div>
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