
ROSI - Rotating SICK Laser Scanner


sawine@0: Take 8 people, one 3D-laser-scanner, an embedded Linux system and sawine@0: the goal of developing a Linux client, a Windows client and the embedded sawine@0: Linux server application. Get a lot of challenging problems, even more work sawine@0: but a rewarding accomplishment of succeeding at something others have failed before. sawine@0:


ROSI team


My responsibility was the development of the Window client, including its GUI and 3D visualisation sawine@0: in OpenGL. The Windows client is responsible for: sawine@0:

sawine@0: sawine@0:

sawine@0: ROSI screenshot sawine@0: ROSI screenshot sawine@0:


sawine@0: Problems that the team had to solve were: extending the hardware to get sawine@0: an absolute reference point for the rotation, solving overheating sawine@0: problems on the embedded system, providing lossless synchronization sawine@0: between the server and the clients and efficiently managing the highly sawine@0: dynamic stream of vertex data.  

sawine@0: sawine@0:

sawine@0: ROSI afterROSI before

Comment sawine@0: August 11, 2008 sawine@0:

sawine@0: sawine@0:

Does Size Really Matter?


To sawine@0: me it does! Working alot at the university, I've gotten used to the sawine@0: keyboard on my Thinkpad so much, that I'm looking for a replacement for sawine@0: my desktop system. I'm open for suggestions, it has to be:

sawine@0: big keyboard sawine@0: sawine@0:

If you have any recommendations, preferably by own experience, then please let me know.


sawine@0: Comment sawine@0: July 26, 2008 sawine@0:

sawine@0: sawine@0:

Back to Basics - A New Dawn


water sawine@0: ME73 made it to version 3. What has changed? Everything. I've stripped away anything that was not essential for the site. sawine@0: Now it's composed of strict XHTML, CSS and a little Javascript. sawine@0: Since I don't enjoy working on websites much, I've decided to base my site on an existing template from sawine@0: Styleshout.


You sawine@0: will have noticed, that I've switched to a dark background, this has sawine@0: several reasons. Since I'm spending a great portion of my time in front sawine@0: of a computer screen, I'm looking for ways to improve my working sawine@0: envirnoment to keep the experience as pleasing and repercussions as low sawine@0: as possible. I've found that working on dark backgrounds puts less sawine@0: strain on the eyes, especially when sitting in a dark room. Another sawine@0: reason is my idea of creating a more personal ambience for the site sawine@0: with my choice of colours.


sawine@0: Comment sawine@0: July 25, 2008 sawine@0:
