author Eugen Sawin <sawine@me73.com>
Fri, 18 Jun 2010 12:01:50 +0200
changeset 2 98e7c7074764
permissions -rw-r--r--
Favicon added. Minor changes.
     1             <h2><a name="2">ROSI - Rotating SICK Laser Scanner</a></h2>		   
     2             <p>
     3             Take 8 people, one 3D-laser-scanner, an embedded Linux system and
     4             the goal of developing a Linux client, a Windows client and the embedded
     5             Linux server application. Get a lot of challenging problems, even more work
     6             but a rewarding accomplishment of succeeding at something others have failed before.            
     7             </p>
     8             <p><img src="images/team1.png" alt="ROSI team" height="280" width="400" /></p>
     9             <p>My responsibility was the development of the Window client, including its GUI and 3D visualisation
    10             in OpenGL. The Windows client is responsible for:
    11             </p>
    12             <ul>
    13                 <li>Visualising the 3D vertex data stream from the server</li>
    14                 <li>Giving the user ways to navigate in the 3D space via mouse and GUI buttons</li>
    15                 <li>Setting the colour-mapping of depth and remission values of the scanner data</li>
    16                 <li>Loading and Saving LAD-files and LAD-file sequences (possible directly from the stream)</li>
    17                 <li>Setting scanner configuration remotely</li>
    18             </ul>
    19             <p>
    20             <img src="images/rosis1.png" alt="ROSI screenshot" height="155" width="200" />
    21             <img src="images/rosis2.png" alt="ROSI screenshot" height="155" width="200" />
    22             </p>
    23             <p>
    24 Problems that the team had to solve were: extending the hardware to get
    25 an absolute reference point for the rotation, solving overheating
    26 problems on the embedded system, providing lossless synchronization
    27 between the server and the clients and efficiently managing the highly
    28 dynamic stream of vertex data.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
    30 		    <p class="postmeta">				
    31 			<a href="mailto:esawin@gmail.com?subject=ROSI" class="comments"><img src="images/rosiafter.png" alt="ROSI after" height="120" width="200" /><img src="images/rosibefore.png" alt="ROSI before" height="120" width="200" /></a></p><p class="postmeta"><a href="mailto:esawin@gmail.com?subject=ROSI" class="comments">Comment</a> 
    32 			<span class="date">August 11, 2008</span>	
    33 			</p>
    35 		    <h2><a name="1">Does Size Really Matter?</a></h2>
    36 		    <p>To
    37 me it does! Working alot at the university, I've gotten used to the
    38 keyboard on my Thinkpad so much, that I'm looking for a replacement for
    39 my desktop system. I'm open for suggestions, it has to be:</p>
    40 		    <img src="images/bigkeyboard.png" alt="big keyboard" class="float-right" height="100" width="167" />
    41 		    <ul>
    42 		        <li>Notebook size, full sized keys</li>
    43 		        <li>No numpad</li>
    44 		        <li>Quiet but well defined key stroke</li>
    45 		        <li>Wired</li>
    46 		    </ul>
    47 		    <p>If you have any recommendations, preferably by own experience, then please let me know.</p>
    48 		    <p class="postmeta">				
    49 			<a href="mailto:esawin@gmail.com?subject=Comment%20on%20Does%20Size%20Really%20Matter" class="comments">Comment</a> 
    50 			<span class="date">July 26, 2008</span>	
    51 			</p>
    53 			<h2><a name="0" href="index.html">Back to Basics - A New Dawn</a></h2>			
    54 			<p><img src="images/water.png" alt="water" class="float-left" height="141" width="100" />
    55 			<strong>ME73</strong> made it to version 3. What has changed? Everything. I've stripped away anything that was not essential for the site.
    56 			Now it's composed of strict XHTML, CSS and a little Javascript.
    57 			Since I don't enjoy working on websites much, I've decided to base my site on an existing template from
    58 			<a href="http://www.styleshout.com/">Styleshout</a>.</p>
    59 			<p>You
    60 will have noticed, that I've switched to a dark background, this has
    61 several reasons. Since I'm spending a great portion of my time in front
    62 of a computer screen, I'm looking for ways to improve my working
    63 envirnoment to keep the experience as pleasing and repercussions as low
    64 as possible. I've found that working on dark backgrounds puts less
    65 strain on the eyes, especially when sitting in a dark room. Another
    66 reason is my idea of creating a more personal ambience for the site
    67 with my choice of colours.</p>  
    68 			<p class="postmeta">				
    69 			<a href="mailto:esawin@gmail.com?subject=Comment%20on%20Back%20to%20Basics" class="comments">Comment</a> 
    70 			<span class="date">July 25, 2008</span>	
    71 			</p>	