author Eugen Sawin <>
Fri, 22 Jul 2011 20:49:15 +0200
changeset 71 e7c58603ff08
parent 70 ab0b7643228a
child 72 722ec2a3cabe
permissions -rw-r--r--
Reactive program graph.
     1 \documentclass[9pt]{beamer}
     2 \usetheme{Boadilla}
     3 \usecolortheme{dove}
     4 \usecolortheme{orchid}
     5 \usecolortheme{dolphin}
     6 %\usecolortheme{seagull}
     8 \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, amsfonts, verbatim}
     9 \usepackage{pifont}
    10 \usepackage{xcolor}
    11 \usepackage{ulem}
    12 \usepackage{graphics}
    13 \usepackage{tikz}
    14 \usetikzlibrary{automata}
    15 \usepackage{subfigure}
    17 \renewcommand{\emph}{\textit}
    18 \renewcommand{\em}{\it}
    20 \newcommand{\cross}{\ding{55}}
    21 \newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}}
    22 \newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}_0}
    23 \newcommand{\F}{\mathcal{F}}
    24 \newcommand{\Fs}{\mathbb{F}}
    25 \newcommand{\Prop}{\mathcal{P}}
    26 \newcommand{\A}{\mathcal{A}}
    27 \newcommand{\X}{\mathcal{X}}
    28 \newcommand{\U}{\mathcal{U}}
    29 \newcommand{\V}{\mathcal{V}}
    30 \newcommand{\dnf}{\mathsf{dnf}}
    31 \newcommand{\consq}{\mathsf{consq}}
    33 \theoremstyle{definition} %plain, definition, remark, proof, corollary
    34 \newtheorem*{def:finite words}{Finite words}
    35 \newtheorem*{def:infinite words}{Infinite words}
    36 \newtheorem*{def:regular languages}{Regular languages}
    37 \newtheorem*{def:regular languages closure}{Regular closure}
    38 \newtheorem*{def:omega regular languages}{$\omega$-regular languages}
    39 \newtheorem*{def:omega regular languages closure}{$\omega$-regular closure}
    40 \newtheorem*{def:buechi automata}{Automaton}
    41 \newtheorem*{def:automata runs}{Run}
    42 \newtheorem*{def:inf}{Infinite occurrences}
    43 \newtheorem*{def:automata acceptance}{Acceptance}
    44 \newtheorem*{def:automata language}{Recognised language}
    45 \newtheorem*{def:general automata}{Generalised automaton}
    46 \newtheorem*{def:general acceptance}{Acceptance}
    47 \newtheorem*{def:syntax}{Syntax}
    50 \newtheorem*{def:vocabulary}{Vocabulary}
    51 \newtheorem*{def:frames}{Frame}
    52 \newtheorem*{def:models}{Model}
    53 \newtheorem*{def:satisfiability}{Satisfiability}
    54 \newtheorem*{def:fs closure}{Closure}
    55 \newtheorem*{def:atoms}{Atoms}
    56 \newtheorem*{def:rep function}{Representation function}
    57 \newtheorem*{def:next}{Next function}
    58 \newtheorem*{def:dnf}{Disjunctive normal form}
    59 \newtheorem*{def:positive formulae}{Positive formulae}
    60 \newtheorem*{def:consq}{Logical consequences}
    61 \newtheorem*{def:partial automata}{Partial automata}
    63 \theoremstyle{plain}
    64 \newtheorem{prop:vocabulary sat}{Proposition}[section]
    65 \newtheorem{prop:general equiv}{Proposition}[section]
    66 \newtheorem{prop:computation set=language}{Proposition}[section]
    68 \theoremstyle{plain}
    69 \newtheorem{thm:model language}{Theorem}[section]
    70 \newtheorem{cor:mod=model language}{Corollary}[thm:model language]
    71 \newtheorem{cor:mod=program language}[cor:mod=model language]{Corollary}
    72 \newtheorem{thm:model checking}{Theorem}[section]
    73 \newtheorem{lem:dnf}{Lemma}[section]
    74 \newtheorem{lem:consq}[lem:dnf]{Lemma}
    76 \title[Algorithmic Verification]{Algorithmic Verification of Reactive Systems}
    77 \author{Eugen Sawin}
    78 \institute[University of Freiburg]
    79 { 
    80   Research Group for Foundations in Artificial Intelligence\\
    81   Computer Science Department\\
    82   University of Freiburg
    83 }
    84 \date[SS 2011]{Seminar: Automata Constructions in Model Checking}
    85 \subject{Model Checking}
    87 \begin{document}
    88 \frame{\titlepage}
    90 \begin{frame}
    91 \frametitle{Motivation}
    92 \framesubtitle{Model Checking 1/2}
    93 \begin{center}
    94 %\only<1>{\colorbox{black}{\makebox(35,10){\color{white} $\M \models \varphi$}}}
    95 \[\M \models \varphi\]
    96 \end{center}
    97 \end{frame}
    99 \begin{frame}
   100 \frametitle{Motivation}
   101 \framesubtitle{Model Checking 2/2}
   102 \begin{center}
   103 Given a program $P$ and specification $\varphi$:\\
   104 \colorbox{black}{\makebox(150,10){\color{white} does every run of $P$ satisfy $\varphi$?}}
   105 \end{center}
   106 \end{frame}
   108 \begin{frame}
   109 \frametitle{Motivation}
   110 \framesubtitle{Industry}
   111 \begin{figure}
   112 \centering
   113 \subfigure{\includegraphics[width=70pt,height=50pt]{images/intel.jpg}}
   114 \subfigure{\includegraphics[width=70pt,height=50pt]{images/airbag.jpg}}
   115 \subfigure{\includegraphics[width=70pt,height=50pt]{images/atc.jpg}}
   116 \end{figure}
   117 \end{frame}
   119 {
   120 \setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=black, fg=white}
   121 \setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=white!30!black}
   122 \usebeamercolor*{normal text} 
   123 \usebeamercolor*{frametitle} 
   124 \begin{frame}
   125 \frametitle{Linear Temporal Logic}
   126 \framesubtitle{Natural language 1/2}
   127 \begin{center}
   128 ``It is dark.''\\
   129 \visible<2->{``It is \emph{always} dark.''\\}
   130 \visible<3->{``It is \emph{currently} dark.''\\}
   131 \visible<4->{``It will \emph{necessarily} be dark.''\\}
   132 \visible<5->{``It is dark \emph{until} someone puts the light on.''}
   133 \end{center}
   134 \end{frame}
   135 }
   137 \begin{frame}
   138 \frametitle{Linear Temporal Logic}
   139 \framesubtitle{Natural language 2/2}
   140 \begin{center}
   141 \only<1->{
   142 \color{white}
   143 \colorbox{black}{\makebox(50,10){It is dark}} \colorbox{orange}{\makebox(30,10){until}} \colorbox{black!30}{\makebox(50,10){there is light}}\\
   144 \visible<2->{
   145 \colorbox{black}{\makebox(50,10){$p_0$}} \colorbox{orange}{\makebox(30,10){$\U$}} \colorbox{black!30}{\makebox(50,10){$p_1$}}}
   146 }
   147 \end{center}
   148 \end{frame}
   150 \begin{frame}
   151 \frametitle{Linear Temporal Logic}
   152 \framesubtitle{Syntax}
   153 \begin{def:syntax}
   154 Let $\Prop$ be the countable set of \emph{atomic propositions}, LTL-formulae $\varphi$ are defined using following productions:
   155 \[\varphi ::= p \in \Prop \,|\, \neg \varphi \,|\, \varphi \lor \varphi \,|\, \X \varphi \,|\, \varphi \U \varphi\]
   156 \begin{itemize}
   157 \item $\neg, \lor$ corresponds to the Boolean \emph{negation} and \emph{disjunction}.
   158 \item $\X$ reads \emph{next}.
   159 \item $\U$ reads \emph{until}.
   160 \end{itemize}
   161 \end{def:syntax}
   162 \end{frame}
   164 \begin{frame}
   165 \frametitle{Linear Temporal Logic}
   166 \framesubtitle{Semantics}
   167 \begin{def:frames}
   168 An LTL-\emph{frame} is a tuple $\F = (S, R)$:
   169 \begin{itemize}
   170 \item $S = \{s_i \mid i \in \N\}$ is the set of states.
   171 \item $R = \{(s_i, s_{i+1}) \mid i \in \N\}$ is the accessibility relation.
   172 \end{itemize} 
   173 \end{def:frames}
   175 \begin{def:models}
   176 An LTL-\emph{model} is a tuple $\M = (\F, V)$:
   177 \begin{itemize}
   178 \item $\F$ is a \emph{frame}.
   179 \item $V: S \to 2^\Prop$ is a \emph{valuation function}.
   180 \item Intuitively we say $p \in \Prop$ is \emph{true} at time instant $i$ iff $p \in V(i)$. 
   181 \end{itemize}
   182 \end{def:models}
   183 \end{frame}
   185 \begin{frame}
   186 \frametitle{Linear Temporal Logic}
   187 \framesubtitle{Model Example}
   188 \begin{figure}
   189 \centering
   190 \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2.5cm, auto, semithick, >=stealth   
   191     ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}]
   192 \node[state, initial, initial text=] (s_0) {$\{p_0\}$};
   193 \path (s_0) [late options={label=below:$s_0$}];
   194 \node[state] (s_1) [right of= s_0] {$\{p_0, p_2\}$};
   195 \path (s_1) [late options={label=below:$s_1$}];
   196 \node[state] (s_2) [right of= s_1] {$\{p_1\}$};
   197 \path (s_2) [late options={label=below:$s_2$}];
   198 \node[state] (s_i) [right of= s_2] {$\{p_1\}$};
   199 \path (s_i) [late options={label=below:$s_i$}];
   200 \path[->] 
   201 (s_0) edge node {$R$} (s_1) 
   202 (s_1) edge node {$R$} (s_2);
   203 \path[dashed,->] 
   204 (s_2) edge node {$R$} (s_i); 
   205 \end{tikzpicture}
   206 \end{figure}
   207 \end{frame}
   209 \begin{frame}
   210 \frametitle{Linear Temporal Logic}
   211 \framesubtitle{Satisfiability}
   212 \begin{def:satisfiability}
   213 A model $\M = (\F, V)$ \emph{satisfies} a formula $\varphi$ at time instant $i$ is denoted by $\M,i \models \varphi$:
   214 \begin{itemize}
   215 \item $\M,i \models p$ for $p \in \Prop \iff p \in V(i)$
   216 \item $\M,i \models \neg \varphi \iff$ not $\M,i \models \varphi$
   217 \item $\M,i \models \varphi \lor \psi \iff \M,i \models \varphi$ or $\M,i \models \psi$
   218 \item $\M,i \models \X \varphi \iff \M,i+1 \models \varphi$
   219 \item $\M,i \models \varphi \U \psi \iff \exists{k \geq i}: \M,k \models \psi$ and $\forall{i \leq j < k}: \M,j \models\varphi$
   220 \end{itemize}
   221 \end{def:satisfiability}
   222 \end{frame}
   224 \begin{frame}
   225 \frametitle{Reactive Systems}
   226 \framesubtitle{Infinite inputs}
   227 \begin{center}
   228 \begin{figure}
   229 \setcounter{subfigure}{0} 
   230 \subfigure[Terminating program]{
   231 \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=1.5cm, semithick, >=stealth   
   232     ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}]
   233 \node[state, initial, initial text=$input$] (p) {$P$};
   234 \coordinate (b) at (1,0);
   235         %\coordinate (b) at ($(a)+1/2*(3,3)$);
   236 \draw (p) edge[->] node[right] {$\hspace{8pt}output$} (b);
   237 %\draw[->] (p) -- (b);
   238 \end{tikzpicture}
   239 }
   240 \hspace{10pt}
   241 \visible<2>{\subfigure[Reactive program]{
   242 \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=1.5cm, semithick, >=stealth   
   243     ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}]
   244 \node[state, initial, initial text=$event$] (p) {$RP$};
   245 \coordinate (b) at (1.1,0);
   246         %\coordinate (b) at ($(a)+1/2*(3,3)$);
   247 \path[->]
   248 (p) edge [loop right] node {$action$} ();
   249 \end{tikzpicture}
   250 }}
   251 \end{figure}
   252 \end{center}
   253 \end{frame}
   255 \begin{frame}
   256 \frametitle{Automata}
   257 \framesubtitle{Example 1/2}
   258 \begin{figure}
   259 \centering
   260 \only<-3>{
   261 \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2cm, auto, semithick, >=stealth
   262     %every state/.style={fill, draw=none, gray, text=white},
   263     ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}
   264     %initial/.style ={gray, text=white}]%,  thick]
   265     ]
   266 \node[state,initial, initial text=] (q_0) {$q_0$};
   267 \node[state] (q_1) [above right of= q_0] {$q_1$};
   268 \node[state,accepting](q_2) [below right of= q_1] {$q_2$};
   269 \path[->] 
   270 (q_0) edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   271   edge [loop above] node {$b$} ()
   272 (q_1) edge node {$b$} (q_2)
   273   edge [loop above] node {$a$} ()
   274 (q_2) %edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   275   edge node {$b$} (q_0);
   276 \draw[->] (q_2) .. controls +(up:1cm) and +(right:1cm) .. node[above] {$a$} (q_1);
   277 \end{tikzpicture}\\
   278 \vspace{10pt}
   279 \visible<2-3>{$w_1 = \overline{bbaa} \implies \rho_1 = q_0q_0\overline{q_0q_1q_1q_2}$}\\
   280 \visible<3>{$w_2 = bb\overline{ab} \implies \rho_2 = q_0q_0\overline{q_1q_2}$}\\
   281 \vspace{10pt}
   282 \visible<4>{Accepts all inputs with infinite occurrences of $ab$.}
   283 }
   285 \only<4>{
   286 \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2cm, auto, semithick, >=stealth
   287     %every state/.style={fill, draw=none, gray, text=white},
   288     ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}
   289     %initial/.style ={gray, text=white}]%,  thick]
   290     ]
   291 \node[state,initial, initial text=] (q_0) {$q_0$};
   292 \node[state] (q_1) [above right of= q_0] {$q_1$};
   293 \node[state,accepting](q_2) [below right of= q_1] {$q_2$};
   294 \path[->] 
   295 (q_0) 
   296   edge [loop above] node {$b$} ()
   297 (q_1) 
   298   edge [loop above] node {$a$} ()
   299 (q_2) %edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   300   edge node {$b$} (q_0);
   301 \color{green}
   302 \path[->] 
   303 (q_0) edge node {$a$} (q_1) 
   304 (q_1) edge node {$b$} (q_2);
   305 \draw[->] (q_2) .. controls +(up:1cm) and +(right:1cm) .. node[above] {$a$} (q_1);
   306 \end{tikzpicture}\\
   307 \color{black}
   308 \vspace{10pt}
   309 \visible<2->{$w_1 = \overline{\textcolor{green}{b}ba\textcolor{green}{a}} \implies \rho_1 = q_0q_0\overline{q_0q_1q_1\textcolor{green}{q_2}}$}\\
   310 \visible<3->{$w_2 = bb\overline{\textcolor{green}{ab}} \implies \rho_2 = q_0q_0\overline{q_1\textcolor{green}{q_2}}$}\\
   311 \vspace{10pt}
   312 \visible<4>{Accepts all inputs with infinite occurrences of $ab$.}
   313 }
   314 %Automaton $\A_1$
   315 \end{figure}
   316 \end{frame}
   318 \begin{frame}
   319 \frametitle{Automata}
   320 \framesubtitle{Example 2/2 (Complement)}
   321 \begin{figure}
   322 \centering
   323 \only<1>{
   324   \subfigure
   325             {
   326               \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2cm, auto, semithick, >=stealth
   327                   %every state/.style={fill, draw=none, gray, text=white},
   328                   ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}
   329                   %initial/.style ={gray, text=white}]%,  thick]
   330                 ]
   331                 \node[state,initial, initial text=, accepting] (q_0) {$q_0$};
   332                 \node[state, accepting] (q_1) [above right of= q_0] {$q_1$};
   333                 \node[state](q_2) [below right of= q_1] {$q_2$};
   334                 \path[->] 
   335                 (q_0) edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   336                 edge [loop above] node {$b$} ()
   337                 (q_1) edge node {$b$} (q_2)
   338                 edge [loop above] node {$a$} ()
   339                 (q_2) %edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   340                 edge node {$b$} (q_0);
   341                 \draw[->] (q_2) .. controls +(up:1cm) and +(right:1cm) .. node[above] {$a$} (q_1);
   342               \end{tikzpicture}
   343             }
   344 }
   345 \only<2>{ 
   346   \subfigure
   347             {
   348               \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2cm, auto, semithick, >=stealth
   349                   %every state/.style={fill, draw=none, gray, text=white},
   350                   ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}
   351                   %initial/.style ={gray, text=white}]%,  thick]
   352                 ]
   353                 \node[state,initial, initial text=, accepting] (q_0) {$q_0$};
   354                 \node[state, accepting] (q_1) [above right of= q_0] {$q_1$};
   355                 \node[state](q_2) [below right of= q_1] {$q_2$};
   356                 \path[->] 
   357                 (q_0) 
   358                 edge [loop above] node {$b$} ()
   359                 (q_1) 
   360                 edge [loop above] node {$a$} ();                
   361                 \color{red}  
   362                 \path[->] 
   363                 (q_0) edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   364                 (q_1) edge node {$b$} (q_2)
   365                 (q_2) edge node {$b$} (q_0);  
   366                 \draw[->] (q_2) .. controls +(up:1cm) and +(right:1cm) .. node[above] {$a$} (q_1);              
   367               \end{tikzpicture}  \color{red}  
   368             }
   369  \color{black}
   370 }
   371 \only<3->{ \setcounter{subfigure}{0} 
   372   \subfigure[Complement automaton \cross]
   373             {
   374               \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2cm, auto, semithick, >=stealth
   375                   %every state/.style={fill, draw=none, gray, text=white},
   376                   ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}
   377                   %initial/.style ={gray, text=white}]%,  thick]
   378                 ]
   379                 \node[state,initial, initial text=, accepting] (q_0) {$q_0$};
   380                 \node[state, accepting] (q_1) [above right of= q_0] {$q_1$};
   381                 \node[state](q_2) [below right of= q_1] {$q_2$};
   382                 \path[->] 
   383                 (q_0) 
   384                 edge [loop above] node {$b$} ()
   385                 (q_1) 
   386                 edge [loop above] node {$a$} ();                
   387                 \path[->] 
   388                 (q_0) edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   389                 (q_1) edge node {$b$} (q_2)
   390                 (q_2) edge node {$b$} (q_0);  
   391                 \draw[->] (q_2) .. controls +(up:1cm) and +(right:1cm) .. node[above] {$a$} (q_1);              
   392               \end{tikzpicture}  \color{red}  
   393             }
   394  \color{black}
   395 }
   396 %\hspace{10pt}
   397 \visible<3->{
   398   \subfigure[Complement automaton \checkmark]
   399             {
   400               \label{fig:complement automaton}
   401               \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2cm, auto, semithick, >=stealth   
   402                   ,accepting/.style={fill, gray!50!black, text=white}]
   403                 \node[state, initial, initial text=] (q_0) {$q_0$};
   404                 \node[state, accepting] (q_1) [above right of= q_0] {$q_1$};
   405                 \node[state, accepting](q_2) [below right of= q_1] {$q_2$};
   406                 \path[->] 
   407                 (q_0) edge node {$a$} (q_1)
   408                 edge node {$b$} (q_2)
   409                 edge [loop above] node {$a, b$} ()
   410                 (q_1) edge [loop above] node {$a$} ()
   411                 (q_2) 
   412                 edge [loop above] node {$b$} ();
   413               \end{tikzpicture}\color{green}  
   414             }\\
   415 \color{black}  
   416 \vspace{20pt}
   417 Accepts all inputs with finite many $ab$.
   418 }
   419 %\caption{Automata from Example \ref{ex:automaton}}
   420 \end{figure}
   421 \end{frame}
   422 \color{black}  
   424 \begin{frame}
   425 \frametitle{Automata}
   426 \framesubtitle{Definition}
   427 \begin{def:buechi automata}
   428 A non-deterministic B\"uchi automaton is a tuple $\A = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, F)$ with:
   429 \begin{itemize}
   430 \item $\Sigma$ is a finite \emph{alphabet}.
   431 \item $S$ is a finite set of \emph{states}.
   432 \item $S_0 \subseteq S$ is the set of \emph{initial states}.
   433 \item $\Delta: S \times \Sigma \times S$ is a \emph{transition relation}.
   434 \item $F \subseteq S$ is the set of \emph{accepting states}.
   435 \end{itemize}
   436 \end{def:buechi automata}
   437 \end{frame}
   439 \begin{frame}
   440 \frametitle{Automata}
   441 \framesubtitle{Runs}
   442 \begin{def:automata runs}
   443 Let $\A = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, F)$ be an automaton:
   444 \begin{itemize}
   445 \item A run $\rho$ of $\A$ on an infinite word $w = a_0,a_1,...$ is a sequence $\rho = s_0,s_1,...$:
   446 \begin{itemize}
   447 \item $s_0 \in S_0$.
   448 \item $(s_i, a_i, s_{i+1}) \in \Delta$, for all $i \geq 0$.
   449 \end{itemize}
   450 \item Alternative view of a run $\rho$ as a function $\rho : \N \to S$, with $\rho(i) = s_i$.
   451 \end{itemize}
   452 \end{def:automata runs}
   453 \visible<2->{\[w_1 = \overline{\textcolor{green}{b}ba\textcolor{green}{a}} \implies \rho_1 = q_0q_0\overline{q_0q_1q_1\textcolor{green}{q_2}}\]
   454 \[w_2 = bb\overline{\textcolor{green}{ab}} \implies \rho_2 = q_0q_0\overline{q_1\textcolor{green}{q_2}}\]}
   455 \end{frame}
   457 \begin{frame}
   458 \frametitle{Automata}
   459 \framesubtitle{Acceptance}
   460 \begin{def:inf}
   461 Let $\A = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, F)$ be an automaton and let $\rho$ be a run of $\A$:
   462 \begin{itemize}
   463 \item $\exists^\omega$ denotes the existential quantifier for \emph{infinitely} many occurrences.
   464 \item $inf(\rho) = \{s \in S \mid \exists^\omega{n \in \N}: \rho(n) = s\}$.
   465 \end{itemize}
   466 \end{def:inf}
   468 \begin{def:automata acceptance}
   469 Let $\A = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, F)$ be an automaton and let $\rho$ be a run of $\A$:
   470 \begin{itemize}
   471 \item $\rho$ is \emph{accepting} iff $inf(\rho) \cap F \neq \emptyset$.
   472 \item $\A$ \emph{accepts} an input word $w$ iff there exists a run $\rho$ of $\A$ on $w$, such that $\rho$ is accepting. 
   473 \end{itemize}
   474 \end{def:automata acceptance}
   475 \end{frame}
   477 \begin{frame}
   478 \frametitle{Automata}
   479 \framesubtitle{Language}
   480 \begin{def:automata language}
   481 Let $\A = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, F)$ be an automaton:
   482 \begin{itemize}
   483 \item $L_\omega(\A) = \{w \in \Sigma^\omega \mid \A \text{ accepts } w\}$, we say $\A$ recognises language $L_\omega(\A)$.
   484 \item Language $L$ is \emph{B\"uchi-recognisable} iff there is an automaton $\A$ with $L = L_\omega(\A)$.
   485 \end{itemize}
   486 \end{def:automata language}
   487 \end{frame}
   489 \begin{frame}
   490 \frametitle{Generalised Automata}
   491 \begin{def:general automata}
   492 A \emph{generalised B\"uchi automaton} is a tuple $\A_G = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, \{F_i\}_{i<k})$:
   493 \begin{itemize}
   494 \item $\{F_i\}$ is a finite set of sets for a given $k$.
   495 \item Each $F_i \subseteq S$ is a finite set of accepting states.
   496 \end{itemize}
   497 \end{def:general automata}
   499 \begin{def:general acceptance}
   500 Let $\A_G = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, \{F_i\}_{i<k})$ be a generalised automaton and let $\rho$ be a run of $\A_G$:
   501 \begin{itemize}
   502 \item $\rho$ is \emph{accepting} iff $\forall{i < k}: inf(\rho) \cap F_i \neq \emptyset$.
   503 \item $\A_G$ \emph{accepts} an input word $w$ iff there exists a run $\rho$ of $\A_G$ on $w$, such that $\rho$ is accepting. 
   504 \end{itemize} 
   505 \end{def:general acceptance}
   507 \begin{prop:general equiv}
   508 Let $\A_G = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, \{F_i\}_{i < k})$ be a generalised automaton and let $\A_i = (\Sigma, S, S_0, \Delta, F_i)$ be non-deterministic automata:
   509 \[L_\omega(\A_G) = \bigcap_{i < k} L_\omega(\A_i)\]
   510 \end{prop:general equiv}
   511 \end{frame}
   513 \begin{frame}
   514 \frametitle{Automata Construction}
   515 \framesubtitle{Formula automata}
   516 \begin{center}
   517 Model $\M_\varphi$ for formula $\varphi$\\
   518 $\Downarrow$\\
   519 Closure $CL(\varphi)$ of $\varphi$\\
   520 $\Downarrow$\\
   521 Automaton $\A_\varphi$ for $\varphi$\\
   522 \vspace{20pt}
   523 \textcolor{red}{On-the-fly methods} \`a la Gerth et al.
   524 \end{center}
   525 \end{frame}
   527 \begin{frame}
   528 \frametitle{Automata Construction}
   529 \framesubtitle{System automata}
   530 \begin{center}
   531 Model $\M_\varphi$ for formula $\varphi$\\
   532 $\Downarrow$\\
   533 Closure $CL(\varphi)$ of $\varphi$\\
   534 $\Downarrow$\\
   535 Automaton $\A_\varphi$ for $\varphi$
   536 \end{center}
   537 \end{frame}
   539 \begin{frame}
   540 \frametitle{Model Checking}
   541 \framesubtitle{Definition}
   542 \begin{thm:model checking}
   543 \label{thm:model checking}
   544 Let $\A_P$ be the automaton for program $P$ and let $\A_\varphi$ be the automaton for formula $\varphi$.\\
   545 P satisfies $\varphi$ iff:
   546 \begin{itemize}
   547 \item $L_\omega(\A_P) \subseteq L_\omega(\A_\varphi)$.
   548 \item $L_\omega(\A_P) \cap L_\omega(\A_{\neg \varphi}) = \emptyset$.
   549 \end{itemize}
   550 \end{thm:model checking}
   551 \end{frame}
   553 \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]
   554 \frametitle<presentation>{Literature}    
   555 \begin{thebibliography}{10}    
   557 \beamertemplatearticlebibitems
   558 \bibitem{ref:ltl&büchi}
   559 Madhavan Mukund.
   560 \newblock {\em Linear-Time Temporal Logic and B\"uchi Automata}.
   561 \newblock Winter School on Logic and Computer Science, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1997.
   563 \beamertemplatearticlebibitems
   564 \bibitem{ref:alternating verification}
   565 Moshe Y. Vardi.
   566 \newblock {\em Alternating Automata and Program Verification}.
   567 \newblock Computer Science Today, Volume 1000 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995.
   569 \beamertemplatebookbibitems
   570 \bibitem{ref:handbook}
   571 Patrick Blackburn and Frank Wolter and Johan van Benthem.
   572 \newblock {\em Handbook of Modal Logic}.
   573 \newblock 3rd Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Chapter 11 P. 655-720 and Chapter 17 P. 975-989, 2007.
   575 \end{thebibliography}
   576 \end{frame}
   578 \end{document}