Some improvements.
authorEugen Sawin <>
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 11:56:48 +0200
changeset 20adbea491e9b9
parent 19 31c7acfbf85c
child 21 761981b20b78
Some improvements.
     1.1 --- a/books.html	Tue Jul 06 00:22:27 2010 +0200
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    1.37 -			<p>Here is a list of books I find useful or simply enjoyed reading them.</p>
    1.38 -<h2>Engineering &amp; Science</h2>
    1.39 -<ul>
    1.40 -<li><h4>The Pragmatic Programmer</h4><h5>Andrew Hunt and David Thomas</h5>
    1.41 -A collection of advises for effective software development.
    1.42 -</li>
    1.43 -<li><h4>Effective C++ / More Effective C++</h4><h5>Scott Meyers</h5>
    1.44 -Effective and safe C++ programming advises for practical use.
    1.45 -</li>
    1.46 -<li><h4>Thinking in C++</h4><h5>Bruce Eckel</h5>
    1.47 -A freely available introduction to C++ and its Standard Library.
    1.48 -</li>
    1.49 -<li><h4>Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach</h4><h5>Stuart J. Russel and Peter Norvig</h5>
    1.50 -A comprehensive compendium of most techniques for the development of artificial intelligence.
    1.51 -</li>
    1.52 -<li><h4>The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants</h4><h5>Przemyslwa Prusinkieicz and Aristid Lindenmayer</h5>
    1.53 -A wonderful introduction to L-systems and a motivational read.
    1.54 -</li>
    1.55 -<li><h4>Compilers: Principles, Techniques &amp; Tools</h4><h5>Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam and Ravi Sethi</h5>
    1.56 -The standard introduction to compiler development. Also known as the Dragon Book.
    1.57 -</li>
    1.58 -<li><h4>Computer Networks</h4><h5>Andrew S. Tanenbaum</h5>
    1.59 -A good and in-depth textbook for network technology.   
    1.60 -</li>
    1.61 -<li><h4>A Brief History of Time</h4><h5>Stephen W. Hawking</h5>
    1.62 -Popular science. Follow Stephen on his quest for the Theory of Everything.
    1.63 -</li>
    1.64 -</ul>
    1.65 -<h2>Fiction</h2>
    1.66 -<ul>
    1.67 -<li><h4>Alice in Wonderland</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
    1.68 -Follow the rabbit.
    1.69 -</li>
    1.70 -<li><h4>Through the Looking-Glass</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
    1.71 -Sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
    1.72 -</li>
    1.73 -<li><h4>1984</h4><h5>George Orwell</h5>
    1.74 -Classic novel about a totalitarian regime and its influence on the society.
    1.75 -</li>
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    1.82 -				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
    1.83 -			ME73 is my digital playground.
    1.84 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
    1.85 -            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
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   1.152 +			<p>Here is a list of books I find useful or simply enjoyed reading them.</p>
   1.153 +<h2>Engineering &amp; Science</h2>
   1.154 +<ul>
   1.155 +<li><h4>The Pragmatic Programmer</h4><h5>Andrew Hunt and David Thomas</h5>
   1.156 +A collection of advises for effective software development.
   1.157 +</li>
   1.158 +<li><h4>Effective C++ / More Effective C++</h4><h5>Scott Meyers</h5>
   1.159 +Effective and safe C++ programming advises for practical use.
   1.160 +</li>
   1.161 +<li><h4>Thinking in C++</h4><h5>Bruce Eckel</h5>
   1.162 +A freely available introduction to C++ and its Standard Library.
   1.163 +</li>
   1.164 +<li><h4>Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach</h4><h5>Stuart J. Russel and Peter Norvig</h5>
   1.165 +A comprehensive compendium of most techniques for the development of artificial intelligence.
   1.166 +</li>
   1.167 +<li><h4>The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants</h4><h5>Przemyslwa Prusinkieicz and Aristid Lindenmayer</h5>
   1.168 +A wonderful introduction to L-systems and a motivational read.
   1.169 +</li>
   1.170 +<li><h4>Compilers: Principles, Techniques &amp; Tools</h4><h5>Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam and Ravi Sethi</h5>
   1.171 +The standard introduction to compiler development. Also known as the Dragon Book.
   1.172 +</li>
   1.173 +<li><h4>Computer Networks</h4><h5>Andrew S. Tanenbaum</h5>
   1.174 +A good and in-depth textbook for network technology.   
   1.175 +</li>
   1.176 +<li><h4>A Brief History of Time</h4><h5>Stephen W. Hawking</h5>
   1.177 +Popular science. Follow Stephen on his quest for the Theory of Everything.
   1.178 +</li>
   1.179 +</ul>
   1.180 +<h2>Fiction</h2>
   1.181 +<ul>
   1.182 +<li><h4>Alice in Wonderland</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
   1.183 +Follow the rabbit.
   1.184 +</li>
   1.185 +<li><h4>Through the Looking-Glass</h4><h5>Lewis Carroll</h5>
   1.186 +Sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
   1.187 +</li>
   1.188 +<li><h4>1984</h4><h5>George Orwell</h5>
   1.189 +Classic novel about a totalitarian regime and its influence on the society.
   1.190 +</li>
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   1.198 +			ME73 is my digital playground.
   1.199 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   1.200 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
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   2.147 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
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    3.49 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
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    5.37 -			<h2>Programming Languages</h2>
    5.38 -<p><img src="images/binary.png" alt="binary" class="float-right" height="100" width="100" />
    5.39 -During my studies and personal work, I've used a variety of programming
    5.40 -languages. Here is an overview in chronologic order with some comments:</p>
    5.41 -<ul>
    5.42 -<li>
    5.43 -<h4>QBasic. *</h4>
    5.44 -It was the first language that I've learned. I've enjoyed hacking
    5.45 -around in it a little, but never got far with it due to lack of
    5.46 -learning resources.</li>
    5.47 -<li>
    5.48 -<h4>C++. *****</h4>
    5.49 -This was actually my second language to learn, which meant a big leap.
    5.50 -My first contact was at the age of 15, though I hadn't used it
    5.51 -extensively until I started studying. In the past years, I've been
    5.52 -developing most of my personal and professional work in C++. It's a beast and should be
    5.53 -only handled with care.</li>
    5.54 -<li>
    5.55 -<h4>Java. ***</h4>
    5.56 -My first contact with Java was at the university. It does provide help
    5.57 -by managed memory and a big standard library.
    5.58 -</li>
    5.59 -<li>
    5.60 -<h4>Haskell. *</h4>
    5.61 -This language was a love-hate relationship for me. I hated it for being
    5.62 -so difficult to grasp for the first time and loved it for inspiring me
    5.63 -to approach problem solving from a differnt angle, even when working
    5.64 -with non-functional languages.</li>
    5.65 -<li>
    5.66 -<h4>Prolog. **</h4>
    5.67 -Nice iterative language especially for the field of artificial
    5.68 -intelligence.</li>
    5.69 -<li>
    5.70 -<h4>C. *****</h4>
    5.71 -C is clean and flat. It is still the most successful structured language and will most
    5.72 -probably still be in use for many years to come, even if it's just "under the hood".</li>
    5.73 -<li>
    5.74 -<h4>Assembler. **</h4>
    5.75 -Been there, done that.</li>
    5.76 -<li>
    5.77 -<h4>C#. ***</h4>
    5.78 -It feels like the more mature language based on a managed
    5.79 -architecture, especially in combination with Visual Studio, developing
    5.80 -in it is a breeze. The .Net framework is mostly a well structured and
    5.81 -complete environment to work in.</li>
    5.82 -<li>
    5.83 -<h4>Python. ****</h4> 
    5.84 -It's my personal favourite language for many fields. It's best suited
    5.85 -for rapid prototyping, which fits perfectly into my method of working.</li>
    5.86 -<li>
    5.87 -<h4>Go. *</h4>
    5.88 -Google has developed an interesting language with the goal of providing a general programming language including a garbage collector and efficient methods for concurrency handling. It's a fun language and shows some interesting concepts including a more dynamic approach on object orientation.</li>
    5.89 -<li>
    5.90 -<br />* show my level of expertise in the language
    5.91 -</li>
    5.92 -</ul>
    5.93 -<h2>Operating Systems</h2>
    5.94 -<ul>
    5.95 -<li><h4>GNU/Linux</h4>
    5.96 -Ubuntu, openSUSE, Red Hat and CentOS.</li>
    5.97 -<li><h4>Microsoft Windows</h4>
    5.98 -Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7.</li>
    5.99 -<li><h4>AmigaOS</h4>
   5.100 -Been a while...</li>
   5.101 -</ul>
   5.102 -<h2>Environments</h2>
   5.103 -<ul>
   5.104 -<li>
   5.105 -<h4>GVim &amp; gedit</h4>
   5.106 -These are my general purpose editors for quick editing on all platforms
   5.107 -and have become my prefered editors when working in an IDE-free environment.</li>
   5.108 -<li>
   5.109 -<h4>Visual Studio</h4>
   5.110 -It's my first choice for C#, C++ and C programming on Windows. It has
   5.111 -proven to be a feature-rich, reliable and customisable IDE with great debugger integration.</li>
   5.112 -<li>
   5.113 -<h4>Eclipse</h4>
   5.114 -It's what I prefer when developing in Java and, to some extent, when
   5.115 -working in C++ on Linux. It has a great plugin system and is therefore
   5.116 -extendable to be used with a big variety of languages.</li>
   5.117 -</ul>
   5.118 -<h2>Tools</h2>
   5.119 -<ul>
   5.120 -<li>
   5.121 -<h4>Internet</h4>
   5.122 -Chrome for browsing, IRSSI for IRC and Skype for communication.</li>
   5.123 -<li>
   5.124 -<h4>Documentation</h4>
   5.125 -gedit &amp; LaTeX for papers, gnuplot for analysis visualisations and Inkscape for graphics.</li>
   5.126 -<li>
   5.127 -<h4>Version Control</h4>
   5.128 -Mercurial for private work. 
   5.129 -Subversion/CVS at work.</li>
   5.130 -</ul>
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   5.135 -	        <p>
   5.136 -				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
   5.137 -			ME73 is my digital playground.
   5.138 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   5.139 -            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
   5.140 -	        </p>
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   5.206 +			<h2>Programming Languages</h2>
   5.207 +<p><img src="images/binary.png" alt="binary" class="float-right" height="100" width="100" />
   5.208 +During my studies and personal work, I've used a variety of programming
   5.209 +languages. Here is an overview in chronologic order with some comments:</p>
   5.210 +<ul>
   5.211 +<li>
   5.212 +<h4>QBasic. *</h4>
   5.213 +It was the first language that I've learned. I've enjoyed hacking
   5.214 +around in it a little, but never got far with it due to lack of
   5.215 +learning resources.</li>
   5.216 +<li>
   5.217 +<h4>C++. *****</h4>
   5.218 +This was actually my second language to learn, which meant a big leap.
   5.219 +My first contact was at the age of 15, though I hadn't used it
   5.220 +extensively until I started studying. In the past years, I've been
   5.221 +developing most of my personal and professional work in C++. It's a beast and should be
   5.222 +only handled with care.</li>
   5.223 +<li>
   5.224 +<h4>Java. ***</h4>
   5.225 +My first contact with Java was at the university. It does provide help
   5.226 +by managed memory and a big standard library.
   5.227 +</li>
   5.228 +<li>
   5.229 +<h4>Haskell. *</h4>
   5.230 +This language was a love-hate relationship for me. I hated it for being
   5.231 +so difficult to grasp for the first time and loved it for inspiring me
   5.232 +to approach problem solving from a differnt angle, even when working
   5.233 +with non-functional languages.</li>
   5.234 +<li>
   5.235 +<h4>Prolog. **</h4>
   5.236 +Nice iterative language especially for the field of artificial
   5.237 +intelligence.</li>
   5.238 +<li>
   5.239 +<h4>C. *****</h4>
   5.240 +C is clean and flat. It is still the most successful structured language and will most
   5.241 +probably still be in use for many years to come, even if it's just "under the hood".</li>
   5.242 +<li>
   5.243 +<h4>Assembler. **</h4>
   5.244 +Been there, done that.</li>
   5.245 +<li>
   5.246 +<h4>C#. ***</h4>
   5.247 +It feels like the more mature language based on a managed
   5.248 +architecture, especially in combination with Visual Studio, developing
   5.249 +in it is a breeze. The .Net framework is mostly a well structured and
   5.250 +complete environment to work in.</li>
   5.251 +<li>
   5.252 +<h4>Python. ****</h4> 
   5.253 +It's my personal favourite language for many fields. It's best suited
   5.254 +for rapid prototyping, which fits perfectly into my method of working.</li>
   5.255 +<li>
   5.256 +<h4>Go. *</h4>
   5.257 +Google has developed an interesting language with the goal of providing a general programming language including a garbage collector and efficient methods for concurrency handling. It's a fun language and shows some interesting concepts including a more dynamic approach on object orientation.</li>
   5.258 +<li>
   5.259 +<br />* show my level of expertise in the language
   5.260 +</li>
   5.261 +</ul>
   5.262 +<h2>Operating Systems</h2>
   5.263 +<ul>
   5.264 +<li><h4>GNU/Linux</h4>
   5.265 +Ubuntu, openSUSE, Red Hat and CentOS.</li>
   5.266 +<li><h4>Microsoft Windows</h4>
   5.267 +Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7.</li>
   5.268 +<li><h4>AmigaOS</h4>
   5.269 +Been a while...</li>
   5.270 +</ul>
   5.271 +<h2>Environments</h2>
   5.272 +<ul>
   5.273 +<li>
   5.274 +<h4>GVim &amp; gedit</h4>
   5.275 +These are my general purpose editors for quick editing on all platforms
   5.276 +and have become my prefered editors when working in an IDE-free environment.</li>
   5.277 +<li>
   5.278 +<h4>Visual Studio</h4>
   5.279 +It's my first choice for C#, C++ and C programming on Windows. It has
   5.280 +proven to be a feature-rich, reliable and customisable IDE with great debugger integration.</li>
   5.281 +<li>
   5.282 +<h4>Eclipse</h4>
   5.283 +It's what I prefer when developing in Java and, to some extent, when
   5.284 +working in C++ on Linux. It has a great plugin system and is therefore
   5.285 +extendable to be used with a big variety of languages.</li>
   5.286 +</ul>
   5.287 +<h2>Tools</h2>
   5.288 +<ul>
   5.289 +<li>
   5.290 +<h4>Internet</h4>
   5.291 +Chrome for browsing, IRSSI for IRC and Skype for communication.</li>
   5.292 +<li>
   5.293 +<h4>Documentation</h4>
   5.294 +gedit &amp; LaTeX for papers, gnuplot for analysis visualisations and Inkscape for graphics.</li>
   5.295 +<li>
   5.296 +<h4>Version Control</h4>
   5.297 +Mercurial for private work. 
   5.298 +Subversion/CVS at work.</li>
   5.299 +</ul>
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   5.305 +				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
   5.306 +			ME73 is my digital playground.
   5.307 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   5.308 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
   5.309 +	        </p>
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   7.125 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
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    8.37 -			<h2>Friends</h2>
    8.38 -<ul>
    8.39 -<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Witt</a></h4>
    8.40 -A good friend and designer for the visual arts.
    8.41 -</li>
    8.42 -<li><h4><a href="">Christian König</a></h4>
    8.43 -A fellow student and companion in the quest for world domination.
    8.44 -</li>
    8.45 -<li><h4><a href="">Michael Chlebek</a></h4>
    8.46 -A friend, programmer and amateuer photographer.
    8.47 -</li>
    8.48 -<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Huber</a></h4>
    8.49 -A fellow student of artificial intelligence.
    8.50 -</li>
    8.51 -</ul>
    8.52 -<h2>Professional</h2>
    8.53 -<ul>
    8.54 -<li><h4><a href="">Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Schulz</a></h4>
    8.55 -My advisor during my bachelor thesis and creator of the brainiac theorem prover called E.
    8.56 -</li>
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    8.64 -			ME73 is my digital playground.
    8.65 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
    8.66 -            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
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   8.133 +			<h2>Friends</h2>
   8.134 +<ul>
   8.135 +<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Witt</a></h4>
   8.136 +A good friend and designer for the visual arts.
   8.137 +</li>
   8.138 +<li><h4><a href="">Christian König</a></h4>
   8.139 +A fellow student and companion in the quest for world domination.
   8.140 +</li>
   8.141 +<li><h4><a href="">Michael Chlebek</a></h4>
   8.142 +A friend, programmer and amateuer photographer.
   8.143 +</li>
   8.144 +<li><h4><a href="">Thomas Huber</a></h4>
   8.145 +A fellow student of artificial intelligence.
   8.146 +</li>
   8.147 +</ul>
   8.148 +<h2>Professional</h2>
   8.149 +<ul>
   8.150 +<li><h4><a href="">Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Schulz</a></h4>
   8.151 +My advisor during my bachelor thesis and creator of the brainiac theorem prover called E.
   8.152 +</li>
   8.153 +</ul>
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   8.159 +				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
   8.160 +			ME73 is my digital playground.
   8.161 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   8.162 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
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     9.3 @@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
     9.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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     9.8 -<title>ME73 - A Programmer's Playground</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
     9.9 -<meta name="author" content="Eugen Sawin -" />
    9.10 -<meta name="description" content="A Digital Playground" />
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    9.20 -    	<h1 id="logo-text"><a href="index.html" title="">ME73</a></h1>		
    9.21 -	    <p id="intro">A Programmer's Playground.</p>
    9.22 -        <div id="nav">
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    9.24 -				<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    9.25 -				<li><a href="chrome.html">Chrome</a></li>
    9.26 -				<li><a href="resume.html">Resume</a></li>
    9.27 -				<li><a href="howiwork.html">How I Work</a></li>
    9.28 -				<li><a href="personalwork.html">Personal Work</a></li>
    9.29 -            	<li><a href="books.html">Books</a></li>
    9.30 -	         	<li><a href="links.html">Links</a></li>			
    9.31 -				<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>		
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    9.35 -	<div id="content-wrap">				
    9.36 -		<div id="main">
    9.37 -					<h2><a name="tools">Tools</a></h2>
    9.38 -            <ul>
    9.39 -                <li>
    9.40 -                    <h3><a name="netchannel">NetChannel</a></h3>
    9.41 -                    <h4>Description</h4>
    9.42 -                    <p>NetChannel is a simple Python object for message-based network communication
    9.43 -                    on the TCP/IP stack. NetChannel is based on stateful sessions for improved performance.</p>
    9.44 -                    <h4>Version 0.7</h4>
    9.45 -                    <p>A stable prototype.</p>
    9.46 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    9.47 -                    Download NetChannel (Python required)</a></p>                    
    9.48 -                </li>
    9.49 -                <li>
    9.50 -                    <h3><a name="eden">Eden Plotter</a></h3>
    9.51 -                    <img src="images/edenplotters1.png" alt="eden plotter" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
    9.52 -                    <h4>Description</h4>
    9.53 -                    <p>Eden Plotter or Eden One is a quick prototype for my genetic programming routines.
    9.54 -                    What it does is approximating a given function by the methods of GP.</p>
    9.55 -                    <h4>Version 0.9</h4>
    9.56 -                    <p>An unendurable slow prototype.</p>
    9.57 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    9.58 -                    Download Eden Plotter (Python required)</a></p>
    9.59 -                </li>
    9.60 -                <li>
    9.61 -                    <h3><a name="anq">ANQ</a></h3>
    9.62 -                    <h4>Description</h4>
    9.63 -                    <img src="images/anqs3.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />                    
    9.64 -                    <p>ANQ
    9.65 -is a testing environment for distributed algorithms. It provides a
    9.66 -centralised and convenient way of organising runtime dynamic
    9.67 -topologies, gives full control over the initialisation and flow of the
    9.68 -algorithm and helps in tracking the current node states by visualising
    9.69 -the node reports on the OpenGL graph.</p>                    	
    9.70 -                    <p>
    9.71 -ANQ builds on the ANQ Protocol which can be optionally extended on
    9.72 -special needs for the algorithm to be tested. The ANQ Master is written
    9.73 -in C# using Windows Forms and OpenGL. Observer, Hotbed and the example
    9.74 -Node were developed in Python. </p>
    9.75 -                    <img src="images/anqs2.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />
    9.76 -                    <h4>Version Antquarium Prototype</h4>
    9.77 -                    <p>Antquarium is the predecessor of ANQ. It was an extended course assignment and serves as a prototype for ANQ.</p>
    9.78 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    9.79 -                    Download Antquarium for Windows (Python and .Net 2.0 required)</a></p>
    9.80 -                    <h4>Version 0.4.1</h4>
    9.81 -                    <p>Stable version missing features like flow and runtime topology control.</p>
    9.82 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
    9.83 -                    Request Access to Subversion Repository</a></p>
    9.84 -                </li>
    9.85 -            </ul>
    9.86 -            
    9.87 -			<p class="postmeta">				
    9.88 -			<a href="" class="comments">Comment</a> 
    9.89 -			<span class="date">July 28, 2008</span></p>
    9.90 -			<h2><a name="games">Games</a></h2>
    9.91 -				
    9.92 -            <ul><li>
    9.93 -                    <h3><a name="theme_blocks">Theme Blocks</a></h3>                    
    9.94 -                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
    9.95 -                    <p>A traditional gameplay most people will be familiar with.
    9.96 -                    You have blocks falling down, you have a highscore.</p>
    9.97 -                    <h4>Features</h4>
    9.98 -                    <img src="images/themeblockss1.png" alt="theme blocks" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
    9.99 -                    <ul><li>Online highscore list</li><li>Hardware accelerated graphics</li><li>Fullscreen and windowed mode</li><li>Two colour themes: black and white</li><li>Anti-aliasing support</li></ul>    		        
   9.100 -                    <h4>Requirements</h4>		        
   9.101 -                    <ul><li>Microsoft Windows XP or Vista</li><li>Graphics card supporting OpenGL 1.3 or higher</li><li>One keyboard with at least the arrow keys working</li></ul>	                		        
   9.102 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">Download Theme Blocks (1.4MB)</a></p>     	        
   9.103 -                </li><li> 		        
   9.104 -                    <h3><a name="pyng_pong">Pyng Pong</a></h3>
   9.105 -                    <img src="images/pyngpongs1.png" alt="pyng pong screenshot" class="float-right" height="149" width="200" />
   9.106 -                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   9.107 -                    <p>Two bats, one ball...</p>		            
   9.108 -                    <h4>Features</h4>
   9.109 -                    <ul><li>Three AI difficulty levels</li><li>Endless gameplay, play till you're bored!</li></ul>
   9.110 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.111 -                    Download Pyng Pong for Windows (2.4MB)</a></p>
   9.112 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.113 -                    Download Pyng Pong Source (Python + PyGame needed) (0.4MB)</a></p>	
   9.114 -                    </li><li>
   9.115 -                    
   9.116 -                    <h3><a name="klangbild">Klangbild</a></h3>
   9.117 -                    <img src="images/klangbilds1.png" alt="klangbild" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   9.118 -                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   9.119 -                    <p>There is no gameplay yet, it's a prototype for an audio-visual puzzle game.</p>
   9.120 -                    <h4>Features</h4>
   9.121 -                    <ul><li>Drag, create and remove sound sources</li><li>Height of placement sets the sound pitch</li></ul>
   9.122 -                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.123 -                    Download Klangbild (Python and PyGlet required)</a></p>		            
   9.124 -                </li></ul>            
   9.125 -            		
   9.126 -      
   9.127 -		</div>
   9.128 -		<div id="sidebar">
   9.129 -	        <p>
   9.130 -				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
   9.131 -			ME73 is my digital playground.
   9.132 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   9.133 -            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
   9.134 -	        </p>
   9.135 -			<div id="random_quote"></div>	        	
   9.136 -        </div>	
   9.137 -	</div>
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   9.141 -      	<a href=""><img src="images/cc.png" alt="CC" style="float:left" /></a>
   9.142 -		Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a 			<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.</a> Site Design is based on a template by <a href="">Styleshout.</a>
   9.143 -		</p>	
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   9.173 +<meta name="description" content="A Digital Playground" />
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   9.184 +	    <p id="intro">A Programmer's Playground.</p>
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   9.187 +				<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
   9.188 +				<li><a href="chrome.html">Chrome</a></li>
   9.189 +				<li><a href="resume.html">Resume</a></li>
   9.190 +				<li><a href="howiwork.html">How I Work</a></li>
   9.191 +				<li><a href="personalwork.html">Personal Work</a></li>
   9.192 +            	<li><a href="books.html">Books</a></li>
   9.193 +	         	<li><a href="links.html">Links</a></li>			
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   9.198 +	<div id="content-wrap">				
   9.199 +		<div id="main">
   9.200 +					<h2><a name="tools">Tools</a></h2>
   9.201 +            <ul>
   9.202 +                <li>
   9.203 +                    <h3><a name="netchannel">NetChannel</a></h3>
   9.204 +                    <h4>Description</h4>
   9.205 +                    <p>NetChannel is a simple Python object for message-based network communication
   9.206 +                    on the TCP/IP stack. NetChannel is based on stateful sessions for improved performance.</p>
   9.207 +                    <h4>Version 0.7</h4>
   9.208 +                    <p>A stable prototype.</p>
   9.209 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.210 +                    Download NetChannel (Python required)</a></p>                    
   9.211 +                </li>
   9.212 +                <li>
   9.213 +                    <h3><a name="eden">Eden Plotter</a></h3>
   9.214 +                    <img src="images/edenplotters1.png" alt="eden plotter" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   9.215 +                    <h4>Description</h4>
   9.216 +                    <p>Eden Plotter or Eden One is a quick prototype for my genetic programming routines.
   9.217 +                    What it does is approximating a given function by the methods of GP.</p>
   9.218 +                    <h4>Version 0.9</h4>
   9.219 +                    <p>An unendurable slow prototype.</p>
   9.220 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.221 +                    Download Eden Plotter (Python required)</a></p>
   9.222 +                </li>
   9.223 +                <li>
   9.224 +                    <h3><a name="anq">ANQ</a></h3>
   9.225 +                    <h4>Description</h4>
   9.226 +                    <img src="images/anqs3.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />                    
   9.227 +                    <p>ANQ
   9.228 +is a testing environment for distributed algorithms. It provides a
   9.229 +centralised and convenient way of organising runtime dynamic
   9.230 +topologies, gives full control over the initialisation and flow of the
   9.231 +algorithm and helps in tracking the current node states by visualising
   9.232 +the node reports on the OpenGL graph.</p>                    	
   9.233 +                    <p>
   9.234 +ANQ builds on the ANQ Protocol which can be optionally extended on
   9.235 +special needs for the algorithm to be tested. The ANQ Master is written
   9.236 +in C# using Windows Forms and OpenGL. Observer, Hotbed and the example
   9.237 +Node were developed in Python. </p>
   9.238 +                    <img src="images/anqs2.png" alt="anq" class="float-right" height="130" width="200" />
   9.239 +                    <h4>Version Antquarium Prototype</h4>
   9.240 +                    <p>Antquarium is the predecessor of ANQ. It was an extended course assignment and serves as a prototype for ANQ.</p>
   9.241 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.242 +                    Download Antquarium for Windows (Python and .Net 2.0 required)</a></p>
   9.243 +                    <h4>Version 0.4.1</h4>
   9.244 +                    <p>Stable version missing features like flow and runtime topology control.</p>
   9.245 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.246 +                    Request Access to Subversion Repository</a></p>
   9.247 +                </li>
   9.248 +            </ul>
   9.249 +            
   9.250 +			<p class="postmeta">				
   9.251 +			<a href="" class="comments">Comment</a> 
   9.252 +			<span class="date">July 28, 2008</span></p>
   9.253 +			<h2><a name="games">Games</a></h2>
   9.254 +				
   9.255 +            <ul><li>
   9.256 +                    <h3><a name="theme_blocks">Theme Blocks</a></h3>                    
   9.257 +                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   9.258 +                    <p>A traditional gameplay most people will be familiar with.
   9.259 +                    You have blocks falling down, you have a highscore.</p>
   9.260 +                    <h4>Features</h4>
   9.261 +                    <img src="images/themeblockss1.png" alt="theme blocks" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   9.262 +                    <ul><li>Online highscore list</li><li>Hardware accelerated graphics</li><li>Fullscreen and windowed mode</li><li>Two colour themes: black and white</li><li>Anti-aliasing support</li></ul>    		        
   9.263 +                    <h4>Requirements</h4>		        
   9.264 +                    <ul><li>Microsoft Windows XP or Vista</li><li>Graphics card supporting OpenGL 1.3 or higher</li><li>One keyboard with at least the arrow keys working</li></ul>	                		        
   9.265 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">Download Theme Blocks (1.4MB)</a></p>     	        
   9.266 +                </li><li> 		        
   9.267 +                    <h3><a name="pyng_pong">Pyng Pong</a></h3>
   9.268 +                    <img src="images/pyngpongs1.png" alt="pyng pong screenshot" class="float-right" height="149" width="200" />
   9.269 +                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   9.270 +                    <p>Two bats, one ball...</p>		            
   9.271 +                    <h4>Features</h4>
   9.272 +                    <ul><li>Three AI difficulty levels</li><li>Endless gameplay, play till you're bored!</li></ul>
   9.273 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.274 +                    Download Pyng Pong for Windows (2.4MB)</a></p>
   9.275 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.276 +                    Download Pyng Pong Source (Python + PyGame needed) (0.4MB)</a></p>	
   9.277 +                    </li><li>
   9.278 +                    
   9.279 +                    <h3><a name="klangbild">Klangbild</a></h3>
   9.280 +                    <img src="images/klangbilds1.png" alt="klangbild" class="float-right" height="150" width="200" />
   9.281 +                    <h4>Gameplay</h4>
   9.282 +                    <p>There is no gameplay yet, it's a prototype for an audio-visual puzzle game.</p>
   9.283 +                    <h4>Features</h4>
   9.284 +                    <ul><li>Drag, create and remove sound sources</li><li>Height of placement sets the sound pitch</li></ul>
   9.285 +                    <p class="download"><a href="">
   9.286 +                    Download Klangbild (Python and PyGlet required)</a></p>		            
   9.287 +                </li></ul>            
   9.288 +            		
   9.289 +      
   9.290 +		</div>
   9.291 +		<div id="sidebar">
   9.292 +	        <p>
   9.293 +				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
   9.294 +			ME73 is my digital playground.
   9.295 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   9.296 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
   9.297 +	        </p>
   9.298 +			<div id="random_quote"></div>	        	
   9.299 +        </div>	
   9.300 +	</div>
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   9.304 +      	<a href=""><img src="images/cc.png" alt="CC" style="float:left" /></a>
   9.305 +		Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a 			<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.</a> Site Design is based on a template by <a href="">Styleshout.</a>
   9.306 +		</p>	
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   9.310 +		<p class="align-right">
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    10.1 --- a/resume.html	Tue Jul 06 00:22:27 2010 +0200
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   10.20 -    	<h1 id="logo-text"><a href="index.html" title="">ME73</a></h1>		
   10.21 -	    <p id="intro">A Programmer's Playground.</p>
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   10.27 -				<li><a href="howiwork.html">How I Work</a></li>
   10.28 -				<li><a href="personalwork.html">Personal Work</a></li>
   10.29 -            	<li><a href="books.html">Books</a></li>
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   10.37 -			
   10.38 -<h2>Professional Experience</h2>
   10.39 -<ul>
   10.40 -<li><h4>Software Engineer, Comsoft GmbH, since 2010</h4>
   10.41 -Development of safety-critical back end systems for the ATC domain.
   10.42 -</li>
   10.43 -</ul>
   10.44 -<h2>Accompanying the Studies</h2>
   10.45 -<ul>
   10.46 -<li><h4>Bachelor Thesis, Comsoft GmbH, 2009-2010</h4>
   10.47 -"Flexible Modeling of Dynamic Air Space Constraints and its Application in Departure Flow Optimisation" 
   10.48 -</li>
   10.49 -<li><h4>Working Student &amp; Internship, Comsoft GmbH, 2008-2009</h4>
   10.50 -Development of software and driver for safety-critical embedded systems.
   10.51 -</li>
   10.52 -<li>
   10.53 -<h4>Student Assistant, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, 2008</h4>
   10.54 -Assistance at a university course for object-oriented software development.
   10.55 -</li>
   10.56 -<li><h4>University Project, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg &amp; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2008</h4>
   10.57 -Development of a client for 3D data streaming and visualisation. 
   10.58 -</li>
   10.59 -<li><h4>University Project, University Karlsruhe, 2006</h4>
   10.60 -Development of a multi-discipline scheduler.
   10.61 -</li>
   10.62 -</ul>
   10.63 -<h2>Education</h2>
   10.64 -<ul>
   10.65 -<li>
   10.66 -<h4>University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, 2007-2010</h4>
   10.67 -B. Sc. in Computer Science.<br />
   10.68 -Emphasis in Distributed Systems and Artificial Intelligence.
   10.69 -</li>
   10.70 -</ul>
   10.71 -<ul>
   10.72 -<li>
   10.73 -<h4>University Karlsruhe, 2003-2007</h4>
   10.74 -Diplom in Informatics, 6 semesters.
   10.75 -</li>
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   10.85 -            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
   10.86 -            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
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  10.154 +<h2>Professional Experience</h2>
  10.155 +<ul>
  10.156 +<li><h4>Software Engineer, Comsoft GmbH, since 2010</h4>
  10.157 +Development of safety-critical back end systems for the ATC domain.
  10.158 +</li>
  10.159 +</ul>
  10.160 +<h2>Accompanying the Studies</h2>
  10.161 +<ul>
  10.162 +<li><h4>Bachelor Thesis, Comsoft GmbH, 2009-2010</h4>
  10.163 +"Flexible Modeling of Dynamic Air Space Constraints and its Application in Departure Flow Optimisation" 
  10.164 +</li>
  10.165 +<li><h4>Working Student &amp; Internship, Comsoft GmbH, 2008-2009</h4>
  10.166 +Development of software and driver for safety-critical embedded systems.
  10.167 +</li>
  10.168 +<li>
  10.169 +<h4>Student Assistant, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, 2008</h4>
  10.170 +Assistance at a university course for object-oriented software development.
  10.171 +</li>
  10.172 +<li><h4>University Project, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg &amp; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2008</h4>
  10.173 +Development of a client for 3D data streaming and visualisation. 
  10.174 +</li>
  10.175 +<li><h4>University Project, University Karlsruhe, 2006</h4>
  10.176 +Development of a multi-discipline scheduler.
  10.177 +</li>
  10.178 +</ul>
  10.179 +<h2>Education</h2>
  10.180 +<ul>
  10.181 +<li>
  10.182 +<h4>University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, 2007-2010</h4>
  10.183 +B. Sc. in Computer Science.<br />
  10.184 +Emphasis in Distributed Systems and Artificial Intelligence.
  10.185 +</li>
  10.186 +</ul>
  10.187 +<ul>
  10.188 +<li>
  10.189 +<h4>University Karlsruhe, 2003-2007</h4>
  10.190 +Diplom in Informatics, 6 semesters.
  10.191 +</li>
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  10.199 +				<img src="images/me2.png" alt="me" class="float-left" height="70" width="70" />		
  10.200 +			ME73 is my digital playground.
  10.201 +            I'm a programmer, a student of computer science, a music enthusiast.
  10.202 +            This site serves as a portfolio for my work, private and professional.
  10.203 +	        </p>
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    11.1 --- a/script.js	Tue Jul 06 00:22:27 2010 +0200
    11.2 +++ b/script.js	Tue Jul 06 11:56:48 2010 +0200
    11.3 @@ -138,6 +138,8 @@
    11.4      document.getElementById('footer').innerHTML = request.responseText;
    11.5  }
    11.7 +
    11.8 +
    11.9  // Mandelbrot functions
   11.10  function Complex(real, imag) 
   11.11  {
   11.12 @@ -149,7 +151,8 @@
   11.13  var MAX_C = new Complex(1.0, 1.4);
   11.14  var min_c = MIN_C;
   11.15  var max_c = MAX_C;
   11.16 -var max_iter = 100;
   11.17 +var MIN_ITER = 100;
   11.18 +var max_iter = MIN_ITER;
   11.19  var zoom = 1.0;
   11.20  var resolution = 3;
   11.21  var bailout = 4.0;
   11.22 @@ -206,7 +209,7 @@
   11.23  	return new Result(quad_z, iter);
   11.24  }
   11.26 -function draw(iter, dx, dy, dz, dres)
   11.27 +function draw(diter, dx, dy, dz, dres)
   11.28  {  
   11.29  	var canvas = document.getElementById('mandelbrot'); 
   11.31 @@ -219,7 +222,14 @@
   11.32  		{		
   11.33  			resolution = Math.max(1, resolution + dres);
   11.34  		}
   11.35 +
   11.36 +		if (diter != 0)
   11.37 +		{
   11.38 +			max_iter = Math.max(MIN_ITER, max_iter + diter);
   11.39 +		}
   11.41 +		var red = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
   11.42 +		var white = "rgb(255, 255, 255)";
   11.43  		var width = canvas.width;
   11.44  		var height = canvas.height;
   11.45  		var dim = Math.max(width, height);
   11.46 @@ -236,11 +246,10 @@
   11.47  		var max_inc = new Complex(dx_max * dim_ratio / 2.0, dy_max);
   11.48  		min_c = complex_add(min_c, min_inc);
   11.49  		max_c = complex_add(max_c, max_inc);
   11.50 -		max_iter += iter;
   11.51  		diff_c = new Complex(max_c.real - min_c.real,
   11.52  			max_c.imag - min_c.imag);
   11.54 -		for (var y = 0; y < height; y += resolution) 
   11.55 +		for (var y = 0; y < height - 2; y += resolution) 
   11.56  		{
   11.57  			for (var x = 0; x < width; x += resolution) 
   11.58  			{    			
   11.59 @@ -255,7 +264,7 @@
   11.60  					(result.iter - max_iter / 20.0)), 2));
   11.61  		 		var colour = r + "," + g + "," + b;
   11.62  		 		ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + colour + ")"; 
   11.63 -				ctx.fillRect(x, y, resolution, resolution);				 
   11.64 +				ctx.fillRect(x, y, resolution, resolution);			
   11.65  			}
   11.66    		}
   11.67  	}