changeset 0 a2f88c3bd824
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/external/argparse.py	Mon Feb 20 15:10:53 2012 +0100
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,2312 @@
     1.4 +# Author: Steven J. Bethard <steven.bethard@gmail.com>.
     1.5 +
     1.6 +"""Command-line parsing library
     1.7 +
     1.8 +This module is an optparse-inspired command-line parsing library that:
     1.9 +
    1.10 +    - handles both optional and positional arguments
    1.11 +    - produces highly informative usage messages
    1.12 +    - supports parsers that dispatch to sub-parsers
    1.13 +
    1.14 +The following is a simple usage example that sums integers from the
    1.15 +command-line and writes the result to a file::
    1.16 +
    1.17 +    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    1.18 +        description='sum the integers at the command line')
    1.19 +    parser.add_argument(
    1.20 +        'integers', metavar='int', nargs='+', type=int,
    1.21 +        help='an integer to be summed')
    1.22 +    parser.add_argument(
    1.23 +        '--log', default=sys.stdout, type=argparse.FileType('w'),
    1.24 +        help='the file where the sum should be written')
    1.25 +    args = parser.parse_args()
    1.26 +    args.log.write('%s' % sum(args.integers))
    1.27 +    args.log.close()
    1.28 +
    1.29 +The module contains the following public classes:
    1.30 +
    1.31 +    - ArgumentParser -- The main entry point for command-line parsing. As the
    1.32 +        example above shows, the add_argument() method is used to populate
    1.33 +        the parser with actions for optional and positional arguments. Then
    1.34 +        the parse_args() method is invoked to convert the args at the
    1.35 +        command-line into an object with attributes.
    1.36 +
    1.37 +    - ArgumentError -- The exception raised by ArgumentParser objects when
    1.38 +        there are errors with the parser's actions. Errors raised while
    1.39 +        parsing the command-line are caught by ArgumentParser and emitted
    1.40 +        as command-line messages.
    1.41 +
    1.42 +    - FileType -- A factory for defining types of files to be created. As the
    1.43 +        example above shows, instances of FileType are typically passed as
    1.44 +        the type= argument of add_argument() calls.
    1.45 +
    1.46 +    - Action -- The base class for parser actions. Typically actions are
    1.47 +        selected by passing strings like 'store_true' or 'append_const' to
    1.48 +        the action= argument of add_argument(). However, for greater
    1.49 +        customization of ArgumentParser actions, subclasses of Action may
    1.50 +        be defined and passed as the action= argument.
    1.51 +
    1.52 +    - HelpFormatter, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, RawTextHelpFormatter,
    1.53 +        ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter -- Formatter classes which
    1.54 +        may be passed as the formatter_class= argument to the
    1.55 +        ArgumentParser constructor. HelpFormatter is the default,
    1.56 +        RawDescriptionHelpFormatter and RawTextHelpFormatter tell the parser
    1.57 +        not to change the formatting for help text, and
    1.58 +        ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter adds information about argument defaults
    1.59 +        to the help.
    1.60 +
    1.61 +All other classes in this module are considered implementation details.
    1.62 +(Also note that HelpFormatter and RawDescriptionHelpFormatter are only
    1.63 +considered public as object names -- the API of the formatter objects is
    1.64 +still considered an implementation detail.)
    1.65 +"""
    1.66 +
    1.67 +__version__ = '1.1'
    1.68 +__all__ = [
    1.69 +    'ArgumentParser',
    1.70 +    'ArgumentError',
    1.71 +    'Namespace',
    1.72 +    'Action',
    1.73 +    'FileType',
    1.74 +    'HelpFormatter',
    1.75 +    'RawDescriptionHelpFormatter',
    1.76 +    'RawTextHelpFormatter',
    1.77 +    'ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter',
    1.78 +]
    1.79 +
    1.80 +
    1.81 +import copy as _copy
    1.82 +import os as _os
    1.83 +import re as _re
    1.84 +import sys as _sys
    1.85 +import textwrap as _textwrap
    1.86 +
    1.87 +from gettext import gettext as _
    1.88 +
    1.89 +
    1.90 +def _callable(obj):
    1.91 +    return hasattr(obj, '__call__') or hasattr(obj, '__bases__')
    1.92 +
    1.93 +
    1.94 +SUPPRESS = '==SUPPRESS=='
    1.95 +
    1.96 +OPTIONAL = '?'
    1.97 +ZERO_OR_MORE = '*'
    1.98 +ONE_OR_MORE = '+'
    1.99 +PARSER = 'A...'
   1.100 +REMAINDER = '...'
   1.101 +
   1.102 +# =============================
   1.103 +# Utility functions and classes
   1.104 +# =============================
   1.105 +
   1.106 +class _AttributeHolder(object):
   1.107 +    """Abstract base class that provides __repr__.
   1.108 +
   1.109 +    The __repr__ method returns a string in the format::
   1.110 +        ClassName(attr=name, attr=name, ...)
   1.111 +    The attributes are determined either by a class-level attribute,
   1.112 +    '_kwarg_names', or by inspecting the instance __dict__.
   1.113 +    """
   1.114 +
   1.115 +    def __repr__(self):
   1.116 +        type_name = type(self).__name__
   1.117 +        arg_strings = []
   1.118 +        for arg in self._get_args():
   1.119 +            arg_strings.append(repr(arg))
   1.120 +        for name, value in self._get_kwargs():
   1.121 +            arg_strings.append('%s=%r' % (name, value))
   1.122 +        return '%s(%s)' % (type_name, ', '.join(arg_strings))
   1.123 +
   1.124 +    def _get_kwargs(self):
   1.125 +        return sorted(self.__dict__.items())
   1.126 +
   1.127 +    def _get_args(self):
   1.128 +        return []
   1.129 +
   1.130 +
   1.131 +def _ensure_value(namespace, name, value):
   1.132 +    if getattr(namespace, name, None) is None:
   1.133 +        setattr(namespace, name, value)
   1.134 +    return getattr(namespace, name)
   1.135 +
   1.136 +
   1.137 +# ===============
   1.138 +# Formatting Help
   1.139 +# ===============
   1.140 +
   1.141 +class HelpFormatter(object):
   1.142 +    """Formatter for generating usage messages and argument help strings.
   1.143 +
   1.144 +    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
   1.145 +    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
   1.146 +    """
   1.147 +
   1.148 +    def __init__(self,
   1.149 +                 prog,
   1.150 +                 indent_increment=2,
   1.151 +                 max_help_position=24,
   1.152 +                 width=None):
   1.153 +
   1.154 +        # default setting for width
   1.155 +        if width is None:
   1.156 +            try:
   1.157 +                width = int(_os.environ['COLUMNS'])
   1.158 +            except (KeyError, ValueError):
   1.159 +                width = 80
   1.160 +            width -= 2
   1.161 +
   1.162 +        self._prog = prog
   1.163 +        self._indent_increment = indent_increment
   1.164 +        self._max_help_position = max_help_position
   1.165 +        self._width = width
   1.166 +
   1.167 +        self._current_indent = 0
   1.168 +        self._level = 0
   1.169 +        self._action_max_length = 0
   1.170 +
   1.171 +        self._root_section = self._Section(self, None)
   1.172 +        self._current_section = self._root_section
   1.173 +
   1.174 +        self._whitespace_matcher = _re.compile(r'\s+')
   1.175 +        self._long_break_matcher = _re.compile(r'\n\n\n+')
   1.176 +
   1.177 +    # ===============================
   1.178 +    # Section and indentation methods
   1.179 +    # ===============================
   1.180 +    def _indent(self):
   1.181 +        self._current_indent += self._indent_increment
   1.182 +        self._level += 1
   1.183 +
   1.184 +    def _dedent(self):
   1.185 +        self._current_indent -= self._indent_increment
   1.186 +        assert self._current_indent >= 0, 'Indent decreased below 0.'
   1.187 +        self._level -= 1
   1.188 +
   1.189 +    class _Section(object):
   1.190 +
   1.191 +        def __init__(self, formatter, parent, heading=None):
   1.192 +            self.formatter = formatter
   1.193 +            self.parent = parent
   1.194 +            self.heading = heading
   1.195 +            self.items = []
   1.196 +
   1.197 +        def format_help(self):
   1.198 +            # format the indented section
   1.199 +            if self.parent is not None:
   1.200 +                self.formatter._indent()
   1.201 +            join = self.formatter._join_parts
   1.202 +            for func, args in self.items:
   1.203 +                func(*args)
   1.204 +            item_help = join([func(*args) for func, args in self.items])
   1.205 +            if self.parent is not None:
   1.206 +                self.formatter._dedent()
   1.207 +
   1.208 +            # return nothing if the section was empty
   1.209 +            if not item_help:
   1.210 +                return ''
   1.211 +
   1.212 +            # add the heading if the section was non-empty
   1.213 +            if self.heading is not SUPPRESS and self.heading is not None:
   1.214 +                current_indent = self.formatter._current_indent
   1.215 +                heading = '%*s%s:\n' % (current_indent, '', self.heading)
   1.216 +            else:
   1.217 +                heading = ''
   1.218 +
   1.219 +            # join the section-initial newline, the heading and the help
   1.220 +            return join(['\n', heading, item_help, '\n'])
   1.221 +
   1.222 +    def _add_item(self, func, args):
   1.223 +        self._current_section.items.append((func, args))
   1.224 +
   1.225 +    # ========================
   1.226 +    # Message building methods
   1.227 +    # ========================
   1.228 +    def start_section(self, heading):
   1.229 +        self._indent()
   1.230 +        section = self._Section(self, self._current_section, heading)
   1.231 +        self._add_item(section.format_help, [])
   1.232 +        self._current_section = section
   1.233 +
   1.234 +    def end_section(self):
   1.235 +        self._current_section = self._current_section.parent
   1.236 +        self._dedent()
   1.237 +
   1.238 +    def add_text(self, text):
   1.239 +        if text is not SUPPRESS and text is not None:
   1.240 +            self._add_item(self._format_text, [text])
   1.241 +
   1.242 +    def add_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix=None):
   1.243 +        if usage is not SUPPRESS:
   1.244 +            args = usage, actions, groups, prefix
   1.245 +            self._add_item(self._format_usage, args)
   1.246 +
   1.247 +    def add_argument(self, action):
   1.248 +        if action.help is not SUPPRESS:
   1.249 +
   1.250 +            # find all invocations
   1.251 +            get_invocation = self._format_action_invocation
   1.252 +            invocations = [get_invocation(action)]
   1.253 +            for subaction in self._iter_indented_subactions(action):
   1.254 +                invocations.append(get_invocation(subaction))
   1.255 +
   1.256 +            # update the maximum item length
   1.257 +            invocation_length = max([len(s) for s in invocations])
   1.258 +            action_length = invocation_length + self._current_indent
   1.259 +            self._action_max_length = max(self._action_max_length,
   1.260 +                                          action_length)
   1.261 +
   1.262 +            # add the item to the list
   1.263 +            self._add_item(self._format_action, [action])
   1.264 +
   1.265 +    def add_arguments(self, actions):
   1.266 +        for action in actions:
   1.267 +            self.add_argument(action)
   1.268 +
   1.269 +    # =======================
   1.270 +    # Help-formatting methods
   1.271 +    # =======================
   1.272 +    def format_help(self):
   1.273 +        help = self._root_section.format_help()
   1.274 +        if help:
   1.275 +            help = self._long_break_matcher.sub('\n\n', help)
   1.276 +            help = help.strip('\n') + '\n'
   1.277 +        return help
   1.278 +
   1.279 +    def _join_parts(self, part_strings):
   1.280 +        return ''.join([part
   1.281 +                        for part in part_strings
   1.282 +                        if part and part is not SUPPRESS])
   1.283 +
   1.284 +    def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix):
   1.285 +        if prefix is None:
   1.286 +            prefix = _('usage: ')
   1.287 +
   1.288 +        # if usage is specified, use that
   1.289 +        if usage is not None:
   1.290 +            usage = usage % dict(prog=self._prog)
   1.291 +
   1.292 +        # if no optionals or positionals are available, usage is just prog
   1.293 +        elif usage is None and not actions:
   1.294 +            usage = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)
   1.295 +
   1.296 +        # if optionals and positionals are available, calculate usage
   1.297 +        elif usage is None:
   1.298 +            prog = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)
   1.299 +
   1.300 +            # split optionals from positionals
   1.301 +            optionals = []
   1.302 +            positionals = []
   1.303 +            for action in actions:
   1.304 +                if action.option_strings:
   1.305 +                    optionals.append(action)
   1.306 +                else:
   1.307 +                    positionals.append(action)
   1.308 +
   1.309 +            # build full usage string
   1.310 +            format = self._format_actions_usage
   1.311 +            action_usage = format(optionals + positionals, groups)
   1.312 +            usage = ' '.join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s])
   1.313 +
   1.314 +            # wrap the usage parts if it's too long
   1.315 +            text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
   1.316 +            if len(prefix) + len(usage) > text_width:
   1.317 +
   1.318 +                # break usage into wrappable parts
   1.319 +                part_regexp = r'\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+'
   1.320 +                opt_usage = format(optionals, groups)
   1.321 +                pos_usage = format(positionals, groups)
   1.322 +                opt_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, opt_usage)
   1.323 +                pos_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, pos_usage)
   1.324 +                assert ' '.join(opt_parts) == opt_usage
   1.325 +                assert ' '.join(pos_parts) == pos_usage
   1.326 +
   1.327 +                # helper for wrapping lines
   1.328 +                def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None):
   1.329 +                    lines = []
   1.330 +                    line = []
   1.331 +                    if prefix is not None:
   1.332 +                        line_len = len(prefix) - 1
   1.333 +                    else:
   1.334 +                        line_len = len(indent) - 1
   1.335 +                    for part in parts:
   1.336 +                        if line_len + 1 + len(part) > text_width:
   1.337 +                            lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
   1.338 +                            line = []
   1.339 +                            line_len = len(indent) - 1
   1.340 +                        line.append(part)
   1.341 +                        line_len += len(part) + 1
   1.342 +                    if line:
   1.343 +                        lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
   1.344 +                    if prefix is not None:
   1.345 +                        lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):]
   1.346 +                    return lines
   1.347 +
   1.348 +                # if prog is short, follow it with optionals or positionals
   1.349 +                if len(prefix) + len(prog) <= 0.75 * text_width:
   1.350 +                    indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) + len(prog) + 1)
   1.351 +                    if opt_parts:
   1.352 +                        lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent, prefix)
   1.353 +                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
   1.354 +                    elif pos_parts:
   1.355 +                        lines = get_lines([prog] + pos_parts, indent, prefix)
   1.356 +                    else:
   1.357 +                        lines = [prog]
   1.358 +
   1.359 +                # if prog is long, put it on its own line
   1.360 +                else:
   1.361 +                    indent = ' ' * len(prefix)
   1.362 +                    parts = opt_parts + pos_parts
   1.363 +                    lines = get_lines(parts, indent)
   1.364 +                    if len(lines) > 1:
   1.365 +                        lines = []
   1.366 +                        lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
   1.367 +                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
   1.368 +                    lines = [prog] + lines
   1.369 +
   1.370 +                # join lines into usage
   1.371 +                usage = '\n'.join(lines)
   1.372 +
   1.373 +        # prefix with 'usage:'
   1.374 +        return '%s%s\n\n' % (prefix, usage)
   1.375 +
   1.376 +    def _format_actions_usage(self, actions, groups):
   1.377 +        # find group indices and identify actions in groups
   1.378 +        group_actions = set()
   1.379 +        inserts = {}
   1.380 +        for group in groups:
   1.381 +            try:
   1.382 +                start = actions.index(group._group_actions[0])
   1.383 +            except ValueError:
   1.384 +                continue
   1.385 +            else:
   1.386 +                end = start + len(group._group_actions)
   1.387 +                if actions[start:end] == group._group_actions:
   1.388 +                    for action in group._group_actions:
   1.389 +                        group_actions.add(action)
   1.390 +                    if not group.required:
   1.391 +                        inserts[start] = '['
   1.392 +                        inserts[end] = ']'
   1.393 +                    else:
   1.394 +                        inserts[start] = '('
   1.395 +                        inserts[end] = ')'
   1.396 +                    for i in range(start + 1, end):
   1.397 +                        inserts[i] = '|'
   1.398 +
   1.399 +        # collect all actions format strings
   1.400 +        parts = []
   1.401 +        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
   1.402 +
   1.403 +            # suppressed arguments are marked with None
   1.404 +            # remove | separators for suppressed arguments
   1.405 +            if action.help is SUPPRESS:
   1.406 +                parts.append(None)
   1.407 +                if inserts.get(i) == '|':
   1.408 +                    inserts.pop(i)
   1.409 +                elif inserts.get(i + 1) == '|':
   1.410 +                    inserts.pop(i + 1)
   1.411 +
   1.412 +            # produce all arg strings
   1.413 +            elif not action.option_strings:
   1.414 +                part = self._format_args(action, action.dest)
   1.415 +
   1.416 +                # if it's in a group, strip the outer []
   1.417 +                if action in group_actions:
   1.418 +                    if part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']':
   1.419 +                        part = part[1:-1]
   1.420 +
   1.421 +                # add the action string to the list
   1.422 +                parts.append(part)
   1.423 +
   1.424 +            # produce the first way to invoke the option in brackets
   1.425 +            else:
   1.426 +                option_string = action.option_strings[0]
   1.427 +
   1.428 +                # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is:
   1.429 +                #    -s or --long
   1.430 +                if action.nargs == 0:
   1.431 +                    part = '%s' % option_string
   1.432 +
   1.433 +                # if the Optional takes a value, format is:
   1.434 +                #    -s ARGS or --long ARGS
   1.435 +                else:
   1.436 +                    default = action.dest.upper()
   1.437 +                    args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
   1.438 +                    part = '%s %s' % (option_string, args_string)
   1.439 +
   1.440 +                # make it look optional if it's not required or in a group
   1.441 +                if not action.required and action not in group_actions:
   1.442 +                    part = '[%s]' % part
   1.443 +
   1.444 +                # add the action string to the list
   1.445 +                parts.append(part)
   1.446 +
   1.447 +        # insert things at the necessary indices
   1.448 +        for i in sorted(inserts, reverse=True):
   1.449 +            parts[i:i] = [inserts[i]]
   1.450 +
   1.451 +        # join all the action items with spaces
   1.452 +        text = ' '.join([item for item in parts if item is not None])
   1.453 +
   1.454 +        # clean up separators for mutually exclusive groups
   1.455 +        open = r'[\[(]'
   1.456 +        close = r'[\])]'
   1.457 +        text = _re.sub(r'(%s) ' % open, r'\1', text)
   1.458 +        text = _re.sub(r' (%s)' % close, r'\1', text)
   1.459 +        text = _re.sub(r'%s *%s' % (open, close), r'', text)
   1.460 +        text = _re.sub(r'\(([^|]*)\)', r'\1', text)
   1.461 +        text = text.strip()
   1.462 +
   1.463 +        # return the text
   1.464 +        return text
   1.465 +
   1.466 +    def _format_text(self, text):
   1.467 +        if '%(prog)' in text:
   1.468 +            text = text % dict(prog=self._prog)
   1.469 +        text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
   1.470 +        indent = ' ' * self._current_indent
   1.471 +        return self._fill_text(text, text_width, indent) + '\n\n'
   1.472 +
   1.473 +    def _format_action(self, action):
   1.474 +        # determine the required width and the entry label
   1.475 +        help_position = min(self._action_max_length + 2,
   1.476 +                            self._max_help_position)
   1.477 +        help_width = self._width - help_position
   1.478 +        action_width = help_position - self._current_indent - 2
   1.479 +        action_header = self._format_action_invocation(action)
   1.480 +
   1.481 +        # ho nelp; start on same line and add a final newline
   1.482 +        if not action.help:
   1.483 +            tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header
   1.484 +            action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup
   1.485 +
   1.486 +        # short action name; start on the same line and pad two spaces
   1.487 +        elif len(action_header) <= action_width:
   1.488 +            tup = self._current_indent, '', action_width, action_header
   1.489 +            action_header = '%*s%-*s  ' % tup
   1.490 +            indent_first = 0
   1.491 +
   1.492 +        # long action name; start on the next line
   1.493 +        else:
   1.494 +            tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header
   1.495 +            action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup
   1.496 +            indent_first = help_position
   1.497 +
   1.498 +        # collect the pieces of the action help
   1.499 +        parts = [action_header]
   1.500 +
   1.501 +        # if there was help for the action, add lines of help text
   1.502 +        if action.help:
   1.503 +            help_text = self._expand_help(action)
   1.504 +            help_lines = self._split_lines(help_text, help_width)
   1.505 +            parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (indent_first, '', help_lines[0]))
   1.506 +            for line in help_lines[1:]:
   1.507 +                parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (help_position, '', line))
   1.508 +
   1.509 +        # or add a newline if the description doesn't end with one
   1.510 +        elif not action_header.endswith('\n'):
   1.511 +            parts.append('\n')
   1.512 +
   1.513 +        # if there are any sub-actions, add their help as well
   1.514 +        for subaction in self._iter_indented_subactions(action):
   1.515 +            parts.append(self._format_action(subaction))
   1.516 +
   1.517 +        # return a single string
   1.518 +        return self._join_parts(parts)
   1.519 +
   1.520 +    def _format_action_invocation(self, action):
   1.521 +        if not action.option_strings:
   1.522 +            metavar, = self._metavar_formatter(action, action.dest)(1)
   1.523 +            return metavar
   1.524 +
   1.525 +        else:
   1.526 +            parts = []
   1.527 +
   1.528 +            # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is:
   1.529 +            #    -s, --long
   1.530 +            if action.nargs == 0:
   1.531 +                parts.extend(action.option_strings)
   1.532 +
   1.533 +            # if the Optional takes a value, format is:
   1.534 +            #    -s ARGS, --long ARGS
   1.535 +            else:
   1.536 +                default = action.dest.upper()
   1.537 +                args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
   1.538 +                for option_string in action.option_strings:
   1.539 +                    parts.append('%s %s' % (option_string, args_string))
   1.540 +
   1.541 +            return ', '.join(parts)
   1.542 +
   1.543 +    def _metavar_formatter(self, action, default_metavar):
   1.544 +        if action.metavar is not None:
   1.545 +            result = action.metavar
   1.546 +        elif action.choices is not None:
   1.547 +            choice_strs = [str(choice) for choice in action.choices]
   1.548 +            result = '{%s}' % ','.join(choice_strs)
   1.549 +        else:
   1.550 +            result = default_metavar
   1.551 +
   1.552 +        def format(tuple_size):
   1.553 +            if isinstance(result, tuple):
   1.554 +                return result
   1.555 +            else:
   1.556 +                return (result, ) * tuple_size
   1.557 +        return format
   1.558 +
   1.559 +    def _format_args(self, action, default_metavar):
   1.560 +        get_metavar = self._metavar_formatter(action, default_metavar)
   1.561 +        if action.nargs is None:
   1.562 +            result = '%s' % get_metavar(1)
   1.563 +        elif action.nargs == OPTIONAL:
   1.564 +            result = '[%s]' % get_metavar(1)
   1.565 +        elif action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE:
   1.566 +            result = '[%s [%s ...]]' % get_metavar(2)
   1.567 +        elif action.nargs == ONE_OR_MORE:
   1.568 +            result = '%s [%s ...]' % get_metavar(2)
   1.569 +        elif action.nargs == REMAINDER:
   1.570 +            result = '...'
   1.571 +        elif action.nargs == PARSER:
   1.572 +            result = '%s ...' % get_metavar(1)
   1.573 +        else:
   1.574 +            formats = ['%s' for _ in range(action.nargs)]
   1.575 +            result = ' '.join(formats) % get_metavar(action.nargs)
   1.576 +        return result
   1.577 +
   1.578 +    def _expand_help(self, action):
   1.579 +        params = dict(vars(action), prog=self._prog)
   1.580 +        for name in list(params):
   1.581 +            if params[name] is SUPPRESS:
   1.582 +                del params[name]
   1.583 +        for name in list(params):
   1.584 +            if hasattr(params[name], '__name__'):
   1.585 +                params[name] = params[name].__name__
   1.586 +        if params.get('choices') is not None:
   1.587 +            choices_str = ', '.join([str(c) for c in params['choices']])
   1.588 +            params['choices'] = choices_str
   1.589 +        return self._get_help_string(action) % params
   1.590 +
   1.591 +    def _iter_indented_subactions(self, action):
   1.592 +        try:
   1.593 +            get_subactions = action._get_subactions
   1.594 +        except AttributeError:
   1.595 +            pass
   1.596 +        else:
   1.597 +            self._indent()
   1.598 +            for subaction in get_subactions():
   1.599 +                yield subaction
   1.600 +            self._dedent()
   1.601 +
   1.602 +    def _split_lines(self, text, width):
   1.603 +        text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip()
   1.604 +        return _textwrap.wrap(text, width)
   1.605 +
   1.606 +    def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
   1.607 +        text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip()
   1.608 +        return _textwrap.fill(text, width, initial_indent=indent,
   1.609 +                                           subsequent_indent=indent)
   1.610 +
   1.611 +    def _get_help_string(self, action):
   1.612 +        return action.help
   1.613 +
   1.614 +
   1.615 +class RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
   1.616 +    """Help message formatter which retains any formatting in descriptions.
   1.617 +
   1.618 +    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
   1.619 +    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
   1.620 +    """
   1.621 +
   1.622 +    def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
   1.623 +        return ''.join([indent + line for line in text.splitlines(True)])
   1.624 +
   1.625 +
   1.626 +class RawTextHelpFormatter(RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
   1.627 +    """Help message formatter which retains formatting of all help text.
   1.628 +
   1.629 +    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
   1.630 +    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
   1.631 +    """
   1.632 +
   1.633 +    def _split_lines(self, text, width):
   1.634 +        return text.splitlines()
   1.635 +
   1.636 +
   1.637 +class ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
   1.638 +    """Help message formatter which adds default values to argument help.
   1.639 +
   1.640 +    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
   1.641 +    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
   1.642 +    """
   1.643 +
   1.644 +    def _get_help_string(self, action):
   1.645 +        help = action.help
   1.646 +        if '%(default)' not in action.help:
   1.647 +            if action.default is not SUPPRESS:
   1.648 +                defaulting_nargs = [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]
   1.649 +                if action.option_strings or action.nargs in defaulting_nargs:
   1.650 +                    help += ' (default: %(default)s)'
   1.651 +        return help
   1.652 +
   1.653 +
   1.654 +# =====================
   1.655 +# Options and Arguments
   1.656 +# =====================
   1.657 +
   1.658 +def _get_action_name(argument):
   1.659 +    if argument is None:
   1.660 +        return None
   1.661 +    elif argument.option_strings:
   1.662 +        return  '/'.join(argument.option_strings)
   1.663 +    elif argument.metavar not in (None, SUPPRESS):
   1.664 +        return argument.metavar
   1.665 +    elif argument.dest not in (None, SUPPRESS):
   1.666 +        return argument.dest
   1.667 +    else:
   1.668 +        return None
   1.669 +
   1.670 +
   1.671 +class ArgumentError(Exception):
   1.672 +    """An error from creating or using an argument (optional or positional).
   1.673 +
   1.674 +    The string value of this exception is the message, augmented with
   1.675 +    information about the argument that caused it.
   1.676 +    """
   1.677 +
   1.678 +    def __init__(self, argument, message):
   1.679 +        self.argument_name = _get_action_name(argument)
   1.680 +        self.message = message
   1.681 +
   1.682 +    def __str__(self):
   1.683 +        if self.argument_name is None:
   1.684 +            format = '%(message)s'
   1.685 +        else:
   1.686 +            format = 'argument %(argument_name)s: %(message)s'
   1.687 +        return format % dict(message=self.message,
   1.688 +                             argument_name=self.argument_name)
   1.689 +
   1.690 +
   1.691 +class ArgumentTypeError(Exception):
   1.692 +    """An error from trying to convert a command line string to a type."""
   1.693 +    pass
   1.694 +
   1.695 +
   1.696 +# ==============
   1.697 +# Action classes
   1.698 +# ==============
   1.699 +
   1.700 +class Action(_AttributeHolder):
   1.701 +    """Information about how to convert command line strings to Python objects.
   1.702 +
   1.703 +    Action objects are used by an ArgumentParser to represent the information
   1.704 +    needed to parse a single argument from one or more strings from the
   1.705 +    command line. The keyword arguments to the Action constructor are also
   1.706 +    all attributes of Action instances.
   1.707 +
   1.708 +    Keyword Arguments:
   1.709 +
   1.710 +        - option_strings -- A list of command-line option strings which
   1.711 +            should be associated with this action.
   1.712 +
   1.713 +        - dest -- The name of the attribute to hold the created object(s)
   1.714 +
   1.715 +        - nargs -- The number of command-line arguments that should be
   1.716 +            consumed. By default, one argument will be consumed and a single
   1.717 +            value will be produced.  Other values include:
   1.718 +                - N (an integer) consumes N arguments (and produces a list)
   1.719 +                - '?' consumes zero or one arguments
   1.720 +                - '*' consumes zero or more arguments (and produces a list)
   1.721 +                - '+' consumes one or more arguments (and produces a list)
   1.722 +            Note that the difference between the default and nargs=1 is that
   1.723 +            with the default, a single value will be produced, while with
   1.724 +            nargs=1, a list containing a single value will be produced.
   1.725 +
   1.726 +        - const -- The value to be produced if the option is specified and the
   1.727 +            option uses an action that takes no values.
   1.728 +
   1.729 +        - default -- The value to be produced if the option is not specified.
   1.730 +
   1.731 +        - type -- The type which the command-line arguments should be converted
   1.732 +            to, should be one of 'string', 'int', 'float', 'complex' or a
   1.733 +            callable object that accepts a single string argument. If None,
   1.734 +            'string' is assumed.
   1.735 +
   1.736 +        - choices -- A container of values that should be allowed. If not None,
   1.737 +            after a command-line argument has been converted to the appropriate
   1.738 +            type, an exception will be raised if it is not a member of this
   1.739 +            collection.
   1.740 +
   1.741 +        - required -- True if the action must always be specified at the
   1.742 +            command line. This is only meaningful for optional command-line
   1.743 +            arguments.
   1.744 +
   1.745 +        - help -- The help string describing the argument.
   1.746 +
   1.747 +        - metavar -- The name to be used for the option's argument with the
   1.748 +            help string. If None, the 'dest' value will be used as the name.
   1.749 +    """
   1.750 +
   1.751 +    def __init__(self,
   1.752 +                 option_strings,
   1.753 +                 dest,
   1.754 +                 nargs=None,
   1.755 +                 const=None,
   1.756 +                 default=None,
   1.757 +                 type=None,
   1.758 +                 choices=None,
   1.759 +                 required=False,
   1.760 +                 help=None,
   1.761 +                 metavar=None):
   1.762 +        self.option_strings = option_strings
   1.763 +        self.dest = dest
   1.764 +        self.nargs = nargs
   1.765 +        self.const = const
   1.766 +        self.default = default
   1.767 +        self.type = type
   1.768 +        self.choices = choices
   1.769 +        self.required = required
   1.770 +        self.help = help
   1.771 +        self.metavar = metavar
   1.772 +
   1.773 +    def _get_kwargs(self):
   1.774 +        names = [
   1.775 +            'option_strings',
   1.776 +            'dest',
   1.777 +            'nargs',
   1.778 +            'const',
   1.779 +            'default',
   1.780 +            'type',
   1.781 +            'choices',
   1.782 +            'help',
   1.783 +            'metavar',
   1.784 +        ]
   1.785 +        return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names]
   1.786 +
   1.787 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
   1.788 +        raise NotImplementedError(_('.__call__() not defined'))
   1.789 +
   1.790 +
   1.791 +class _StoreAction(Action):
   1.792 +
   1.793 +    def __init__(self,
   1.794 +                 option_strings,
   1.795 +                 dest,
   1.796 +                 nargs=None,
   1.797 +                 const=None,
   1.798 +                 default=None,
   1.799 +                 type=None,
   1.800 +                 choices=None,
   1.801 +                 required=False,
   1.802 +                 help=None,
   1.803 +                 metavar=None):
   1.804 +        if nargs == 0:
   1.805 +            raise ValueError('nargs for store actions must be > 0; if you '
   1.806 +                             'have nothing to store, actions such as store '
   1.807 +                             'true or store const may be more appropriate')
   1.808 +        if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL:
   1.809 +            raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL)
   1.810 +        super(_StoreAction, self).__init__(
   1.811 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.812 +            dest=dest,
   1.813 +            nargs=nargs,
   1.814 +            const=const,
   1.815 +            default=default,
   1.816 +            type=type,
   1.817 +            choices=choices,
   1.818 +            required=required,
   1.819 +            help=help,
   1.820 +            metavar=metavar)
   1.821 +
   1.822 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
   1.823 +        setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
   1.824 +
   1.825 +
   1.826 +class _StoreConstAction(Action):
   1.827 +
   1.828 +    def __init__(self,
   1.829 +                 option_strings,
   1.830 +                 dest,
   1.831 +                 const,
   1.832 +                 default=None,
   1.833 +                 required=False,
   1.834 +                 help=None,
   1.835 +                 metavar=None):
   1.836 +        super(_StoreConstAction, self).__init__(
   1.837 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.838 +            dest=dest,
   1.839 +            nargs=0,
   1.840 +            const=const,
   1.841 +            default=default,
   1.842 +            required=required,
   1.843 +            help=help)
   1.844 +
   1.845 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
   1.846 +        setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.const)
   1.847 +
   1.848 +
   1.849 +class _StoreTrueAction(_StoreConstAction):
   1.850 +
   1.851 +    def __init__(self,
   1.852 +                 option_strings,
   1.853 +                 dest,
   1.854 +                 default=False,
   1.855 +                 required=False,
   1.856 +                 help=None):
   1.857 +        super(_StoreTrueAction, self).__init__(
   1.858 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.859 +            dest=dest,
   1.860 +            const=True,
   1.861 +            default=default,
   1.862 +            required=required,
   1.863 +            help=help)
   1.864 +
   1.865 +
   1.866 +class _StoreFalseAction(_StoreConstAction):
   1.867 +
   1.868 +    def __init__(self,
   1.869 +                 option_strings,
   1.870 +                 dest,
   1.871 +                 default=True,
   1.872 +                 required=False,
   1.873 +                 help=None):
   1.874 +        super(_StoreFalseAction, self).__init__(
   1.875 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.876 +            dest=dest,
   1.877 +            const=False,
   1.878 +            default=default,
   1.879 +            required=required,
   1.880 +            help=help)
   1.881 +
   1.882 +
   1.883 +class _AppendAction(Action):
   1.884 +
   1.885 +    def __init__(self,
   1.886 +                 option_strings,
   1.887 +                 dest,
   1.888 +                 nargs=None,
   1.889 +                 const=None,
   1.890 +                 default=None,
   1.891 +                 type=None,
   1.892 +                 choices=None,
   1.893 +                 required=False,
   1.894 +                 help=None,
   1.895 +                 metavar=None):
   1.896 +        if nargs == 0:
   1.897 +            raise ValueError('nargs for append actions must be > 0; if arg '
   1.898 +                             'strings are not supplying the value to append, '
   1.899 +                             'the append const action may be more appropriate')
   1.900 +        if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL:
   1.901 +            raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL)
   1.902 +        super(_AppendAction, self).__init__(
   1.903 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.904 +            dest=dest,
   1.905 +            nargs=nargs,
   1.906 +            const=const,
   1.907 +            default=default,
   1.908 +            type=type,
   1.909 +            choices=choices,
   1.910 +            required=required,
   1.911 +            help=help,
   1.912 +            metavar=metavar)
   1.913 +
   1.914 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
   1.915 +        items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, []))
   1.916 +        items.append(values)
   1.917 +        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
   1.918 +
   1.919 +
   1.920 +class _AppendConstAction(Action):
   1.921 +
   1.922 +    def __init__(self,
   1.923 +                 option_strings,
   1.924 +                 dest,
   1.925 +                 const,
   1.926 +                 default=None,
   1.927 +                 required=False,
   1.928 +                 help=None,
   1.929 +                 metavar=None):
   1.930 +        super(_AppendConstAction, self).__init__(
   1.931 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.932 +            dest=dest,
   1.933 +            nargs=0,
   1.934 +            const=const,
   1.935 +            default=default,
   1.936 +            required=required,
   1.937 +            help=help,
   1.938 +            metavar=metavar)
   1.939 +
   1.940 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
   1.941 +        items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, []))
   1.942 +        items.append(self.const)
   1.943 +        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
   1.944 +
   1.945 +
   1.946 +class _CountAction(Action):
   1.947 +
   1.948 +    def __init__(self,
   1.949 +                 option_strings,
   1.950 +                 dest,
   1.951 +                 default=None,
   1.952 +                 required=False,
   1.953 +                 help=None):
   1.954 +        super(_CountAction, self).__init__(
   1.955 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.956 +            dest=dest,
   1.957 +            nargs=0,
   1.958 +            default=default,
   1.959 +            required=required,
   1.960 +            help=help)
   1.961 +
   1.962 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
   1.963 +        new_count = _ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, 0) + 1
   1.964 +        setattr(namespace, self.dest, new_count)
   1.965 +
   1.966 +
   1.967 +class _HelpAction(Action):
   1.968 +
   1.969 +    def __init__(self,
   1.970 +                 option_strings,
   1.971 +                 dest=SUPPRESS,
   1.972 +                 default=SUPPRESS,
   1.973 +                 help=None):
   1.974 +        super(_HelpAction, self).__init__(
   1.975 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.976 +            dest=dest,
   1.977 +            default=default,
   1.978 +            nargs=0,
   1.979 +            help=help)
   1.980 +
   1.981 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
   1.982 +        parser.print_help()
   1.983 +        parser.exit()
   1.984 +
   1.985 +
   1.986 +class _VersionAction(Action):
   1.987 +
   1.988 +    def __init__(self,
   1.989 +                 option_strings,
   1.990 +                 version=None,
   1.991 +                 dest=SUPPRESS,
   1.992 +                 default=SUPPRESS,
   1.993 +                 help="show program's version number and exit"):
   1.994 +        super(_VersionAction, self).__init__(
   1.995 +            option_strings=option_strings,
   1.996 +            dest=dest,
   1.997 +            default=default,
   1.998 +            nargs=0,
   1.999 +            help=help)
  1.1000 +        self.version = version
  1.1001 +
  1.1002 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
  1.1003 +        version = self.version
  1.1004 +        if version is None:
  1.1005 +            version = parser.version
  1.1006 +        formatter = parser._get_formatter()
  1.1007 +        formatter.add_text(version)
  1.1008 +        parser.exit(message=formatter.format_help())
  1.1009 +
  1.1010 +
  1.1011 +class _SubParsersAction(Action):
  1.1012 +
  1.1013 +    class _ChoicesPseudoAction(Action):
  1.1014 +
  1.1015 +        def __init__(self, name, help):
  1.1016 +            sup = super(_SubParsersAction._ChoicesPseudoAction, self)
  1.1017 +            sup.__init__(option_strings=[], dest=name, help=help)
  1.1018 +
  1.1019 +    def __init__(self,
  1.1020 +                 option_strings,
  1.1021 +                 prog,
  1.1022 +                 parser_class,
  1.1023 +                 dest=SUPPRESS,
  1.1024 +                 help=None,
  1.1025 +                 metavar=None):
  1.1026 +
  1.1027 +        self._prog_prefix = prog
  1.1028 +        self._parser_class = parser_class
  1.1029 +        self._name_parser_map = {}
  1.1030 +        self._choices_actions = []
  1.1031 +
  1.1032 +        super(_SubParsersAction, self).__init__(
  1.1033 +            option_strings=option_strings,
  1.1034 +            dest=dest,
  1.1035 +            nargs=PARSER,
  1.1036 +            choices=self._name_parser_map,
  1.1037 +            help=help,
  1.1038 +            metavar=metavar)
  1.1039 +
  1.1040 +    def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs):
  1.1041 +        # set prog from the existing prefix
  1.1042 +        if kwargs.get('prog') is None:
  1.1043 +            kwargs['prog'] = '%s %s' % (self._prog_prefix, name)
  1.1044 +
  1.1045 +        # create a pseudo-action to hold the choice help
  1.1046 +        if 'help' in kwargs:
  1.1047 +            help = kwargs.pop('help')
  1.1048 +            choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, help)
  1.1049 +            self._choices_actions.append(choice_action)
  1.1050 +
  1.1051 +        # create the parser and add it to the map
  1.1052 +        parser = self._parser_class(**kwargs)
  1.1053 +        self._name_parser_map[name] = parser
  1.1054 +        return parser
  1.1055 +
  1.1056 +    def _get_subactions(self):
  1.1057 +        return self._choices_actions
  1.1058 +
  1.1059 +    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
  1.1060 +        parser_name = values[0]
  1.1061 +        arg_strings = values[1:]
  1.1062 +
  1.1063 +        # set the parser name if requested
  1.1064 +        if self.dest is not SUPPRESS:
  1.1065 +            setattr(namespace, self.dest, parser_name)
  1.1066 +
  1.1067 +        # select the parser
  1.1068 +        try:
  1.1069 +            parser = self._name_parser_map[parser_name]
  1.1070 +        except KeyError:
  1.1071 +            tup = parser_name, ', '.join(self._name_parser_map)
  1.1072 +            msg = _('unknown parser %r (choices: %s)' % tup)
  1.1073 +            raise ArgumentError(self, msg)
  1.1074 +
  1.1075 +        # parse all the remaining options into the namespace
  1.1076 +        parser.parse_args(arg_strings, namespace)
  1.1077 +
  1.1078 +
  1.1079 +# ==============
  1.1080 +# Type classes
  1.1081 +# ==============
  1.1082 +
  1.1083 +class FileType(object):
  1.1084 +    """Factory for creating file object types
  1.1085 +
  1.1086 +    Instances of FileType are typically passed as type= arguments to the
  1.1087 +    ArgumentParser add_argument() method.
  1.1088 +
  1.1089 +    Keyword Arguments:
  1.1090 +        - mode -- A string indicating how the file is to be opened. Accepts the
  1.1091 +            same values as the builtin open() function.
  1.1092 +        - bufsize -- The file's desired buffer size. Accepts the same values as
  1.1093 +            the builtin open() function.
  1.1094 +    """
  1.1095 +
  1.1096 +    def __init__(self, mode='r', bufsize=None):
  1.1097 +        self._mode = mode
  1.1098 +        self._bufsize = bufsize
  1.1099 +
  1.1100 +    def __call__(self, string):
  1.1101 +        # the special argument "-" means sys.std{in,out}
  1.1102 +        if string == '-':
  1.1103 +            if 'r' in self._mode:
  1.1104 +                return _sys.stdin
  1.1105 +            elif 'w' in self._mode:
  1.1106 +                return _sys.stdout
  1.1107 +            else:
  1.1108 +                msg = _('argument "-" with mode %r' % self._mode)
  1.1109 +                raise ValueError(msg)
  1.1110 +
  1.1111 +        # all other arguments are used as file names
  1.1112 +        if self._bufsize:
  1.1113 +            return open(string, self._mode, self._bufsize)
  1.1114 +        else:
  1.1115 +            return open(string, self._mode)
  1.1116 +
  1.1117 +    def __repr__(self):
  1.1118 +        args = [self._mode, self._bufsize]
  1.1119 +        args_str = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None])
  1.1120 +        return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, args_str)
  1.1121 +
  1.1122 +# ===========================
  1.1123 +# Optional and Positional Parsing
  1.1124 +# ===========================
  1.1125 +
  1.1126 +class Namespace(_AttributeHolder):
  1.1127 +    """Simple object for storing attributes.
  1.1128 +
  1.1129 +    Implements equality by attribute names and values, and provides a simple
  1.1130 +    string representation.
  1.1131 +    """
  1.1132 +
  1.1133 +    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  1.1134 +        for name in kwargs:
  1.1135 +            setattr(self, name, kwargs[name])
  1.1136 +
  1.1137 +    def __eq__(self, other):
  1.1138 +        return vars(self) == vars(other)
  1.1139 +
  1.1140 +    def __ne__(self, other):
  1.1141 +        return not (self == other)
  1.1142 +
  1.1143 +    def __contains__(self, key):
  1.1144 +        return key in self.__dict__
  1.1145 +
  1.1146 +
  1.1147 +class _ActionsContainer(object):
  1.1148 +
  1.1149 +    def __init__(self,
  1.1150 +                 description,
  1.1151 +                 prefix_chars,
  1.1152 +                 argument_default,
  1.1153 +                 conflict_handler):
  1.1154 +        super(_ActionsContainer, self).__init__()
  1.1155 +
  1.1156 +        self.description = description
  1.1157 +        self.argument_default = argument_default
  1.1158 +        self.prefix_chars = prefix_chars
  1.1159 +        self.conflict_handler = conflict_handler
  1.1160 +
  1.1161 +        # set up registries
  1.1162 +        self._registries = {}
  1.1163 +
  1.1164 +        # register actions
  1.1165 +        self.register('action', None, _StoreAction)
  1.1166 +        self.register('action', 'store', _StoreAction)
  1.1167 +        self.register('action', 'store_const', _StoreConstAction)
  1.1168 +        self.register('action', 'store_true', _StoreTrueAction)
  1.1169 +        self.register('action', 'store_false', _StoreFalseAction)
  1.1170 +        self.register('action', 'append', _AppendAction)
  1.1171 +        self.register('action', 'append_const', _AppendConstAction)
  1.1172 +        self.register('action', 'count', _CountAction)
  1.1173 +        self.register('action', 'help', _HelpAction)
  1.1174 +        self.register('action', 'version', _VersionAction)
  1.1175 +        self.register('action', 'parsers', _SubParsersAction)
  1.1176 +
  1.1177 +        # raise an exception if the conflict handler is invalid
  1.1178 +        self._get_handler()
  1.1179 +
  1.1180 +        # action storage
  1.1181 +        self._actions = []
  1.1182 +        self._option_string_actions = {}
  1.1183 +
  1.1184 +        # groups
  1.1185 +        self._action_groups = []
  1.1186 +        self._mutually_exclusive_groups = []
  1.1187 +
  1.1188 +        # defaults storage
  1.1189 +        self._defaults = {}
  1.1190 +
  1.1191 +        # determines whether an "option" looks like a negative number
  1.1192 +        self._negative_number_matcher = _re.compile(r'^-\d+$|^-\d*\.\d+$')
  1.1193 +
  1.1194 +        # whether or not there are any optionals that look like negative
  1.1195 +        # numbers -- uses a list so it can be shared and edited
  1.1196 +        self._has_negative_number_optionals = []
  1.1197 +
  1.1198 +    # ====================
  1.1199 +    # Registration methods
  1.1200 +    # ====================
  1.1201 +    def register(self, registry_name, value, object):
  1.1202 +        registry = self._registries.setdefault(registry_name, {})
  1.1203 +        registry[value] = object
  1.1204 +
  1.1205 +    def _registry_get(self, registry_name, value, default=None):
  1.1206 +        return self._registries[registry_name].get(value, default)
  1.1207 +
  1.1208 +    # ==================================
  1.1209 +    # Namespace default accessor methods
  1.1210 +    # ==================================
  1.1211 +    def set_defaults(self, **kwargs):
  1.1212 +        self._defaults.update(kwargs)
  1.1213 +
  1.1214 +        # if these defaults match any existing arguments, replace
  1.1215 +        # the previous default on the object with the new one
  1.1216 +        for action in self._actions:
  1.1217 +            if action.dest in kwargs:
  1.1218 +                action.default = kwargs[action.dest]
  1.1219 +
  1.1220 +    def get_default(self, dest):
  1.1221 +        for action in self._actions:
  1.1222 +            if action.dest == dest and action.default is not None:
  1.1223 +                return action.default
  1.1224 +        return self._defaults.get(dest, None)
  1.1225 +
  1.1226 +
  1.1227 +    # =======================
  1.1228 +    # Adding argument actions
  1.1229 +    # =======================
  1.1230 +    def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
  1.1231 +        """
  1.1232 +        add_argument(dest, ..., name=value, ...)
  1.1233 +        add_argument(option_string, option_string, ..., name=value, ...)
  1.1234 +        """
  1.1235 +
  1.1236 +        # if no positional args are supplied or only one is supplied and
  1.1237 +        # it doesn't look like an option string, parse a positional
  1.1238 +        # argument
  1.1239 +        chars = self.prefix_chars
  1.1240 +        if not args or len(args) == 1 and args[0][0] not in chars:
  1.1241 +            if args and 'dest' in kwargs:
  1.1242 +                raise ValueError('dest supplied twice for positional argument')
  1.1243 +            kwargs = self._get_positional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
  1.1244 +
  1.1245 +        # otherwise, we're adding an optional argument
  1.1246 +        else:
  1.1247 +            kwargs = self._get_optional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
  1.1248 +
  1.1249 +        # if no default was supplied, use the parser-level default
  1.1250 +        if 'default' not in kwargs:
  1.1251 +            dest = kwargs['dest']
  1.1252 +            if dest in self._defaults:
  1.1253 +                kwargs['default'] = self._defaults[dest]
  1.1254 +            elif self.argument_default is not None:
  1.1255 +                kwargs['default'] = self.argument_default
  1.1256 +
  1.1257 +        # create the action object, and add it to the parser
  1.1258 +        action_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs)
  1.1259 +        if not _callable(action_class):
  1.1260 +            raise ValueError('unknown action "%s"' % action_class)
  1.1261 +        action = action_class(**kwargs)
  1.1262 +
  1.1263 +        # raise an error if the action type is not callable
  1.1264 +        type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type)
  1.1265 +        if not _callable(type_func):
  1.1266 +            raise ValueError('%r is not callable' % type_func)
  1.1267 +
  1.1268 +        return self._add_action(action)
  1.1269 +
  1.1270 +    def add_argument_group(self, *args, **kwargs):
  1.1271 +        group = _ArgumentGroup(self, *args, **kwargs)
  1.1272 +        self._action_groups.append(group)
  1.1273 +        return group
  1.1274 +
  1.1275 +    def add_mutually_exclusive_group(self, **kwargs):
  1.1276 +        group = _MutuallyExclusiveGroup(self, **kwargs)
  1.1277 +        self._mutually_exclusive_groups.append(group)
  1.1278 +        return group
  1.1279 +
  1.1280 +    def _add_action(self, action):
  1.1281 +        # resolve any conflicts
  1.1282 +        self._check_conflict(action)
  1.1283 +
  1.1284 +        # add to actions list
  1.1285 +        self._actions.append(action)
  1.1286 +        action.container = self
  1.1287 +
  1.1288 +        # index the action by any option strings it has
  1.1289 +        for option_string in action.option_strings:
  1.1290 +            self._option_string_actions[option_string] = action
  1.1291 +
  1.1292 +        # set the flag if any option strings look like negative numbers
  1.1293 +        for option_string in action.option_strings:
  1.1294 +            if self._negative_number_matcher.match(option_string):
  1.1295 +                if not self._has_negative_number_optionals:
  1.1296 +                    self._has_negative_number_optionals.append(True)
  1.1297 +
  1.1298 +        # return the created action
  1.1299 +        return action
  1.1300 +
  1.1301 +    def _remove_action(self, action):
  1.1302 +        self._actions.remove(action)
  1.1303 +
  1.1304 +    def _add_container_actions(self, container):
  1.1305 +        # collect groups by titles
  1.1306 +        title_group_map = {}
  1.1307 +        for group in self._action_groups:
  1.1308 +            if group.title in title_group_map:
  1.1309 +                msg = _('cannot merge actions - two groups are named %r')
  1.1310 +                raise ValueError(msg % (group.title))
  1.1311 +            title_group_map[group.title] = group
  1.1312 +
  1.1313 +        # map each action to its group
  1.1314 +        group_map = {}
  1.1315 +        for group in container._action_groups:
  1.1316 +
  1.1317 +            # if a group with the title exists, use that, otherwise
  1.1318 +            # create a new group matching the container's group
  1.1319 +            if group.title not in title_group_map:
  1.1320 +                title_group_map[group.title] = self.add_argument_group(
  1.1321 +                    title=group.title,
  1.1322 +                    description=group.description,
  1.1323 +                    conflict_handler=group.conflict_handler)
  1.1324 +
  1.1325 +            # map the actions to their new group
  1.1326 +            for action in group._group_actions:
  1.1327 +                group_map[action] = title_group_map[group.title]
  1.1328 +
  1.1329 +        # add container's mutually exclusive groups
  1.1330 +        # NOTE: if add_mutually_exclusive_group ever gains title= and
  1.1331 +        # description= then this code will need to be expanded as above
  1.1332 +        for group in container._mutually_exclusive_groups:
  1.1333 +            mutex_group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group(
  1.1334 +                required=group.required)
  1.1335 +
  1.1336 +            # map the actions to their new mutex group
  1.1337 +            for action in group._group_actions:
  1.1338 +                group_map[action] = mutex_group
  1.1339 +
  1.1340 +        # add all actions to this container or their group
  1.1341 +        for action in container._actions:
  1.1342 +            group_map.get(action, self)._add_action(action)
  1.1343 +
  1.1344 +    def _get_positional_kwargs(self, dest, **kwargs):
  1.1345 +        # make sure required is not specified
  1.1346 +        if 'required' in kwargs:
  1.1347 +            msg = _("'required' is an invalid argument for positionals")
  1.1348 +            raise TypeError(msg)
  1.1349 +
  1.1350 +        # mark positional arguments as required if at least one is
  1.1351 +        # always required
  1.1352 +        if kwargs.get('nargs') not in [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]:
  1.1353 +            kwargs['required'] = True
  1.1354 +        if kwargs.get('nargs') == ZERO_OR_MORE and 'default' not in kwargs:
  1.1355 +            kwargs['required'] = True
  1.1356 +
  1.1357 +        # return the keyword arguments with no option strings
  1.1358 +        return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=[])
  1.1359 +
  1.1360 +    def _get_optional_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs):
  1.1361 +        # determine short and long option strings
  1.1362 +        option_strings = []
  1.1363 +        long_option_strings = []
  1.1364 +        for option_string in args:
  1.1365 +            # error on strings that don't start with an appropriate prefix
  1.1366 +            if not option_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
  1.1367 +                msg = _('invalid option string %r: '
  1.1368 +                        'must start with a character %r')
  1.1369 +                tup = option_string, self.prefix_chars
  1.1370 +                raise ValueError(msg % tup)
  1.1371 +
  1.1372 +            # strings starting with two prefix characters are long options
  1.1373 +            option_strings.append(option_string)
  1.1374 +            if option_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
  1.1375 +                if len(option_string) > 1:
  1.1376 +                    if option_string[1] in self.prefix_chars:
  1.1377 +                        long_option_strings.append(option_string)
  1.1378 +
  1.1379 +        # infer destination, '--foo-bar' -> 'foo_bar' and '-x' -> 'x'
  1.1380 +        dest = kwargs.pop('dest', None)
  1.1381 +        if dest is None:
  1.1382 +            if long_option_strings:
  1.1383 +                dest_option_string = long_option_strings[0]
  1.1384 +            else:
  1.1385 +                dest_option_string = option_strings[0]
  1.1386 +            dest = dest_option_string.lstrip(self.prefix_chars)
  1.1387 +            if not dest:
  1.1388 +                msg = _('dest= is required for options like %r')
  1.1389 +                raise ValueError(msg % option_string)
  1.1390 +            dest = dest.replace('-', '_')
  1.1391 +
  1.1392 +        # return the updated keyword arguments
  1.1393 +        return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=option_strings)
  1.1394 +
  1.1395 +    def _pop_action_class(self, kwargs, default=None):
  1.1396 +        action = kwargs.pop('action', default)
  1.1397 +        return self._registry_get('action', action, action)
  1.1398 +
  1.1399 +    def _get_handler(self):
  1.1400 +        # determine function from conflict handler string
  1.1401 +        handler_func_name = '_handle_conflict_%s' % self.conflict_handler
  1.1402 +        try:
  1.1403 +            return getattr(self, handler_func_name)
  1.1404 +        except AttributeError:
  1.1405 +            msg = _('invalid conflict_resolution value: %r')
  1.1406 +            raise ValueError(msg % self.conflict_handler)
  1.1407 +
  1.1408 +    def _check_conflict(self, action):
  1.1409 +
  1.1410 +        # find all options that conflict with this option
  1.1411 +        confl_optionals = []
  1.1412 +        for option_string in action.option_strings:
  1.1413 +            if option_string in self._option_string_actions:
  1.1414 +                confl_optional = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
  1.1415 +                confl_optionals.append((option_string, confl_optional))
  1.1416 +
  1.1417 +        # resolve any conflicts
  1.1418 +        if confl_optionals:
  1.1419 +            conflict_handler = self._get_handler()
  1.1420 +            conflict_handler(action, confl_optionals)
  1.1421 +
  1.1422 +    def _handle_conflict_error(self, action, conflicting_actions):
  1.1423 +        message = _('conflicting option string(s): %s')
  1.1424 +        conflict_string = ', '.join([option_string
  1.1425 +                                     for option_string, action
  1.1426 +                                     in conflicting_actions])
  1.1427 +        raise ArgumentError(action, message % conflict_string)
  1.1428 +
  1.1429 +    def _handle_conflict_resolve(self, action, conflicting_actions):
  1.1430 +
  1.1431 +        # remove all conflicting options
  1.1432 +        for option_string, action in conflicting_actions:
  1.1433 +
  1.1434 +            # remove the conflicting option
  1.1435 +            action.option_strings.remove(option_string)
  1.1436 +            self._option_string_actions.pop(option_string, None)
  1.1437 +
  1.1438 +            # if the option now has no option string, remove it from the
  1.1439 +            # container holding it
  1.1440 +            if not action.option_strings:
  1.1441 +                action.container._remove_action(action)
  1.1442 +
  1.1443 +
  1.1444 +class _ArgumentGroup(_ActionsContainer):
  1.1445 +
  1.1446 +    def __init__(self, container, title=None, description=None, **kwargs):
  1.1447 +        # add any missing keyword arguments by checking the container
  1.1448 +        update = kwargs.setdefault
  1.1449 +        update('conflict_handler', container.conflict_handler)
  1.1450 +        update('prefix_chars', container.prefix_chars)
  1.1451 +        update('argument_default', container.argument_default)
  1.1452 +        super_init = super(_ArgumentGroup, self).__init__
  1.1453 +        super_init(description=description, **kwargs)
  1.1454 +
  1.1455 +        # group attributes
  1.1456 +        self.title = title
  1.1457 +        self._group_actions = []
  1.1458 +
  1.1459 +        # share most attributes with the container
  1.1460 +        self._registries = container._registries
  1.1461 +        self._actions = container._actions
  1.1462 +        self._option_string_actions = container._option_string_actions
  1.1463 +        self._defaults = container._defaults
  1.1464 +        self._has_negative_number_optionals = \
  1.1465 +            container._has_negative_number_optionals
  1.1466 +
  1.1467 +    def _add_action(self, action):
  1.1468 +        action = super(_ArgumentGroup, self)._add_action(action)
  1.1469 +        self._group_actions.append(action)
  1.1470 +        return action
  1.1471 +
  1.1472 +    def _remove_action(self, action):
  1.1473 +        super(_ArgumentGroup, self)._remove_action(action)
  1.1474 +        self._group_actions.remove(action)
  1.1475 +
  1.1476 +
  1.1477 +class _MutuallyExclusiveGroup(_ArgumentGroup):
  1.1478 +
  1.1479 +    def __init__(self, container, required=False):
  1.1480 +        super(_MutuallyExclusiveGroup, self).__init__(container)
  1.1481 +        self.required = required
  1.1482 +        self._container = container
  1.1483 +
  1.1484 +    def _add_action(self, action):
  1.1485 +        if action.required:
  1.1486 +            msg = _('mutually exclusive arguments must be optional')
  1.1487 +            raise ValueError(msg)
  1.1488 +        action = self._container._add_action(action)
  1.1489 +        self._group_actions.append(action)
  1.1490 +        return action
  1.1491 +
  1.1492 +    def _remove_action(self, action):
  1.1493 +        self._container._remove_action(action)
  1.1494 +        self._group_actions.remove(action)
  1.1495 +
  1.1496 +
  1.1497 +class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
  1.1498 +    """Object for parsing command line strings into Python objects.
  1.1499 +
  1.1500 +    Keyword Arguments:
  1.1501 +        - prog -- The name of the program (default: sys.argv[0])
  1.1502 +        - usage -- A usage message (default: auto-generated from arguments)
  1.1503 +        - description -- A description of what the program does
  1.1504 +        - epilog -- Text following the argument descriptions
  1.1505 +        - parents -- Parsers whose arguments should be copied into this one
  1.1506 +        - formatter_class -- HelpFormatter class for printing help messages
  1.1507 +        - prefix_chars -- Characters that prefix optional arguments
  1.1508 +        - fromfile_prefix_chars -- Characters that prefix files containing
  1.1509 +            additional arguments
  1.1510 +        - argument_default -- The default value for all arguments
  1.1511 +        - conflict_handler -- String indicating how to handle conflicts
  1.1512 +        - add_help -- Add a -h/-help option
  1.1513 +    """
  1.1514 +
  1.1515 +    def __init__(self,
  1.1516 +                 prog=None,
  1.1517 +                 usage=None,
  1.1518 +                 description=None,
  1.1519 +                 epilog=None,
  1.1520 +                 version=None,
  1.1521 +                 parents=[],
  1.1522 +                 formatter_class=HelpFormatter,
  1.1523 +                 prefix_chars='-',
  1.1524 +                 fromfile_prefix_chars=None,
  1.1525 +                 argument_default=None,
  1.1526 +                 conflict_handler='error',
  1.1527 +                 add_help=True):
  1.1528 +
  1.1529 +        if version is not None:
  1.1530 +            import warnings
  1.1531 +            warnings.warn(
  1.1532 +                """The "version" argument to ArgumentParser is deprecated. """
  1.1533 +                """Please use """
  1.1534 +                """"add_argument(..., action='version', version="N", ...)" """
  1.1535 +                """instead""", DeprecationWarning)
  1.1536 +
  1.1537 +        superinit = super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__
  1.1538 +        superinit(description=description,
  1.1539 +                  prefix_chars=prefix_chars,
  1.1540 +                  argument_default=argument_default,
  1.1541 +                  conflict_handler=conflict_handler)
  1.1542 +
  1.1543 +        # default setting for prog
  1.1544 +        if prog is None:
  1.1545 +            prog = _os.path.basename(_sys.argv[0])
  1.1546 +
  1.1547 +        self.prog = prog
  1.1548 +        self.usage = usage
  1.1549 +        self.epilog = epilog
  1.1550 +        self.version = version
  1.1551 +        self.formatter_class = formatter_class
  1.1552 +        self.fromfile_prefix_chars = fromfile_prefix_chars
  1.1553 +        self.add_help = add_help
  1.1554 +
  1.1555 +        add_group = self.add_argument_group
  1.1556 +        self._positionals = add_group(_('positional arguments'))
  1.1557 +        self._optionals = add_group(_('optional arguments'))
  1.1558 +        self._subparsers = None
  1.1559 +
  1.1560 +        # register types
  1.1561 +        def identity(string):
  1.1562 +            return string
  1.1563 +        self.register('type', None, identity)
  1.1564 +
  1.1565 +        # add help and version arguments if necessary
  1.1566 +        # (using explicit default to override global argument_default)
  1.1567 +        default_prefix = '-' if '-' in prefix_chars else prefix_chars[0]
  1.1568 +        if self.add_help:
  1.1569 +            self.add_argument(
  1.1570 +                default_prefix+'h', default_prefix*2+'help',
  1.1571 +                action='help', default=SUPPRESS,
  1.1572 +                help=_('show this help message and exit'))
  1.1573 +        if self.version:
  1.1574 +            self.add_argument(
  1.1575 +                default_prefix+'v', default_prefix*2+'version',
  1.1576 +                action='version', default=SUPPRESS,
  1.1577 +                version=self.version,
  1.1578 +                help=_("show program's version number and exit"))
  1.1579 +
  1.1580 +        # add parent arguments and defaults
  1.1581 +        for parent in parents:
  1.1582 +            self._add_container_actions(parent)
  1.1583 +            try:
  1.1584 +                defaults = parent._defaults
  1.1585 +            except AttributeError:
  1.1586 +                pass
  1.1587 +            else:
  1.1588 +                self._defaults.update(defaults)
  1.1589 +
  1.1590 +    # =======================
  1.1591 +    # Pretty __repr__ methods
  1.1592 +    # =======================
  1.1593 +    def _get_kwargs(self):
  1.1594 +        names = [
  1.1595 +            'prog',
  1.1596 +            'usage',
  1.1597 +            'description',
  1.1598 +            'version',
  1.1599 +            'formatter_class',
  1.1600 +            'conflict_handler',
  1.1601 +            'add_help',
  1.1602 +        ]
  1.1603 +        return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names]
  1.1604 +
  1.1605 +    # ==================================
  1.1606 +    # Optional/Positional adding methods
  1.1607 +    # ==================================
  1.1608 +    def add_subparsers(self, **kwargs):
  1.1609 +        if self._subparsers is not None:
  1.1610 +            self.error(_('cannot have multiple subparser arguments'))
  1.1611 +
  1.1612 +        # add the parser class to the arguments if it's not present
  1.1613 +        kwargs.setdefault('parser_class', type(self))
  1.1614 +
  1.1615 +        if 'title' in kwargs or 'description' in kwargs:
  1.1616 +            title = _(kwargs.pop('title', 'subcommands'))
  1.1617 +            description = _(kwargs.pop('description', None))
  1.1618 +            self._subparsers = self.add_argument_group(title, description)
  1.1619 +        else:
  1.1620 +            self._subparsers = self._positionals
  1.1621 +
  1.1622 +        # prog defaults to the usage message of this parser, skipping
  1.1623 +        # optional arguments and with no "usage:" prefix
  1.1624 +        if kwargs.get('prog') is None:
  1.1625 +            formatter = self._get_formatter()
  1.1626 +            positionals = self._get_positional_actions()
  1.1627 +            groups = self._mutually_exclusive_groups
  1.1628 +            formatter.add_usage(self.usage, positionals, groups, '')
  1.1629 +            kwargs['prog'] = formatter.format_help().strip()
  1.1630 +
  1.1631 +        # create the parsers action and add it to the positionals list
  1.1632 +        parsers_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs, 'parsers')
  1.1633 +        action = parsers_class(option_strings=[], **kwargs)
  1.1634 +        self._subparsers._add_action(action)
  1.1635 +
  1.1636 +        # return the created parsers action
  1.1637 +        return action
  1.1638 +
  1.1639 +    def _add_action(self, action):
  1.1640 +        if action.option_strings:
  1.1641 +            self._optionals._add_action(action)
  1.1642 +        else:
  1.1643 +            self._positionals._add_action(action)
  1.1644 +        return action
  1.1645 +
  1.1646 +    def _get_optional_actions(self):
  1.1647 +        return [action
  1.1648 +                for action in self._actions
  1.1649 +                if action.option_strings]
  1.1650 +
  1.1651 +    def _get_positional_actions(self):
  1.1652 +        return [action
  1.1653 +                for action in self._actions
  1.1654 +                if not action.option_strings]
  1.1655 +
  1.1656 +    # =====================================
  1.1657 +    # Command line argument parsing methods
  1.1658 +    # =====================================
  1.1659 +    def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
  1.1660 +        args, argv = self.parse_known_args(args, namespace)
  1.1661 +        if argv:
  1.1662 +            msg = _('unrecognized arguments: %s')
  1.1663 +            self.error(msg % ' '.join(argv))
  1.1664 +        return args
  1.1665 +
  1.1666 +    def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
  1.1667 +        # args default to the system args
  1.1668 +        if args is None:
  1.1669 +            args = _sys.argv[1:]
  1.1670 +
  1.1671 +        # default Namespace built from parser defaults
  1.1672 +        if namespace is None:
  1.1673 +            namespace = Namespace()
  1.1674 +
  1.1675 +        # add any action defaults that aren't present
  1.1676 +        for action in self._actions:
  1.1677 +            if action.dest is not SUPPRESS:
  1.1678 +                if not hasattr(namespace, action.dest):
  1.1679 +                    if action.default is not SUPPRESS:
  1.1680 +                        default = action.default
  1.1681 +                        if isinstance(action.default, str):
  1.1682 +                            default = self._get_value(action, default)
  1.1683 +                        setattr(namespace, action.dest, default)
  1.1684 +
  1.1685 +        # add any parser defaults that aren't present
  1.1686 +        for dest in self._defaults:
  1.1687 +            if not hasattr(namespace, dest):
  1.1688 +                setattr(namespace, dest, self._defaults[dest])
  1.1689 +
  1.1690 +        # parse the arguments and exit if there are any errors
  1.1691 +        try:
  1.1692 +            return self._parse_known_args(args, namespace)
  1.1693 +        except ArgumentError:
  1.1694 +            err = _sys.exc_info()[1]
  1.1695 +            self.error(str(err))
  1.1696 +
  1.1697 +    def _parse_known_args(self, arg_strings, namespace):
  1.1698 +        # replace arg strings that are file references
  1.1699 +        if self.fromfile_prefix_chars is not None:
  1.1700 +            arg_strings = self._read_args_from_files(arg_strings)
  1.1701 +
  1.1702 +        # map all mutually exclusive arguments to the other arguments
  1.1703 +        # they can't occur with
  1.1704 +        action_conflicts = {}
  1.1705 +        for mutex_group in self._mutually_exclusive_groups:
  1.1706 +            group_actions = mutex_group._group_actions
  1.1707 +            for i, mutex_action in enumerate(mutex_group._group_actions):
  1.1708 +                conflicts = action_conflicts.setdefault(mutex_action, [])
  1.1709 +                conflicts.extend(group_actions[:i])
  1.1710 +                conflicts.extend(group_actions[i + 1:])
  1.1711 +
  1.1712 +        # find all option indices, and determine the arg_string_pattern
  1.1713 +        # which has an 'O' if there is an option at an index,
  1.1714 +        # an 'A' if there is an argument, or a '-' if there is a '--'
  1.1715 +        option_string_indices = {}
  1.1716 +        arg_string_pattern_parts = []
  1.1717 +        arg_strings_iter = iter(arg_strings)
  1.1718 +        for i, arg_string in enumerate(arg_strings_iter):
  1.1719 +
  1.1720 +            # all args after -- are non-options
  1.1721 +            if arg_string == '--':
  1.1722 +                arg_string_pattern_parts.append('-')
  1.1723 +                for arg_string in arg_strings_iter:
  1.1724 +                    arg_string_pattern_parts.append('A')
  1.1725 +
  1.1726 +            # otherwise, add the arg to the arg strings
  1.1727 +            # and note the index if it was an option
  1.1728 +            else:
  1.1729 +                option_tuple = self._parse_optional(arg_string)
  1.1730 +                if option_tuple is None:
  1.1731 +                    pattern = 'A'
  1.1732 +                else:
  1.1733 +                    option_string_indices[i] = option_tuple
  1.1734 +                    pattern = 'O'
  1.1735 +                arg_string_pattern_parts.append(pattern)
  1.1736 +
  1.1737 +        # join the pieces together to form the pattern
  1.1738 +        arg_strings_pattern = ''.join(arg_string_pattern_parts)
  1.1739 +
  1.1740 +        # converts arg strings to the appropriate and then takes the action
  1.1741 +        seen_actions = set()
  1.1742 +        seen_non_default_actions = set()
  1.1743 +
  1.1744 +        def take_action(action, argument_strings, option_string=None):
  1.1745 +            seen_actions.add(action)
  1.1746 +            argument_values = self._get_values(action, argument_strings)
  1.1747 +
  1.1748 +            # error if this argument is not allowed with other previously
  1.1749 +            # seen arguments, assuming that actions that use the default
  1.1750 +            # value don't really count as "present"
  1.1751 +            if argument_values is not action.default:
  1.1752 +                seen_non_default_actions.add(action)
  1.1753 +                for conflict_action in action_conflicts.get(action, []):
  1.1754 +                    if conflict_action in seen_non_default_actions:
  1.1755 +                        msg = _('not allowed with argument %s')
  1.1756 +                        action_name = _get_action_name(conflict_action)
  1.1757 +                        raise ArgumentError(action, msg % action_name)
  1.1758 +
  1.1759 +            # take the action if we didn't receive a SUPPRESS value
  1.1760 +            # (e.g. from a default)
  1.1761 +            if argument_values is not SUPPRESS:
  1.1762 +                action(self, namespace, argument_values, option_string)
  1.1763 +
  1.1764 +        # function to convert arg_strings into an optional action
  1.1765 +        def consume_optional(start_index):
  1.1766 +
  1.1767 +            # get the optional identified at this index
  1.1768 +            option_tuple = option_string_indices[start_index]
  1.1769 +            action, option_string, explicit_arg = option_tuple
  1.1770 +
  1.1771 +            # identify additional optionals in the same arg string
  1.1772 +            # (e.g. -xyz is the same as -x -y -z if no args are required)
  1.1773 +            match_argument = self._match_argument
  1.1774 +            action_tuples = []
  1.1775 +            while True:
  1.1776 +
  1.1777 +                # if we found no optional action, skip it
  1.1778 +                if action is None:
  1.1779 +                    extras.append(arg_strings[start_index])
  1.1780 +                    return start_index + 1
  1.1781 +
  1.1782 +                # if there is an explicit argument, try to match the
  1.1783 +                # optional's string arguments to only this
  1.1784 +                if explicit_arg is not None:
  1.1785 +                    arg_count = match_argument(action, 'A')
  1.1786 +
  1.1787 +                    # if the action is a single-dash option and takes no
  1.1788 +                    # arguments, try to parse more single-dash options out
  1.1789 +                    # of the tail of the option string
  1.1790 +                    chars = self.prefix_chars
  1.1791 +                    if arg_count == 0 and option_string[1] not in chars:
  1.1792 +                        action_tuples.append((action, [], option_string))
  1.1793 +                        for char in self.prefix_chars:
  1.1794 +                            option_string = char + explicit_arg[0]
  1.1795 +                            explicit_arg = explicit_arg[1:] or None
  1.1796 +                            optionals_map = self._option_string_actions
  1.1797 +                            if option_string in optionals_map:
  1.1798 +                                action = optionals_map[option_string]
  1.1799 +                                break
  1.1800 +                        else:
  1.1801 +                            msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
  1.1802 +                            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)
  1.1803 +
  1.1804 +                    # if the action expect exactly one argument, we've
  1.1805 +                    # successfully matched the option; exit the loop
  1.1806 +                    elif arg_count == 1:
  1.1807 +                        stop = start_index + 1
  1.1808 +                        args = [explicit_arg]
  1.1809 +                        action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))
  1.1810 +                        break
  1.1811 +
  1.1812 +                    # error if a double-dash option did not use the
  1.1813 +                    # explicit argument
  1.1814 +                    else:
  1.1815 +                        msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
  1.1816 +                        raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)
  1.1817 +
  1.1818 +                # if there is no explicit argument, try to match the
  1.1819 +                # optional's string arguments with the following strings
  1.1820 +                # if successful, exit the loop
  1.1821 +                else:
  1.1822 +                    start = start_index + 1
  1.1823 +                    selected_patterns = arg_strings_pattern[start:]
  1.1824 +                    arg_count = match_argument(action, selected_patterns)
  1.1825 +                    stop = start + arg_count
  1.1826 +                    args = arg_strings[start:stop]
  1.1827 +                    action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))
  1.1828 +                    break
  1.1829 +
  1.1830 +            # add the Optional to the list and return the index at which
  1.1831 +            # the Optional's string args stopped
  1.1832 +            assert action_tuples
  1.1833 +            for action, args, option_string in action_tuples:
  1.1834 +                take_action(action, args, option_string)
  1.1835 +            return stop
  1.1836 +
  1.1837 +        # the list of Positionals left to be parsed; this is modified
  1.1838 +        # by consume_positionals()
  1.1839 +        positionals = self._get_positional_actions()
  1.1840 +
  1.1841 +        # function to convert arg_strings into positional actions
  1.1842 +        def consume_positionals(start_index):
  1.1843 +            # match as many Positionals as possible
  1.1844 +            match_partial = self._match_arguments_partial
  1.1845 +            selected_pattern = arg_strings_pattern[start_index:]
  1.1846 +            arg_counts = match_partial(positionals, selected_pattern)
  1.1847 +
  1.1848 +            # slice off the appropriate arg strings for each Positional
  1.1849 +            # and add the Positional and its args to the list
  1.1850 +            for action, arg_count in zip(positionals, arg_counts):
  1.1851 +                args = arg_strings[start_index: start_index + arg_count]
  1.1852 +                start_index += arg_count
  1.1853 +                take_action(action, args)
  1.1854 +
  1.1855 +            # slice off the Positionals that we just parsed and return the
  1.1856 +            # index at which the Positionals' string args stopped
  1.1857 +            positionals[:] = positionals[len(arg_counts):]
  1.1858 +            return start_index
  1.1859 +
  1.1860 +        # consume Positionals and Optionals alternately, until we have
  1.1861 +        # passed the last option string
  1.1862 +        extras = []
  1.1863 +        start_index = 0
  1.1864 +        if option_string_indices:
  1.1865 +            max_option_string_index = max(option_string_indices)
  1.1866 +        else:
  1.1867 +            max_option_string_index = -1
  1.1868 +        while start_index <= max_option_string_index:
  1.1869 +
  1.1870 +            # consume any Positionals preceding the next option
  1.1871 +            next_option_string_index = min([
  1.1872 +                index
  1.1873 +                for index in option_string_indices
  1.1874 +                if index >= start_index])
  1.1875 +            if start_index != next_option_string_index:
  1.1876 +                positionals_end_index = consume_positionals(start_index)
  1.1877 +
  1.1878 +                # only try to parse the next optional if we didn't consume
  1.1879 +                # the option string during the positionals parsing
  1.1880 +                if positionals_end_index > start_index:
  1.1881 +                    start_index = positionals_end_index
  1.1882 +                    continue
  1.1883 +                else:
  1.1884 +                    start_index = positionals_end_index
  1.1885 +
  1.1886 +            # if we consumed all the positionals we could and we're not
  1.1887 +            # at the index of an option string, there were extra arguments
  1.1888 +            if start_index not in option_string_indices:
  1.1889 +                strings = arg_strings[start_index:next_option_string_index]
  1.1890 +                extras.extend(strings)
  1.1891 +                start_index = next_option_string_index
  1.1892 +
  1.1893 +            # consume the next optional and any arguments for it
  1.1894 +            start_index = consume_optional(start_index)
  1.1895 +
  1.1896 +        # consume any positionals following the last Optional
  1.1897 +        stop_index = consume_positionals(start_index)
  1.1898 +
  1.1899 +        # if we didn't consume all the argument strings, there were extras
  1.1900 +        extras.extend(arg_strings[stop_index:])
  1.1901 +
  1.1902 +        # if we didn't use all the Positional objects, there were too few
  1.1903 +        # arg strings supplied.
  1.1904 +        if positionals:
  1.1905 +            self.error(_('too few arguments'))
  1.1906 +
  1.1907 +        # make sure all required actions were present
  1.1908 +        for action in self._actions:
  1.1909 +            if action.required:
  1.1910 +                if action not in seen_actions:
  1.1911 +                    name = _get_action_name(action)
  1.1912 +                    self.error(_('argument %s is required') % name)
  1.1913 +
  1.1914 +        # make sure all required groups had one option present
  1.1915 +        for group in self._mutually_exclusive_groups:
  1.1916 +            if group.required:
  1.1917 +                for action in group._group_actions:
  1.1918 +                    if action in seen_non_default_actions:
  1.1919 +                        break
  1.1920 +
  1.1921 +                # if no actions were used, report the error
  1.1922 +                else:
  1.1923 +                    names = [_get_action_name(action)
  1.1924 +                             for action in group._group_actions
  1.1925 +                             if action.help is not SUPPRESS]
  1.1926 +                    msg = _('one of the arguments %s is required')
  1.1927 +                    self.error(msg % ' '.join(names))
  1.1928 +
  1.1929 +        # return the updated namespace and the extra arguments
  1.1930 +        return namespace, extras
  1.1931 +
  1.1932 +    def _read_args_from_files(self, arg_strings):
  1.1933 +        # expand arguments referencing files
  1.1934 +        new_arg_strings = []
  1.1935 +        for arg_string in arg_strings:
  1.1936 +
  1.1937 +            # for regular arguments, just add them back into the list
  1.1938 +            if arg_string[0] not in self.fromfile_prefix_chars:
  1.1939 +                new_arg_strings.append(arg_string)
  1.1940 +
  1.1941 +            # replace arguments referencing files with the file content
  1.1942 +            else:
  1.1943 +                try:
  1.1944 +                    args_file = open(arg_string[1:])
  1.1945 +                    try:
  1.1946 +                        arg_strings = []
  1.1947 +                        for arg_line in args_file.read().splitlines():
  1.1948 +                            for arg in self.convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line):
  1.1949 +                                arg_strings.append(arg)
  1.1950 +                        arg_strings = self._read_args_from_files(arg_strings)
  1.1951 +                        new_arg_strings.extend(arg_strings)
  1.1952 +                    finally:
  1.1953 +                        args_file.close()
  1.1954 +                except IOError:
  1.1955 +                    err = _sys.exc_info()[1]
  1.1956 +                    self.error(str(err))
  1.1957 +
  1.1958 +        # return the modified argument list
  1.1959 +        return new_arg_strings
  1.1960 +
  1.1961 +    def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line):
  1.1962 +        return [arg_line]
  1.1963 +
  1.1964 +    def _match_argument(self, action, arg_strings_pattern):
  1.1965 +        # match the pattern for this action to the arg strings
  1.1966 +        nargs_pattern = self._get_nargs_pattern(action)
  1.1967 +        match = _re.match(nargs_pattern, arg_strings_pattern)
  1.1968 +
  1.1969 +        # raise an exception if we weren't able to find a match
  1.1970 +        if match is None:
  1.1971 +            nargs_errors = {
  1.1972 +                None: _('expected one argument'),
  1.1973 +                OPTIONAL: _('expected at most one argument'),
  1.1974 +                ONE_OR_MORE: _('expected at least one argument'),
  1.1975 +            }
  1.1976 +            default = _('expected %s argument(s)') % action.nargs
  1.1977 +            msg = nargs_errors.get(action.nargs, default)
  1.1978 +            raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
  1.1979 +
  1.1980 +        # return the number of arguments matched
  1.1981 +        return len(match.group(1))
  1.1982 +
  1.1983 +    def _match_arguments_partial(self, actions, arg_strings_pattern):
  1.1984 +        # progressively shorten the actions list by slicing off the
  1.1985 +        # final actions until we find a match
  1.1986 +        result = []
  1.1987 +        for i in range(len(actions), 0, -1):
  1.1988 +            actions_slice = actions[:i]
  1.1989 +            pattern = ''.join([self._get_nargs_pattern(action)
  1.1990 +                               for action in actions_slice])
  1.1991 +            match = _re.match(pattern, arg_strings_pattern)
  1.1992 +            if match is not None:
  1.1993 +                result.extend([len(string) for string in match.groups()])
  1.1994 +                break
  1.1995 +
  1.1996 +        # return the list of arg string counts
  1.1997 +        return result
  1.1998 +
  1.1999 +    def _parse_optional(self, arg_string):
  1.2000 +        # if it's an empty string, it was meant to be a positional
  1.2001 +        if not arg_string:
  1.2002 +            return None
  1.2003 +
  1.2004 +        # if it doesn't start with a prefix, it was meant to be positional
  1.2005 +        if not arg_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
  1.2006 +            return None
  1.2007 +
  1.2008 +        # if the option string is present in the parser, return the action
  1.2009 +        if arg_string in self._option_string_actions:
  1.2010 +            action = self._option_string_actions[arg_string]
  1.2011 +            return action, arg_string, None
  1.2012 +
  1.2013 +        # if it's just a single character, it was meant to be positional
  1.2014 +        if len(arg_string) == 1:
  1.2015 +            return None
  1.2016 +
  1.2017 +        # if the option string before the "=" is present, return the action
  1.2018 +        if '=' in arg_string:
  1.2019 +            option_string, explicit_arg = arg_string.split('=', 1)
  1.2020 +            if option_string in self._option_string_actions:
  1.2021 +                action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
  1.2022 +                return action, option_string, explicit_arg
  1.2023 +
  1.2024 +        # search through all possible prefixes of the option string
  1.2025 +        # and all actions in the parser for possible interpretations
  1.2026 +        option_tuples = self._get_option_tuples(arg_string)
  1.2027 +
  1.2028 +        # if multiple actions match, the option string was ambiguous
  1.2029 +        if len(option_tuples) > 1:
  1.2030 +            options = ', '.join([option_string
  1.2031 +                for action, option_string, explicit_arg in option_tuples])
  1.2032 +            tup = arg_string, options
  1.2033 +            self.error(_('ambiguous option: %s could match %s') % tup)
  1.2034 +
  1.2035 +        # if exactly one action matched, this segmentation is good,
  1.2036 +        # so return the parsed action
  1.2037 +        elif len(option_tuples) == 1:
  1.2038 +            option_tuple, = option_tuples
  1.2039 +            return option_tuple
  1.2040 +
  1.2041 +        # if it was not found as an option, but it looks like a negative
  1.2042 +        # number, it was meant to be positional
  1.2043 +        # unless there are negative-number-like options
  1.2044 +        if self._negative_number_matcher.match(arg_string):
  1.2045 +            if not self._has_negative_number_optionals:
  1.2046 +                return None
  1.2047 +
  1.2048 +        # if it contains a space, it was meant to be a positional
  1.2049 +        if ' ' in arg_string:
  1.2050 +            return None
  1.2051 +
  1.2052 +        # it was meant to be an optional but there is no such option
  1.2053 +        # in this parser (though it might be a valid option in a subparser)
  1.2054 +        return None, arg_string, None
  1.2055 +
  1.2056 +    def _get_option_tuples(self, option_string):
  1.2057 +        result = []
  1.2058 +
  1.2059 +        # option strings starting with two prefix characters are only
  1.2060 +        # split at the '='
  1.2061 +        chars = self.prefix_chars
  1.2062 +        if option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] in chars:
  1.2063 +            if '=' in option_string:
  1.2064 +                option_prefix, explicit_arg = option_string.split('=', 1)
  1.2065 +            else:
  1.2066 +                option_prefix = option_string
  1.2067 +                explicit_arg = None
  1.2068 +            for option_string in self._option_string_actions:
  1.2069 +                if option_string.startswith(option_prefix):
  1.2070 +                    action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
  1.2071 +                    tup = action, option_string, explicit_arg
  1.2072 +                    result.append(tup)
  1.2073 +
  1.2074 +        # single character options can be concatenated with their arguments
  1.2075 +        # but multiple character options always have to have their argument
  1.2076 +        # separate
  1.2077 +        elif option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] not in chars:
  1.2078 +            option_prefix = option_string
  1.2079 +            explicit_arg = None
  1.2080 +            short_option_prefix = option_string[:2]
  1.2081 +            short_explicit_arg = option_string[2:]
  1.2082 +
  1.2083 +            for option_string in self._option_string_actions:
  1.2084 +                if option_string == short_option_prefix:
  1.2085 +                    action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
  1.2086 +                    tup = action, option_string, short_explicit_arg
  1.2087 +                    result.append(tup)
  1.2088 +                elif option_string.startswith(option_prefix):
  1.2089 +                    action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
  1.2090 +                    tup = action, option_string, explicit_arg
  1.2091 +                    result.append(tup)
  1.2092 +
  1.2093 +        # shouldn't ever get here
  1.2094 +        else:
  1.2095 +            self.error(_('unexpected option string: %s') % option_string)
  1.2096 +
  1.2097 +        # return the collected option tuples
  1.2098 +        return result
  1.2099 +
  1.2100 +    def _get_nargs_pattern(self, action):
  1.2101 +        # in all examples below, we have to allow for '--' args
  1.2102 +        # which are represented as '-' in the pattern
  1.2103 +        nargs = action.nargs
  1.2104 +
  1.2105 +        # the default (None) is assumed to be a single argument
  1.2106 +        if nargs is None:
  1.2107 +            nargs_pattern = '(-*A-*)'
  1.2108 +
  1.2109 +        # allow zero or one arguments
  1.2110 +        elif nargs == OPTIONAL:
  1.2111 +            nargs_pattern = '(-*A?-*)'
  1.2112 +
  1.2113 +        # allow zero or more arguments
  1.2114 +        elif nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE:
  1.2115 +            nargs_pattern = '(-*[A-]*)'
  1.2116 +
  1.2117 +        # allow one or more arguments
  1.2118 +        elif nargs == ONE_OR_MORE:
  1.2119 +            nargs_pattern = '(-*A[A-]*)'
  1.2120 +
  1.2121 +        # allow any number of options or arguments
  1.2122 +        elif nargs == REMAINDER:
  1.2123 +            nargs_pattern = '([-AO]*)'
  1.2124 +
  1.2125 +        # allow one argument followed by any number of options or arguments
  1.2126 +        elif nargs == PARSER:
  1.2127 +            nargs_pattern = '(-*A[-AO]*)'
  1.2128 +
  1.2129 +        # all others should be integers
  1.2130 +        else:
  1.2131 +            nargs_pattern = '(-*%s-*)' % '-*'.join('A' * nargs)
  1.2132 +
  1.2133 +        # if this is an optional action, -- is not allowed
  1.2134 +        if action.option_strings:
  1.2135 +            nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-*', '')
  1.2136 +            nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-', '')
  1.2137 +
  1.2138 +        # return the pattern
  1.2139 +        return nargs_pattern
  1.2140 +
  1.2141 +    # ========================
  1.2142 +    # Value conversion methods
  1.2143 +    # ========================
  1.2144 +    def _get_values(self, action, arg_strings):
  1.2145 +        # for everything but PARSER args, strip out '--'
  1.2146 +        if action.nargs not in [PARSER, REMAINDER]:
  1.2147 +            arg_strings = [s for s in arg_strings if s != '--']
  1.2148 +
  1.2149 +        # optional argument produces a default when not present
  1.2150 +        if not arg_strings and action.nargs == OPTIONAL:
  1.2151 +            if action.option_strings:
  1.2152 +                value = action.const
  1.2153 +            else:
  1.2154 +                value = action.default
  1.2155 +            if isinstance(value, str):
  1.2156 +                value = self._get_value(action, value)
  1.2157 +                self._check_value(action, value)
  1.2158 +
  1.2159 +        # when nargs='*' on a positional, if there were no command-line
  1.2160 +        # args, use the default if it is anything other than None
  1.2161 +        elif (not arg_strings and action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE and
  1.2162 +              not action.option_strings):
  1.2163 +            if action.default is not None:
  1.2164 +                value = action.default
  1.2165 +            else:
  1.2166 +                value = arg_strings
  1.2167 +            self._check_value(action, value)
  1.2168 +
  1.2169 +        # single argument or optional argument produces a single value
  1.2170 +        elif len(arg_strings) == 1 and action.nargs in [None, OPTIONAL]:
  1.2171 +            arg_string, = arg_strings
  1.2172 +            value = self._get_value(action, arg_string)
  1.2173 +            self._check_value(action, value)
  1.2174 +
  1.2175 +        # REMAINDER arguments convert all values, checking none
  1.2176 +        elif action.nargs == REMAINDER:
  1.2177 +            value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
  1.2178 +
  1.2179 +        # PARSER arguments convert all values, but check only the first
  1.2180 +        elif action.nargs == PARSER:
  1.2181 +            value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
  1.2182 +            self._check_value(action, value[0])
  1.2183 +
  1.2184 +        # all other types of nargs produce a list
  1.2185 +        else:
  1.2186 +            value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
  1.2187 +            for v in value:
  1.2188 +                self._check_value(action, v)
  1.2189 +
  1.2190 +        # return the converted value
  1.2191 +        return value
  1.2192 +
  1.2193 +    def _get_value(self, action, arg_string):
  1.2194 +        type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type)
  1.2195 +        if not _callable(type_func):
  1.2196 +            msg = _('%r is not callable')
  1.2197 +            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % type_func)
  1.2198 +
  1.2199 +        # convert the value to the appropriate type
  1.2200 +        try:
  1.2201 +            result = type_func(arg_string)
  1.2202 +
  1.2203 +        # ArgumentTypeErrors indicate errors
  1.2204 +        except ArgumentTypeError:
  1.2205 +            name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type))
  1.2206 +            msg = str(_sys.exc_info()[1])
  1.2207 +            raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
  1.2208 +
  1.2209 +        # TypeErrors or ValueErrors also indicate errors
  1.2210 +        except (TypeError, ValueError):
  1.2211 +            name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type))
  1.2212 +            msg = _('invalid %s value: %r')
  1.2213 +            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % (name, arg_string))
  1.2214 +
  1.2215 +        # return the converted value
  1.2216 +        return result
  1.2217 +
  1.2218 +    def _check_value(self, action, value):
  1.2219 +        # converted value must be one of the choices (if specified)
  1.2220 +        if action.choices is not None and value not in action.choices:
  1.2221 +            tup = value, ', '.join(map(repr, action.choices))
  1.2222 +            msg = _('invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)') % tup
  1.2223 +            raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
  1.2224 +
  1.2225 +    # =======================
  1.2226 +    # Help-formatting methods
  1.2227 +    # =======================
  1.2228 +    def format_usage(self):
  1.2229 +        formatter = self._get_formatter()
  1.2230 +        formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions,
  1.2231 +                            self._mutually_exclusive_groups)
  1.2232 +        return formatter.format_help()
  1.2233 +
  1.2234 +    def format_help(self):
  1.2235 +        formatter = self._get_formatter()
  1.2236 +
  1.2237 +        # usage
  1.2238 +        formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions,
  1.2239 +                            self._mutually_exclusive_groups)
  1.2240 +
  1.2241 +        # description
  1.2242 +        formatter.add_text(self.description)
  1.2243 +
  1.2244 +        # positionals, optionals and user-defined groups
  1.2245 +        for action_group in self._action_groups:
  1.2246 +            formatter.start_section(action_group.title)
  1.2247 +            formatter.add_text(action_group.description)
  1.2248 +            formatter.add_arguments(action_group._group_actions)
  1.2249 +            formatter.end_section()
  1.2250 +
  1.2251 +        # epilog
  1.2252 +        formatter.add_text(self.epilog)
  1.2253 +
  1.2254 +        # determine help from format above
  1.2255 +        return formatter.format_help()
  1.2256 +
  1.2257 +    def format_version(self):
  1.2258 +        import warnings
  1.2259 +        warnings.warn(
  1.2260 +            'The format_version method is deprecated -- the "version" '
  1.2261 +            'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.',
  1.2262 +            DeprecationWarning)
  1.2263 +        formatter = self._get_formatter()
  1.2264 +        formatter.add_text(self.version)
  1.2265 +        return formatter.format_help()
  1.2266 +
  1.2267 +    def _get_formatter(self):
  1.2268 +        return self.formatter_class(prog=self.prog)
  1.2269 +
  1.2270 +    # =====================
  1.2271 +    # Help-printing methods
  1.2272 +    # =====================
  1.2273 +    def print_usage(self, file=None):
  1.2274 +        if file is None:
  1.2275 +            file = _sys.stdout
  1.2276 +        self._print_message(self.format_usage(), file)
  1.2277 +
  1.2278 +    def print_help(self, file=None):
  1.2279 +        if file is None:
  1.2280 +            file = _sys.stdout
  1.2281 +        self._print_message(self.format_help(), file)
  1.2282 +
  1.2283 +    def print_version(self, file=None):
  1.2284 +        import warnings
  1.2285 +        warnings.warn(
  1.2286 +            'The print_version method is deprecated -- the "version" '
  1.2287 +            'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.',
  1.2288 +            DeprecationWarning)
  1.2289 +        self._print_message(self.format_version(), file)
  1.2290 +
  1.2291 +    def _print_message(self, message, file=None):
  1.2292 +        if message:
  1.2293 +            if file is None:
  1.2294 +                file = _sys.stderr
  1.2295 +            file.write(message)
  1.2296 +
  1.2297 +    # ===============
  1.2298 +    # Exiting methods
  1.2299 +    # ===============
  1.2300 +    def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
  1.2301 +        if message:
  1.2302 +            self._print_message(message, _sys.stderr)
  1.2303 +        _sys.exit(status)
  1.2304 +
  1.2305 +    def error(self, message):
  1.2306 +        """error(message: string)
  1.2307 +
  1.2308 +        Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and
  1.2309 +        exits.
  1.2310 +
  1.2311 +        If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it
  1.2312 +        should either exit or raise an exception.
  1.2313 +        """
  1.2314 +        self.print_usage(_sys.stderr)
  1.2315 +        self.exit(2, _('%s: error: %s\n') % (self.prog, message))